Hello, I'm really a noob when it comes to binding, so please bare with me.
I have my config on default and I binded "[" key for emotes and "]" for walk.
Anyways can you help me by putting on the codes I should type to make:
1) Toggle Munition bots to Turret Mode and Vice Versa using 1 button.
2) Target Oubliette in Resistance
3) Toggle - Shield
Also please tell me where I can edit my binds afterwards.
And how I can do the basics/necessities (without directing me to this link:
http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=81117&page=36 )
I just don't want my controls to be messed up too much. I'm scared :P
2] ???????
3]/bind SHIFT "PowerTrayExec 1 16" toggles the block ON and /bind CTRL+SHIFT "PowersCancelAllActivations"
turns it off.
[using for both examples the key 0 (zero)]
For a target bind that lasts until you restart the game:
/bind_local 0 target oubliette
Lasts until overwrite:
/bind 0 target oubliette
Theese binds allow you to target everything with the name Oubliette in your target range also neutral NPCs.
(Messed binds can all be restored to default settings at Options -- Key Binds -- Reset to Defaults; Note that you'll lose all your binds using this option.)
Rockin :cool: Thanks for that.