Here are the Patch Notes for Build FC.15.20110225.2
The Current PTS update ETA is 10:30PM (GMT-8)
Known Issues:
- The Costume part list for C-Store costume sets is not listing parts
Here are the details of the patch:
- Converting a Silver Archetype character to Gold Free Form will now unlock the appropriate Build slots.
- It is no longer possible to trade resource amounts that are higher than the resource limit.
- Side kicking: Changing zones should no longer drop the side kick unless the new map is a pvp map.
- Ren Cen: The Great Karneeki should no longer list items that cannot be purchased
Missions and GameplayOpen Missions
- (These changes need your feedback. We are working on making open mission credit fair for both Damage and Heals.)
- Changed open world open mission kill credits to damage credits. Open missions used to count Kills
- Added heal credits to open world open missions.
- Bloodmoon: fixed the encounters in the Westisde Takofanes event to look for the proper shardvariable not the mapvariable.
- Undead on Arrival open mission: Rictus should no longer die too soon.
- Removed throwability of tables near Belle in the Saloon.
Hero Games:
- Zombie Apocalypse: Reduced the chance of a zombie dropping a health boost to 1/4 from 1/2.
- Zombie Apocalypse: Removed ranged attacks from zombies in Tier 1. Plaguebearers gain ranged attacks in T2, Fatties and Fetterers in T3, and all zombies have ranged attacks in T4.
ArchetypeThe Tempest:
- This new Gold Archetype primarily utilizes Electricity powers in the Avenger Role.
- Darkness: Summon Shadows: Devouring Shadows: The effect of this advantage is no longer automatically granted to all ranks of the power without owning the advantage.
- Negative Ions debuff: Previously, the description of this debuff stated that it would cause ""future Electrical attacks to arc to a secondary target."" This was not actually true, and any additional arcs caused were part of the power used, and only specifically called out interactions (like that on Thunderstrike or Sparkstorm) and some that weren't mentioned (additional chaining from Chain Lightning) actually did anything, while they would always consume the Negative Ions debuff. As such, Negative Ions has been reworked slightly to provide more functionality across the entirety of the framework. The new description states that other Electrical attacks may take advantage of the effect. Some get a benefit when hitting targets affected by Negative Ions (Lightning Arc, Lightning Storm) and some will consume Negative Ions for an additional affect (Sparkstorm, Chain Lightning, Thunderstrike, Gigabolt). See the power descriptions (or further patch notes) for information on each interaction.
- Chaining/Arc attacks: The way the targeting for the Arc attacks works behind the scenes has been reworked. In general, this should have no noticeable effect, except they should no longer be able to sometimes chain to targets that are friendly to the power owner.
- Lightning Arc: Reworked how this power ramps up in damage. It now ramps up to maximum damage by the 6th tick of the power, and continues doing that damage for the rest of the maintain. Maximum damage increased slightly as well.
- Lightning Arc: Now deals an additional 20% damage to targets affected by Negative Ions. This does not consume Negative Ions.
- Lightning Arc: Cost per period increased ~2 Energy.
- Lightning Arc: Reduced maximum periods to 8, down from 10.
- Lightning Arc: Reduced damage variance from 10% to 5%.
- Thunderstrike: Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds, down from 15 seconds.
- Thunderstrike: Damage dealt to secondary targets increased from 1/2 base damage to 2/3 base damage.
- Thunderstrike: Tap cost increased ~2 Energy, max charge cost increased ~5 Energy.
- Lightning Storm: Tap cost and cost per period reduced ~0.5 Energy.
- Lightning Storm: When hitting targets affected by Negative Ions, now has a 25% chance to arc to another target. This does not consume Negative Ions.
- Lightning Storm: Updated the FX so tapping this power will properly cause some FX to appear.
- Sparkstorm: Fixed a bug that would frequently cause this power to Knock Back a target affected by Negative Ions twice. It should now correctly only Knock the target once.
- Sparkstorm: Damage increased ~9%. Tap cost increased ~2 Energy, periodic cost increased ~1.5 Energy.
- Ball Lightning: Periodic damage increased ~60%. Burst damage at the end decreased ~50%. Cost reduced ~21 Energy.
- Ball Lightning: Recharge time reduced to 10 seconds, down from 20 seconds.
- Ball Lightning: Ranks 2 and 3 of this power were not spawning the Ball as close to the target as Rank 1 does. This has been corrected.
- Ball Lightning: Now has a 10% chance per tick to apply Negative Ions.
- Ball Lightning: Triplicity: With the damage from the base power shifting more toward the periodic damage component, this advantage has been rebalanced. It still creates 3 of them with only one exploding, however, it now reduces the periodic damage each of them deals by 60%. This keeps the periodic damage roughly equivalent with a rank up, thus trading a higher damage end explosion for additional chances to proc Negative Ions and Arcs.
