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Calling All Demons, Aliens and Robots/Cyborgs

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
About a month back I formed a few themed Super Groups, War Machines, Alien OverLords, and help start up another DemoniK. Each one is individually themed and only for specific character styles. Each however has a largely Villainous demeanor to it, because who really wants to be good anyway? I'd like to take a moment to tell you about each to see if your hero might fit into the vibe for each.

1st up the largest of the 3 ,currently, is WAR MACHINES.
"KILLBOTS ACTIVATE IT'S TIME FOR WAR!!!" WM is my all Robot/Cyborg themed SG, Killing all humans is our primary command prompt. At present we sit at just under 50 characters and is headed by the Rouge A.I. Construct "Industrial Complex"

2nd is Alien Overlords.
"Is your hero out of this world? I mean literally from another planet? Then join up with your Alien Overlords and lets start the Invasion today!" AO is a coalition of hostel alien races with planetary conquest at it's heart. Sadly however despite nearly constant recruiting efforts by myself it still sits at under 10 members, headed up by the Overlord Naaack.

3rd is DemoniK.
"Creatures of the night come forth and join in our black tide!" DemoniK seeks out all forms of demonkin to aid in the corruption of MC, as one of the founding members I have taken it opon myself to largly be its leader as well, despite my limited role as 2nd in command on my toon Tassik, due in large part to SG hopping Demonik still only sits around 15 members (It would be something like 30 if ppl didnt leave Sg's left and right =/)

At any rate those are the SG's I'm affiliated with and recruiting for on a nearly daily basis If your interested in joining any of them leave a post to follow or send me an in game mail msg and Ill get you set up (it should be a bit easier once Cryptic gets my name sorted out)

On a side note be sure to look out for WAR MACHINES' up coming all tech CC sometime before the end of the month, and have fun out there! thanks for your time =P
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