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Strongest and weakest powerset!

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited August 2012 in Power Discussion
[New Upgrade]

You write what you think Powerset is strongest and weakest.
If many join we have a cool statistic at the end that maybe help the developer.

Fire +2
Electricity +1
Force +3
Gadgeteering -0,5
Archery -4
Dual Blades +15
Single Blade
Claws -1
Unarmed -1
Telepathy -6,5
Telekinesis -1
Might +3
Heavy Weapons
Celestial -8
Magic +1

[Daily Upgrade]

So is start ...

Strongest: Force
Weakest: Achery

Player 1: Strongest is Might

Might +1

Player 2: Strongest is Might

Might +2

Player 3: Weakest is might

Might +1
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: Celestial
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    strongest: Any played well
    Weakest: Stupidity

    *nod nod*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Vincyre wrote:
    strongest: Any played well
    Weakest: Stupidity

    *nod nod*

    O RLY!? ...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Scarlyng wrote:
    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: Celestial

    I concur with Scarlyng, fwiw.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: toss up between Gadgeteering and Archery
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Dual Blades are kinda ridiculous.

    Archery could use a boost. Which is sad because I like Archery...but I have to say that Telepathy is the weakest set to me. Support-oriented or not, when a character has to go out-set to get a build it can readily solo with, a set has problems.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Dual Blades are kinda ridiculous.

    Archery could use a boost. Which is sad because I like Archery...but I have to say that Telepathy is the weakest set to me. Support-oriented or not, when a character has to go out-set to get a build it can readily solo with, a set has problems.
    If you can't solo with a straight-up telepathy toon, you're doing it wrong ;)
    Between Ego Sprites (with Slave Mentality), Summon Nightmare, Mindful Reinforcement, Emphatic Healing, and Ego Storm, I find the framework eminently solo-able.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Scarlyng wrote:
    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: Celestial

    I concur. Dual Blades rock's ridiculously well out of the box while Celestial not only doesn't, it also has abilities that can be done just as well or better if you dip into another set instead.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    stjobe wrote:
    If you can't solo with a straight-up telepathy toon, you're doing it wrong ;)
    Between Ego Sprites (with Slave Mentality), Summon Nightmare, Mindful Reinforcement, Emphatic Healing, and Ego Storm, I find the framework eminently solo-able.

    Except for the "has no passive" thing.

    And I concur with...

    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: Celestial
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well it depends how you define weakest, celestial is great in a team setting but not so hot solo. As for functionality it still has great powers even if the desc's aren't true.

    So I would go with:

    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: Unarmed

    unarmed is just really bad in my opinion not because it can only be built one way for one purpose, near every other powerset in the game can multitask except this one.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    strongest: Dual Blades
    weakest: Telepathy
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I wouldn't say DB is the best, it just has one ridiculously good pvp power, one good pve power, and one good defensive one. The rest of the set is lack luster, has bugs, and doesn't really have any synergy.

    For the best set overall, I'd definitely say Fire. It has amazing synergy with itself, can do incredible damage and still has access to mezzes. The only thing the set doesn't have is support powers but the set works great with any of the other sets with them.

    For the weakest, Telepathy. Let's face it, it's mostly a control and support set but controls in this game have massive issue to the point they are practically pointless, especially in teams, and all but one of the support powers are just different ways to heal. Granted Mindful is decent buff/heal.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Without a criteria, it's hard to judge, but I'll give it a shot.

    I have to agree with Ryko. Fire is very powerful. It's almost boring incinerating everything you come across.

    Telekinesis. I don't know what it is about this powerset, but it's incredibly lacking in just about every area. Even worse, the power the set derives its name from is hands-down one of the worst powers in the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    On second thought...I'm going to amend my vote to Telepathy.

    In addition to still not having a passive, if you removed Ego Storm, Mindful Reinforcement and Empathic Healing, I doubt anyone would take any Telepathy powers at all.

    At least with Celestial, you can make a fairly competent character using only in-set choices.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    strongest: Dual Blades
    weakest: Telepathy

    reletivly, pretty much all the powersets are fairly strong
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well it depends how you define weakest, celestial is great in a team setting but not so hot solo. As for functionality it still has great powers even if the desc's aren't true.

    So I would go with:

    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: Unarmed

    unarmed is just really bad in my opinion not because it can only be built one way for one purpose, near every other powerset in the game can multitask except this one.

