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Dark Realm

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
Upon entering your home the door slams behind you and all you can see is darkness. Suddenly you hear a disturbing cackle coming from behind you, quickly you turn around to be greeted by an old man at a wooden table. You cannot see much of the gentleman as he is only lit in view by a small candle, but as you look towards his eyes they seem to tell you all you need to know.
He speaks with an ancient voice that seems almost sickly " now that I have your undivided attention we can finally get to business, I have been calling you for quite some time but you never came when I beckoned so I had to take matters into my own hands*he stabs a knife into the table* I'm a busy being you know."The old man hands you a piece of parchment " get on with it do the deed, sign the paper so that I may rest and you may take your true place here in the Darkness".

Out Of Character or OOC:

Dark Realms is An adult Super Group that focuses mainly on Roleplaying and Player V.S. Player content or RP and PvP. We are looking for member who share those same passions and wish to ether expand on them or help others to do so.

Concept: The members write the SG's story together, meaning not every character in the SG has to know each other or work for the same company even. We do however lean towards more of your dark heroes and villains but do not exclude other types. A good mix of characters make for better stories!!

Vent or Teamspeak: Not Yet but Coming Soon!!

SG Website: currently a work in progress but once finished it will be a place for us to share ideas,stories and PvP builds etc...

1. Must be 18 years of age or older, exceptions can be made on a case by case basis.

2. Must be respectful of your fellow members.

1. We que solo or with a team depending on circumstance.
• ie if premades are qing we are more than happy to form one of our own.
• We do encourage team PvP but their is times when it can go overboard that we must self police.

2. We participate in all tiers and all types of PvP.


1. We do not judge others so all types of RP are excepted but we do ask that you respect others RP play styles.

2. RP is on occasion done in SG chat but we prefer to keep it in the SG RP channel or local/team chat.

For invite please contact @DarkonX

Hope to hear from you soon!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Today at 5pm Server time 8pm EST Dark Realm will be hosting a Skeletal CC inside Champs HQ. Costumes must incorporate skeletal elements, skulls, bone pieces, patterns, and so on. Prizes to be revealed at event, hope to see you all there !!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The winners of the Skeletal CC :

    1st: Bone-Yard
    2nd: Trophy Hunter
    3rd: FishBones

    and the bonus category goes to Thurisaz

    Hope to see you all again next time!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The next Dark Realm CC will be military themed !!!! stay tune for time and dates, hope to see you there!!!
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