- Electrocute: The Arcs caused by this power should now attempt to hit the closest available target.
- There is now a preview for Costume sets in the C-Store. (This is under development and currently has a few bugs. Feel free to give us your feedback)
- True black is once again available on the color palette
We able to get the math on how the scores will be calculated?
Do wanna run an in depth test of the open mission changes though, so if anyone wants to grab me for that I might be up for it any time between now and Sunday some time after 4 PM EST. Long time coming fix for a long time complaint likely needs a long time of testing.
Also, if you are looking at open missions does that mean we will be getting more fixes for them? I see that Undead on Arrival has a fix, but what about other open missions which break? Also can Hang 'Em High get it's end rewards adjusted to match the level (the first place rewards are still of level 10 quality even though it is now a level 17 open mission)?
Great, I can see this doing a world of good for open world missions like Destroids Rise Again, Bullet Bound for Biselle and the open mission parts of the blood moon event, especially if you arrive in the middle of a fight against the final open mission bosses like Viper-X for example.
I played again last night on several characters with melee energy builders and most of them could still taunt enemies to build energy and pull mobs when out of combat. Clobber still cannot, after several patches, unless you screw around in the options screen as a workaround.
Well they are pretty clutch for Squishykipz....maybe others won't have as much trouble. Will have to play it for a bit to really get a feel but Vixy is just not understanding the rationale here.
Zombies get ranged attacks > a bunch of people complain that it's too hard to stay alive. Some others say that it's harder but is fine > so cut health orb drop rate in half?
Vixy was excite...but is now dissapoint.
I've used the bug report for this problem too. Clobber is the only melee energy builder with any problem at the moment.
Current actual stats: Taunt/Build Energy - ~20 feet
Actual attack portion strikes nearby foes when "Melee can ignore selected target" if the target is more then ~20 feet. This part isn't actually too bad, but it couldn't be intended unless ALL melee energy builders used the same functionality.
This bug effects free forms and is far worse when you are a behemoth simply because they can't retcon out of Clobber and get a different EB during the wait for it to be fixed.
Maybe it's been a while since I've been in school, but going from 1/4 to 1/2 is increasing, isn't it? It'd be like saying reducing from 25% to the time to 50% of the time...
Is there some PvP math I'm not privy to?
read the quote one more time
I am a bit worried what this will do to Archetype ZA. In Freeform anyone can have a heal, but for most archetypes the green orbs are the only way to heal - especially if not in a premade group.
Savage AT for example could be at a serious advantage after this.
Tempest is not available in the C-Store but is able to be selected in character creation.
Julian: They are... aliens! Savage aliens! From the savage future!
Maurice: They've come to kill us! And take our women! And our precious metals!
Mort the Mouse Lemur: [begins weeping]
Julian: Get up Mort! Do not be near the King's feet, okay!
I hope this was necessary for some reason, because otherwise it would be a disturbingly amateur mistake for payed professionals to have made.
Post slipped under my nose as I was posting so I'll post on this....
In most games you don't render the skin under the shirt because the model doesn't change. You aren't going to take the pyro model from TF2 and suddenly rip off that protective suit and put the pyro in a string bikini. There's no need for that skin to be there. It's kind of like a fully inked and colored drawing, it's finished.
The champions online character creation is more like playing with paper dolls. You don't know how much flesh is going to be shown in the end and it's not a simple matter of telling the game to not show flesh that is exposed, I mean how would you calculate that? Sure, you could have a huge assortment of torsos and legs with varying degrees of visibility, but that's more model data and more memory the game will need. So, we have paperdolls. Regardless of what you clip on to the doll the body still exists beneath the clipped on clothing but it's a necessary evil for the customizeability you are getting from this game. They make up for it with rather aggressive enviromental culling.
It's not just done in games where the characters have a static appearance. It's done in RPGs and such where you can change out clothing/armor or whatever as well. Normally when you choose something to go on the torso, like a shirt, it doesn't just go on top of it; it replaces it entirely. As an example, when you choose a t-shirt even in this game's system, ordinarily it would not place a t-shirt on top of the torso, it would disable the base torso, and the t-shirt would have it's own version of the torso wired into it with only the proper areas showing.
This isn't something that could be done with every small thing like armbands or whatever, but it should and normally would be done with the primary item for each area, such as the shirt with the torso, or the pants with the legs.
And I know that the torso/legs/head/hands/feet are all separate objects as it would have to be, because you can see seems between them.
Another example is the new Urban Jacket. This is all one piece, but for some reason they actually modeled the undershirt/hoodie to exist underneath the jacket in areas where it is completely covered. I know this, because the undershirt clips through the jacket near the clavicles.