    Im not sure I can agree about unarmed. The ability to generate a dodge score in the 80%+ range, double stacked BCR, AoE stun, AoE knock, Single target spike damage, and a DoT, combined with the abbility to run either an offensive OR defensive passive make the set very effective. It only suffers as a MA set if compared to Dual Blades.

    My choices:

    Strongest: Might (easy enrage stacking while running arguably the best defensive passive in the game + fall damage being unmitigateable = truly amazing)

    Weakest: Celestial (I chose celestial over telepathy because Ego Sprites + Empathic Healing alone make leveling easy).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Based on my gut feeling from all the builds I've seen, I'm going to go with:

    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: Archery

    Dual Blades has fantastic synergies and unparalleled damage and can be fitted into many, many character concepts, working with just about any powerset, but stands well on its own in any event.

    Archery, is not a BAD set, but certainly has its own problems and seems to have few synergies within itself, doesn't fit too many character concepts, and its powers are often weaker than comparable powers, such as Munitions. See Focused Shot vs. Sniper Rifle for example.

    The same can be said for Single Blade vs. Dual Blade, to a degree. In which it is basically just eclipsed in all aspects from a powerset within the same archetype. Not that Single Blade is bad, it's just easier and at least as efficient to just go Form of Tempest and Dragon's Wrath compared to the time to build bleeds. Which would be alright, if there was more to distinguish powersets' various flavors, while simultaneously ensuring that they are functionally similar. In SB's case, bleeds could be more damaging, and/or have stacking debuffs as the bleeds stack up.

    I'm not willing to write off Celestial as it has several powers with near unique properties, and with the versatility of using the same power to heal or harm, that in and of itself is near unique. Sure, it sacrifices efficiency, but it's still the 'go-to' set for healing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I find it odd that Celestial is getting so many votes. It's not the greatest set for healing or damage, but with Seraphim, Conduit, Vengeance, Illumination and Conviction, it's just about the only powerset to be reasonably good at both without going out of set. It's not the greatest set, but it's functional at all levels. Can the same be said of sets like, say, Telepathy where the only damage powers are a T0, a weak dot and an aoe on a long recharge?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Telekinesis. I don't know what it is about this powerset, but it's incredibly lacking in just about every area. Even worse, the power the set derives its name from is hands-down one of the worst powers in the game.
    No argument with the power Telekinesis, but the powerset itself isn't that bad - SS Ego and Dex for a crit-build and it´s just short of Dual Blades in effectiveness.

    Both Telepathy and Telekinesis gets much much better if you treat them as one powerset though.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    This is kind of a silly poll....very few people build purely to one powerset, and those that do are basiclly gimping themselves if the powerset in question has no passive. Even archetypes don't fall into the trap of using one powerset to the exclusion of all else...Well except in those cases where the powersets are completely self contained.

    That said, if we want to go vapid, I'd say probably Force as the best set, and claws as the worst. Its completel lack of a competent AoE is pretty freakin sad by this point. And at least Celestial has a litany of awesome heals...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    This is kind of a silly poll....very few people build purely to one powerset, and those that do are basiclly gimping themselves if the powerset in question has no passive. Even archetypes don't fall into the trap of using one powerset to the exclusion of all else...Well except in those cases where the powersets are completely self contained.

    That said, if we want to go vapid, I'd say probably Force as the best set, and claws as the worst. Its completel lack of a competent AoE is pretty freakin sad by this point. And at least Celestial has a litany of awesome heals...

    Because of this "silly poll" we know that dual blades needs a nerf.:rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    NotFamous wrote:
    Because of this "silly poll" we know that dual blades needs a nerf.:rolleyes:

    No we don't. Something will always be 'the best" no matter how hard they try to balance it. best =/= nerf unless we just want all the powers continually cut into oblivion so we can be playing regular joe online.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    No we don't. Something will always be 'the best" no matter how hard they try to balance it. best =/= nerf unless we just want all the powers continually cut into oblivion so we can be playing regular joe online.

    Yeah, it means the others need a buff!

    This is a tough survey to answer as I've never had a toon that stuck to a single framework, so my experience is limited in that regard. Also, "strongest" has different meaning in PvP versus PvE. For PvE, I'd go with Fire or Dual Blades as numero uno (Conflag versus Sword Cyclone). And if you have to stick to a framework, I'd say Arcane Sorcery is the weakest.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    nerf rainbow flight.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    TK is super strong if you use it right and focus on TK Dual Blades.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    NotFamous wrote:
    Because of this "silly poll" we know that Dragon's Wrath needs a nerf.:rolleyes:

    Fixed that for you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I noticed multiple people give Force high marks. Why is that, if their Defensive passive is so poor?

