Is it possible for there to be an option in the Color section of our powers to add an option for do not display?
My character constanly flashes yellow 100% of the time it never stops because i have defiance.
I know I have defiance I don't need the constant yellow glow to tell me.
It would be nice if we could disable the display of our buffs graphically just like we can disable the display of certain items in STO.
Is it possible for there to be an option in the Color section of our powers to add an option for do not display?
My character constanly flashes yellow 100% of the time it never stops because i have defiance.
I know I have defiance I don't need the constant yellow glow to tell me.
It would be nice if we could disable the display of our buffs graphically just like we can disable the display of certain items in STO.
Thanks for your consideration.
If you're a gold player, you could change the color to something a bit more subtle...
Its a bit more than just annoying. When I tried playing a Defile toon the toggle destroys my framerate, sadly I HAVE to show that aura's terrible FX. Here's someone else that supports being able to turn off auras.
It'd be great to be able to disable a power's FX, but it should only apply to your character and your client. So if I don't want to see BCR's miniature sun dominating my character's look I could disable it and not have to see it, but everyone else in the game would still see it.
There could be a separate option to turn off all other players FX maybe.
It'd be great to be able to disable a power's FX, but it should only apply to your character and your client. So if I don't want to see BCR's miniature sun dominating my character's look I could disable it and not have to see it, but everyone else in the game would still see it.
There could be a separate option to turn off all other players FX maybe.
I definitely want the option to turn off the FX so that all other players can't see it as well.
I believe there already is a way to turn off the FX so only you can't see it but everyone else still can.
I could see that only if it didn't work in PvP, or could be overridden by other players on their own clients in PvP. So you could hide your Invulnerability sparkle from me, but if I feel it's important enough to me to want to see it I can force it to render on my screen anyway, overriding your selection. You'd still see nothing different on your screen though.
I could see that only if it didn't work in PvP, or could be overridden by other players on their own clients in PvP. So you could hide your Invulnerability sparkle from me, but if I feel it's important enough to me to want to see it I can force it to render on my screen anyway, overriding your selection. You'd still see nothing different on your screen though.
The devs threw that excuse out the window when they added Unstoppable without an FX.
Yeah, there are a lot of powers without obvious FX or with FX that aren't unique enough to be able to identify them. Back in CoX the defensive powers were easier to identify at a glance, but there were a lot fewer of them I think.
I do tend to roll over my opponents' buff bar, which seems to be a better way to figure out what they're running anyway, though obviously that leaves me vulnerable while I do that.
Come to think of it, maybe what I really need is a way to disable all FX and turn on a different sort of buff bar, one that includes the name of each buff active on the player as text as well as the icon so I could glance up and read it.
In PvP, you look at your opponent's buff bar, and if there's nothing there they're running regeneration. You should be able to id them at a glance.
On the original problem, turning special effects to 'low' in your advanced graphics settings will make a lot of power FX disappear, but in a rather unselective way (a bunch of powers you might want to actually see disappear). the thread on the quoted link to see if we finally get the ability to control our own aura FX some day. Having such an option would be a great step in helping us "be the hero you (erm, 'we') want to be".
- Yes it would be nice :rolleyes:
- No you can't change it

Hope that clears things upIf you're a gold player, you could change the color to something a bit more subtle...
It's led me to try to change my characters from Defiance to Invulnerability, and it annoys me whenever I play my Martial Artist.
There could be a separate option to turn off all other players FX maybe.
I definitely want the option to turn off the FX so that all other players can't see it as well.
I believe there already is a way to turn off the FX so only you can't see it but everyone else still can.
The devs threw that excuse out the window when they added Unstoppable without an FX.
I do tend to roll over my opponents' buff bar, which seems to be a better way to figure out what they're running anyway, though obviously that leaves me vulnerable while I do that.
Come to think of it, maybe what I really need is a way to disable all FX and turn on a different sort of buff bar, one that includes the name of each buff active on the player as text as well as the icon so I could glance up and read it.
On the original problem, turning special effects to 'low' in your advanced graphics settings will make a lot of power FX disappear, but in a rather unselective way (a bunch of powers you might want to actually see disappear). the thread on the quoted link to see if we finally get the ability to control our own aura FX some day. Having such an option would be a great step in helping us "be the hero you (erm, 'we') want to be".