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Targeting Suggestion

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Controls and Interface
I'm not sure if it's been brought up before but...It's becoming extremely annoying in PvP when attempting to target someone and the entire team is specced to have every pet possible so there's literally hundreds of pets cluttering the screen making it virtually impossible to target anyone. It's clear that they likely couldn't find any other play style that worked for them so they are just doing it because it's an obvious exploit and easy way to win.

I think a simple suggestion to fix this is allow an option in the controls that can be turned on/off if necessary to make pets un-targetable or flat out not even let them be targetable. Because seriously, why on earth would anyone want to target a pet in the first place? If anyone wants to attempt to get rid of useless annoying pets they'll spam AoE if they have to. But in the meantime, myself and many other people are forced to sit there holding on block in hopes of cycling through to the right target before we're dead. I've had the usual pet trolls laugh at my suggestion and ask me if I've ever heard of click targeting. That in itself is a huge joke...sorry to say but this game sadly has a very very low click box radius of characters. You have to click directly on the person which is difficult to do when they are strafing, flying, teleporting around while covered in a mass of pets.

Yes it's possible to eventually click on them once every now and then but the fact is it's an exploit and I think we need some sort of fix for this.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This has been mentioned, the fix that is suggested is to bind a key to target the petmaster.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I would also like to see pets start off strong but then get weaker the more pets you have active at a time.
    I think this would help balance them in both pve and pvp.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    XelNigma wrote:
    I would also like to see pets start off strong but then get weaker the more pets you have active at a time.
    I think this would help balance them in both pve and pvp.

    Not a bad idea but I don't think this would fix anything in pvp. Nobody specs mass pets for their damage, they do it because they know it's impossible to target through.
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