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Role Play Supergroup, with Costumed Heroes

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
Does such a beast exist? I'm talking about a SG with actual heroes in it. And heroes who are unique to the SG. None of this Anime, demoniod, mecha-mania stuff going on. I'm thinking a SG in the same theme as the JLA or the Avengers. Super Heroes that you'd actually see in a comic book. By unique to the SG I mean only one of a certain type. (Well not quite that restrictive, but you get my point) For example, in the Avengers, there is only one dude wearing a suit of bad **** armor and that's Iron Man. (Well maybe War Machine but he doesn't count :P) I mean it's one thing to have say, 6 or 7 people who can fly, but it's another when your whole SG has Dark Magic Powers. I'm looking for some flavor here.

If such a thing does not exist, I'd love to make one. I'm just so sick of all these dang Saiyan and Ichigo pretenders trying to overshadow or out shine the good ol' American costumed hero types.

Let me know in game, via tell or mail, or in this thread if you'd be interested or if such a SG already exists.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    golavar wrote:
    Does such a beast exist? I'm talking about a SG with actual heroes in it. And heroes who are unique to the SG. None of this Anime, demoniod, mecha-mania stuff going on. I'm thinking a SG in the same theme as the JLA or the Avengers. Super Heroes that you'd actually see in a comic book. By unique to the SG I mean only one of a certain type. (Well not quite that restrictive, but you get my point) For example, in the Avengers, there is only one dude wearing a suit of bad **** armor and that's Iron Man. (Well maybe War Machine but he doesn't count :P) I mean it's one thing to have say, 6 or 7 people who can fly, but it's another when your whole SG has Dark Magic Powers. I'm looking for some flavor here.

    If such a thing does not exist, I'd love to make one. I'm just so sick of all these dang Saiyan and Ichigo pretenders trying to overshadow or out shine the good ol' American costumed hero types.

    Let me know in game, via tell or mail, or in this thread if you'd be interested or if such a SG already exists.

    I've read what your post. If you are interested in looking for a roleplay supergroup to join, the Sentinel Squadron is currently recruiting for new members to join our family. The group holds the same theme and style as the Avengers and the Justice League of America: a collective team of superheroes (powered and nonpowered) who've banded together to protect humanity and fight against the forces of evil.

    If you're interested, feel free to visit our website and feel out an application for your character. You'll definitely hear from us in no time.

    Hope to have you with us :)

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