    What am I missing about Force that makes them so attractive? Thanks!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I noticed multiple people give Force high marks. Why is that, if their Defensive passive is so poor?

    What am I missing about Force that makes them so attractive? Thanks!
    Force casacde, inertial dampening field and protection field are awesome in pvp and pve. Not only tht but the offensive passive is great for archery and munitions if you don't want to use quarry for some reason.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I noticed multiple people give Force high marks. Why is that, if their Defensive passive is so poor?

    What am I missing about Force that makes them so attractive? Thanks!
    Back at release, I had a Force toon with PFF. It wasn't very good, PFF was even worse back then than it is now (among other things, there was no way to see how much of it was left, no indication at all - now there's the blue overlay on the health bar that makes things much easier).

    Recently I made a new Force toon and took the offensive passive (Kinetic Manipulation) instead (and IDF) and it rocks. High damage, high survivability. Crushing Wave didn't exist when I made my first Force toon either, and that power rocks the henchmen's socks.

    So that might be (part of) an answer - the poor defensive passive is compensated by a good offensive passive.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    OniGanon wrote:
    I find it odd that Celestial is getting so many votes. It's not the greatest set for healing or damage, but with Seraphim, Conduit, Vengeance, Illumination and Conviction, it's just about the only powerset to be reasonably good at both without going out of set. It's not the greatest set, but it's functional at all levels. Can the same be said of sets like, say, Telepathy where the only damage powers are a T0, a weak dot and an aoe on a long recharge?

    Re Telepathy: at the low end, as Ashen says, you can Ego Sprites/Empathic Healing until you get past level 10 (which takes how long?). Might be slower than Celestial at the early levels, but sticking in set (except for passive) gets you to Storm faster; once you get it, you can sleep/sprites/storm/done. With SS INT start all over again 10-12 seconds later. Celestial doesn't boast that kind of effectiveness. Later, throw in bubble, Will and Nightmare spam for even more goodness.

    There is no attack power in Celestial that I would take, ever. Celestial heals that I consider worthwhile are Palliate, Iniquity and Conviction. Conduit pays too dearly in energy cost due to its dual purpose nature for a ST heal that heals that one target only as well as Arcane Vitality heals one target -- yes it can chain but that costs another power pick and some micro-management.

    Oh, and the Tier 3's. In Telepathy you get Ego Storm, Collective Will and Mindful. In Celestial you get Cleansing and Ascension?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Force and Power Armor are the only two sets that have no tier 1 AOE. Coincidentally, they are my least favorite power sets -- but at least PA has a good defensive passive. I haven't had the patience to get a Force toon up to where they can even choose Crushing Wave.

    Maybe someday I'll start something else and retcon into Force at level 14, though I'd still use a passive from out of its set.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Strongest: Dual Blades
    Weakest: Telepathy
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Scarlyng wrote:
    Re Telepathy: at the low end, as Ashen says, you can Ego Sprites/Empathic Healing until you get past level 10 (which takes how long?). Might be slower than Celestial at the early levels, but sticking in set (except for passive) gets you to Storm faster; once you get it, you can sleep/sprites/storm/done. With SS INT start all over again 10-12 seconds later. Celestial doesn't boast that kind of effectiveness. Later, throw in bubble, Will and Nightmare spam for even more goodness.

    There is no attack power in Celestial that I would take, ever. Celestial heals that I consider worthwhile are Palliate, Iniquity and Conviction. Conduit pays too dearly in energy cost due to its dual purpose nature for a ST heal that heals that one target only as well as Arcane Vitality heals one target -- yes it can chain but that costs another power pick and some micro-management.

    Oh, and the Tier 3's. In Telepathy you get Ego Storm, Collective Will and Mindful. In Celestial you get Cleansing and Ascension?

    Problem with your assessment is you don't factor in soloing bosses. Sure you can zoom through low end henchies.. but even that requres self heal time.

    In Celestial if you take Conduit + Illumination you're both doing DIRECT damage to everyone on the screen , but also direct heals to everyone in range too
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Jaybezz wrote:
    Problem with your assessment is you don't factor in soloing bosses. Sure you can zoom through low end henchies.. but even that requres self heal time.

    In Celestial if you take Conduit + Illumination you're both doing DIRECT damage to everyone on the screen , but also direct heals to everyone in range too

    Last I checked Conduit 1) has a limit to how many targets it will chain to, 2) has a very short range for the chaining and 3) only chains to "like" targets at any given time so we can't heal and do damage in one cast.

