So I'm away from the game for a couple of months and some idiot got rid of the "Target Self" command. Its no longer in the keybinds at all. And clear target doesn't work either. Basically this makes all self healing powers useless. The only way to use it is to break off attacking and click your picture. Which is incredibly dumb, time wasting and breaks the flow of the fight.
Someone please tell me its just hidden in a stupid place.
I figured it out. Its there just not listed. Had to return everything to defaults. Now I have to set everything back up. Thought I was loosing my mind.
Nope, that use to be it. Now target self isn't even list in the keybinds.
you may have messed up your settings perhaps ?
/bind <key> "target_self"
<key> being whatever key you want, since manufacturers still haven't put an any key on the keyboards yet.