If they did it the way you are suggesting they'd have to create a separate model for every possible combination in the game. That's easy to do in other RPG's because you aren't layering pieces, that torso armor is the only thing on your torso. That isn't the case here.
This power is still undergoing some rework, and might have not had the final descriptions before this patch went up. Arcing no longer directly has anything to do with Ionic Reverb, it is caused directly by consuming Negative Ions. Previously, it was caused by consuming Negative Ions via an Arc, so I can understand the confusion. That's part of why it was changed, to reduce the confusion of how it worked.
The intent with the Ball Lightning change was for it to get a considerable (~60%) buff to the periodic component, because this is the most guaranteed part of the damage, with a reduction to the final explosion. It should have resulted in very similar total damage, just with more of it shifted to that periodic component. I'll take a look and see if something isn't working right.
The initial damage of Lightning Arc is getting increased (still ramps up to the same max, but will start closer to that max) and Ionic Reverberation is getting an additional energy return component for utilizing Negative Ions without consuming it (via Lightning Arc or Lightning Storm).
The primary intent of the version you currently have is to gain energy via Ionic Reverb, yeah. I didn't feel this was enough, either, and it has been changed to always apply Negative Ions to the primary target with a scaling (up to 100%) chance based on charge to apply to additional targets. This application takes place after consuming Negative Ions, so the intent is to either open with this attack, getting Negative Ions on the group, and/or using it after getting Negative Ions on a group to gain energy via Reverb and reapply Negative Ions.
YESSSS! /e breakdance
This is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for with these powers. This should make the powerset as straightforward in terms of flow as Fire is, which is a set I'm really warming up to lately. Pun intended.
Speaking which, any ETA on when Thermal Reverb will be scaling on both REC and PRE?
Yeah, not in the current one. I have a dozen or so new notes for Electricity currently, maybe a few more today, that will be in the next patch.
(Moreso when we get back to the topic of a Telepathy DPSer instead of 'psychic waterboy', but I can wait...
Also, it currently looks like my characters are having some kind of fit from getting peppered by bones from all the zombies. Maybe raise the damage of the bones thrown by the big zombies and remove all bone throwing from the weak zombies.
Bugged since one month....
Nevermind, its up now.
You are watching too much Madagascar...
Rubbish! Maurice! Release the coconuts!
This may be an old bug, but Ball Lightning's graphics do not update colors properly. The 'Ball' changes color, but most of the shocking effects stay default blue.
On occasion, I have also seen the Character Sheet UI display the wrong costume for the preview (like the preview from two rows up) but the correct name for it. Double-clicking does apply the appropriate costume.
MM hmm.
And why would I want to take something I have to CHARGE, when many other energy returns work on CLICK.
This is called a DPS killer. Maybe change Flashfire into a charge attack too?
I has suggested a reduction in drops because the henchmen level zombies were having negative benefit to the zombie side. Especially negative for any survivor with BCR and/or IDF.
Think we found what was causing this bug, it should be fixed in an upcoming PTS patch. Probably not the next one, as I believe we've already pulled that build, but the one after that.
In PvP your enemy should be affected by circle\sheath and then, if you activate unbreakable, you get only base raduction (3k for 3rd rank for example) kinda defeats the purpose of picking this power if it does absolutely nothing most of the time.
I didn't miss anything, my reading ability is significantly above par but that's another discussion that has no relevance on CO's boards...
I think you likely don't realize just how many combinations of primary items there really are. I know a lot of my costumes rely on said combinations and some even take advanatge of the clipping that occurs.
Gotcha. Vixy will just play it when it goes live to see how it feels.
I haven't tested this thoroughly, but the few times I've seen this happen seemed to be triggered by a single attack surpassing the total threshold of Unbreakable. It wouldn't surprise me if taking a damage boosted DW or similar attack to the face in PvP can do this consistently.
Now I'm not really sure if that's what's causing it, but the few times I've seen it happen I took an attack that was over the threshold of around 3K damage, whereas getting spiked by a PH 5 spawn alpha wont do it, even though it surpasses that much damage.
The way you describe it is exactly how it is intended to work and how it has always worked. If a single attack exceeds the shield's total hp, the shield fails.
Fair enough. But it is definitely how it has always worked.
Oh, yeah. That's how all shields of that type work. However, unbreakable has always refreshed itself repeatedly if you didn't attack, and during Free to Play they made it so the shield is refreshed by about half it's original health whenever you're attacked, that amount scaling down when you attack. What we're getting at is that something seems to be breaking the refreshing portion of the power, and we're not sure what.
That's just my theory as to why, and it might even be working as intended. But if it is, it seems unintuitive.