    Did any of this change and I need to look at this power again?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Foosnark wrote:
    Force and Power Armor are the only two sets that have no tier 1 AOE.

    Force Eruption and Eye Beam
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Last I checked Conduit 1) has a limit to how many targets it will chain to, 2) has a very short range for the chaining and 3) only chains to "like" targets at any given time so we can't heal and do damage in one cast.

    Did any of this change and I need to look at this power again?
    It chains for me at LEAST up to i think 5 people. And i'd say its about 25 ft chaining ability. Just outside Melee. I've never had a problem chaining chole mobs
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Last I checked Conduit 1) has a limit to how many targets it will chain to, 2) has a very short range for the chaining and 3) only chains to "like" targets at any given time so we can't heal and do damage in one cast.

    Did any of this change and I need to look at this power again?

    I was also curious, since my experience was like yours. So, I ran several tests in the Powerhouse battle station.

    1) The limit for chaining is 3. That's in the in-game power description.

    2) Range is somewhere around 10'-15' Edit: removed comment about secondary effect, further testing proved me wrong on that score.

    3) With Illumination on myself and pets and all bad guys, even with all of us clumped in a melee ball, Conduit did not chain across types of targets. What I did observe was Mend going off on myself and the pets, but Mend is a function of Illumination, not Conduit.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Best: Might
    -Single best passive in the game (Defiant is so good, they couldn't make it scale with SS),very good offensive passive, and nearly every single power in might has a crazy effect tied to it. REALLY hard to make a bad might toon.

    Worst: Archery
    -Besides quarry and evasive maneuvers, it has nothing of merit. It doesn't even have that many powers, so of course its going to be weak.

    *I dont see why people think celestial is not good. It has some of the best powers in the game. Ascension (the best active offense available), imbue (solid on-next-hit and heal buff), conviction (solid self heal) and seraphim (amazing passive). Sure it cant solo TT like might can, but it is most certainly a go-getter power set!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Having a few good powers != good power set.

    I could make a character out of primarily archery powers and have lots of fun. I cannot say the same of Celestial -- it's too cumbersome, and the actual synergies don't function properly or are too weak to be of note.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'd have to say

    Strongest: Fire
    Weakest: Celestial
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    +1 for electricity and -1 for celestial
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Ryko_Nailo wrote:
    I wouldn't say DB is the best, it just has one ridiculously good pvp power, one good pve power, and one good defensive one. The rest of the set is lack luster, has bugs, and doesn't really have any synergy.

    For the best set overall, I'd definitely say Fire. It has amazing synergy with itself, can do incredible damage and still has access to mezzes. The only thing the set doesn't have is support powers but the set works great with any of the other sets with them.

    For the weakest, Telepathy. Let's face it, it's mostly a control and support set but controls in this game have massive issue to the point they are practically pointless, especially in teams, and all but one of the support powers are just different ways to heal. Granted Mindful is decent buff/heal.

    And you just labeled the bulk of powers which are exclusive to dual blade. Most of the other ones are shared among all of the MA trees, and thus don't actually count as dual blade specifically.

    And I vote Dual Blade as the strongest.

    DW, you don't need anything else for single targets, at all. The tap damage is insane. The charge damage is insane. It pierces through most if not all defense (even dodge as you can tap it effectively). And I hear time and time again that when you have DW, the only other thing you 'need' is DC for the insane crit damage. And I'm talking PvE, I won't even get into PvP.

    But, crit damage is by chance unless you use imbue. DW is always good. There is no exception.

    Sword Cyclone is awesome. Enemies are usually near each other, and it'll eat villains and minions before they even lay a hand on you. Master Villains stand a chance. . barely.

    And the defensive power is good, if you're built for it.

    Dual blade is a set which functions very well as a set, but also works stupidly well if you take one power from it. It almost doesn't even matter which power it is, that one power is going to turn your experience around. I think this makes it the strongest set.

    The weakest in my opinion would have to be TK right now, but mostly because the things it was meant to do, other sets (dual blade?) does better. TK has a few powers that are questionably useful such as the one that operates as an ego based lift mechanic as well as the PBAoE which is -crushing-, has a poor stun component, and as a result doesn't seem to actually fit into the set as it doesn't any any synergy I can think of. TK also chugs energy, a lot of energy, while DW can be tapped almost effortlessly for similar damage. I think TK is one of the least efficient sets out there right now.

