So, I just started playing and im decently Into role playing. So im looking for a supergroup to join. My main is plutonianman@williamgreen. Or you can respond here. Please and thanks! Hope to hear from you
I run an SG of vigilantes who frown on being called heroes. They are like the Watchmen, do gooders but pursued for their extreme ways. Death instead of prison. We have diverse concepts and are looking for RPers interested in our story line. We go through story arcs and a new one is soon to begin with an important member dying and someone new coming in his place. (Senior member retconning/renaming/recostuming). And we include all elements of the game in RPs, PvE, PvP and RP maps.
Most of our members are from the GMT timezone with a decent fraction from PST/EST and couple in GMT+2/3.
We are not strict about activity time and right now we have a set group of very active players and are looking to get more.
If interested check the SG thread, link in my signature. (SG website still needs a kick start but it exists =P)
Sorry stringz, but the vigilante thing isn't my scene, really awesome though, because I LOVE the watchmen. I am going to send in an app for Ultimate Guardians. If this thread is still going, i am still looking for SGs!
Hello there, I am the leader of a Medium-Heavy Roleplaying Super Group called the Defenders of Order, we are currently recruiting; however, the only thing that might be an issue with you is the lonliness of the group. We are relatively new, so if you don't mind waiting or helping out with recruitment, then go ahead and look us over.
I run an SG of vigilantes who frown on being called heroes. They are like the Watchmen, do gooders but pursued for their extreme ways. Death instead of prison. We have diverse concepts and are looking for RPers interested in our story line. We go through story arcs and a new one is soon to begin with an important member dying and someone new coming in his place. (Senior member retconning/renaming/recostuming). And we include all elements of the game in RPs, PvE, PvP and RP maps.
Most of our members are from the GMT timezone with a decent fraction from PST/EST and couple in GMT+2/3.
We are not strict about activity time and right now we have a set group of very active players and are looking to get more.
If interested check the SG thread, link in my signature. (SG website still needs a kick start but it exists =P)
Orion Prime
Ultimate Guardians are fine allies of our though, so you can't go wrong with them.
You can also send me an In-Game message if you have any question about the group at @Plasmoid.
Hope to hear back from you soon.
Anytime, TUG are great guys, friends and allies of ours!