The only real issues I have with it are in pvp when there are a lot of pets. I've just recently stared playing around with options to help target what's in front of me.
I play with a controller and the bumper does it for me, but it definitely seems to be a sincere line-of-sight situation. In addition I have storage bags that sometimes pop open when I load in or out of a map and I can't target until I notice there's a stupid inventory window open and close it :eek:
I'm using action controls right now and when I hold Left Bumper and flick the right stick in the general direction of the target I want it switches to it. So far it's been working out well but that's just me.
(where right shoulder = RB
left shoulder = LB
left trigger = LT
right trigger = RT)
RB = next target, like pressing tab
LT + RB = go back to last target
LB + right stick up/down/left/right = moves through targets in the direction of the right stick
RT + RB = toggle between hostile/friendly targets
one suggestion though on your controller switch the left/right camera motion and left/right strafe sticks, so the left joystick controls camera rotation, that way you can simply swing around to target enemies by line of sight. beats the heck out of tab targeting.
I just use one of the triggers. Then my left and right directional pad are used to target next and prev enemies.
Ones I tend to use most are:
(where right shoulder = RB
left shoulder = LB
left trigger = LT
right trigger = RT)
RB = next target, like pressing tab
LT + RB = go back to last target
LB + right stick up/down/left/right = moves through targets in the direction of the right stick
RT + RB = toggle between hostile/friendly targets
one suggestion though on your controller switch the left/right camera motion and left/right strafe sticks, so the left joystick controls camera rotation, that way you can simply swing around to target enemies by line of sight. beats the heck out of tab targeting.