    And Ego Storm is, as far as I know, not a TK power, so it doesn't really count.

    That's my opinion.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Besides quarry and evasive maneuvers, it has nothing of merit.

    When was the last time opening with Inexorable Tides killed a group of henchmen for you? Because Torrent of Arrows does that on a regular basis for my dual blades/archery character. :) And I also find the ranged energy builder is also useful for picking off stragglers.

    It doesn't even have that many powers, so of course its going to be weak.

    Taking that logic to its conclusion:

    Archery has 13 unique powers. Fire, Electricity, and Power Armor have 13 unique powers, so those must all be weak too.

    Dual Blades has 6 unique powers, so it must be less than half as good Archery.

    Might has 16 unique powers, but Gadgeteering has 19 unique powers, so Gadgeteering must be better.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Foosnark wrote:
    When was the last time opening with Inexorable Tides killed a group of henchmen for you? Because Torrent of Arrows does that on a regular basis for my dual blades/archery character.

    A few taps of Inexorable Tides would chew through henchmen pretty quick. Sword Cyclone would do it quicker.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Strongest: Dual Blades, for reasons others have mentioned.

    Weakest: Celestial. I'd only take about 3-5 powers from the tree, the rest are just meh. I also have that problem with TK, but at least the glowy swords look pretty and do some good damage.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I won't say dual Blades. Because I think as a "SET" dual blades isn't that powerful. It's DW thats over powered. Most the dual Blades build have maybe 1-3 powers from dual blades, the rest are from other sets. You just think of Dual Blades because its always DW that kills you.

    As best overall set: I vote "Might". Defiance, Enrage, Room Sweeper, Agressor, Uppercut, Haymaker, Heroic Leap (best lunge in game). Defiance/Rage tanks are pretty good and use mostly from their own set.

    Worst set: "Telepathy"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    NanoCat wrote:
    I won't say dual Blades. Because I think as a "SET" dual blades isn't that powerful. It's DW thats over powered. Most the dual Blades build have maybe 1-3 powers from dual blades, the rest are from other sets. You just think of Dual Blades because its always DW that kills you

    You're kidding right?

    Dual Blades contains:

    1) best ST melee attack in the game (DW)
    2) best AOE melee attack in the game (SC)
    3) Choice of effective offensive or defensive passive (WotW or LR)
    4) One of the best active defenses in the game (MD)
    5) A self heal that with the in set defensive passive and/or the active defense renders you insanely durable and in a lot of cases near unkillable. (BCR w/ RR)
    6) A very powerful damage buff that doubles as an energy return. (FotT)
    7) An AOE energy builder as opposed to a ST one
    8) A lunge, root, stun (TL)

    Sure, we can go out of set but everything from damage to mitigation to healing to crowd control is covered in set with moves that are at or near the top of the list with regards to their related moves in other sets.

    Now consider this. I abbreviated the moves and I'll bet most people reading this post know what those abbreviations mean. We have those abbreviations because these moves are used and talked about a LOT in various builds because of how good they are. How many other sets could I have abbreviated that many moves from with near universal understanding of what they are because of how often we use them?

    All of that and you don't consider it that powerful as a set? It does nearly everything the Might set does with better energy efficiency and a self heal that might doesn't have.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Foosnark wrote:
    When was the last time opening with Inexorable Tides killed a group of henchmen for you? Because Torrent of Arrows does that on a regular basis for my dual blades/archery character. :) And I also find the ranged energy builder is also useful for picking off stragglers.

    Taking that logic to its conclusion:

    Archery has 13 unique powers. Fire, Electricity, and Power Armor have 13 unique powers, so those must all be weak too.

    Dual Blades has 6 unique powers, so it must be less than half as good Archery.

    Might has 16 unique powers, but Gadgeteering has 19 unique powers, so Gadgeteering must be better.

    Never said more powers equals a better power set. Ill put it like this...

    A healer can take Celestial and be very viable in both PvE and PvP.
    A DPS cant do the same with archery. You will be contributing less then other power sets.

    Might not be as fun, and as a support passive, your not going to sprint through the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Dual Sword would have to be the most OP powerset factoring the shared abilities in. The other sets just aren't as easy to use (single blade, claws) or suck (unarmed.)

    I don't think any one powerset strikes me as weakest, they all have a couple redeeming moves. But telepathy and archery are both bad ones. Unarmed only escapes it because of the shared abilities.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I would say Force +1 and Celestial -1
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