Ah. Welcome.
I have tried applying for supergroups the traditional way. But with every one they do seem to die out. Eventually it's just me on my own online feeling guilty if and when to click on 'leave'.
All I'm asking for is a little maturity, a welcoming atmosphere, active PVE with adventure packs and so forth and an interesting storyline if there is any RP. Basically, all of my characters are magical in one way or another and certain SG's require certain themes.
I'm a girl, and I'm looking for an 'all girl' supergroup or a mature supergroup really.

I don't mind using voice chat for adventure packs and things. Please let me know.
Hi, nice to meet you!
Our themes are easy to meet, and pretty flexible, and we are the most laid back, casual Role-players you're likely to find, but we definitely DO role-play.
I have a bit of a love of magic themes myself, most of my alts seem to have magic in their backgrounds, although not necessarily spell slinging or magical knowledge, so I know where you're coming from.
Links are in my sig, take a look and shoot me a hello in-game, or a PM!
Well, isn't that a coincidence? One of my long time guildies chatted with you in Zone chat last night, and recommended you to give our group a try. If you recall chatting with DocCosmic, he's one of us, and indeed at launch or just after, was one of our earliest Officers practically. Currently just a guild member due to RL time commitments.
Now I am truly hopeful you give us a shot, I trust DocCosmics judgement pretty highly!
I have visited the website and I like how you have SG's for alts and a SG for younger Heroes. The Hero I wish to invite is called Lady Morden. To any outsider she may seem darker than most Heroes, but really her mind thinks "outside the box." she would be a valuable asset as deep down she is a well-meaning sorcerer and healer. A witchdoctor would describe her perfectly.
Ooc: If she fits anywhere? Of course I remember him. He was very nice and informative. He gave me the link to the website. Do time zones matter? I have to ask, as I'm from England.
Our group has it's greatest activity with U.S. Time zones, but a great many of our players are online at all kinds of hours.