hey guys,
So I'm JayBezz. I love X Men and all things Marvel in general. Though you can't play them in game, you CAN chat about them with me and my friends in the Chat Channel "EvolvedUtopia"
It's all out of character, chat.. Come say Hi and send me a tell!
The first two, yes, were pretty good. The third one showed us that Magneto was the hero for the mutants and the X-Men would side with those that hated them and would strip mutants of their powers. We saw someone named Phoenix who had the same look and powers of Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. No long awaited bird effects from the comics just effects that a tv show was able to pull off.
The portrayal of Beast was actually very well done and I was impressed that Kelsey Grammer was actually able to pull him off as well as he did.
X3 was for people that don't read comics. People like me who had read just about everything X-Men related at least up to that point were left in the dust. After the disaster of X3 I wasn't hopeful for any more of the films. Wolverine was just as trashy and I doubt I'll see the others.
As far as just strictly comics go Chris Claremont's original run has been the best I've read so far though I haven't read the books in a few years now.
The Wolverine movie? Booooooooooooo
That would be a really kick a$$ Avengers movie!
I keep holding my breath for a really well done Justice League movie, but sadly I doubt that will ever come to fruition.
Sadly or not, depending on your Wolvie fanitude, won't happen in the foreseeable future since different studios own the movie rights to the X-Men/Wolverine (20th Century Fox) and the Avengers (Marvel Studios).
Yeah, I kinda figured something had to be holding that back.
Similar to DC fans never will see a Justice League that uses Tom Welling (Smallville Superman), Justin Hartley (Smallville Green Arrow) or Phil Morris (Smallville Martian Manhunter) for the Superman / Green Arrow / Martian Manhunter roles because DC doesn't want the Smallville universe crossed with the universes created in their movies. Furthermore we aren't likely to see a Christian Bale Batman either because the next movie is supposedly his last.
Well, it may not follow the Superman / Justice League mythology as established in the comic books, but it is incredibly popular and well liked.
Otherwise, it wouldn't have gone 10 seasons and beat out SG-1 as the longest running sci-fi show in American history.
Truth is, Smallville is terrible but easily followed and understood. The kids of America eat that kinda crap up (Twilight anyone?)
For every one terrible show that manages to run for over five seasons you'll see seven of eight great ones that fall by the wayside.
make mine marvel
man i gotta disagree there! i LOVE wolverine but....he's been so popular he blots out the sun...
there are a LOT of great characters and we've seen more of woverine than anyone!!!
not saying don't bring him back but let some other toons shine too...we had similar problems in comics when he first started to get popular there...seemed they couldn't print a comic title without him showing up for a bit....
I also don't get the whole "oh they can't act" thing because it seems that anywhere on the internet someone doesn't like a show, they say that. For instance the new series of doctor which I really disliked, not the actors at all, I think they are great, but the scripts really let them down imo.
As for X-Men, I just wish Rogue would actually be allowed to fight someone in the movies, heck in the comics she even gets two hit k'oed by Bastion even when her power level was at "Lethal" levels compared to his defenses. At least in wolverine in the x-men she fights like the rest of them, but lets just say anyone above 10 years old would find that show childish, no blood allowed so you see wolverine unsheathe his claws every other fight scene only to punch people with bar fists.
There's already an Avengers movie in the works. No go on Wolverine or Ed Norton as Hulk.
Also, gag.
Welcome to Millennium City Jaybezz !.
This make up your never happened continuity with the X brand is ridic. And dont get me started on their horrible wardrobe and stylists.
"/channel_join evolvedutopia"
As far as X-men goes, I prefer X-Force. X-23 will always be my favorite X-(wo)man. She's the second best at what she does, but I bet she could pass up wolverine no problem
*Demands a movie where rogue actually uses her power to fight someone!*
Would be nice
Why does it seem that a good number of people out there (waves at the Interweb) seem to think that Storm was an original X-Man?
I've read numerous comments (out there) about X-Men: First Class (which I don't think will suck ... since no one's seen it yet) and how it can't be the "First Class" since Storm isn't there.
Anyone have any ideas 'cause it just kinda bothers me like an itch on my elbow.
ignorance maybe? knowledge fueled only by recent movies?
Probably because to many she was/is if im not mistaken she appears as a original member in all the cartoons which is probably what many are basing there claim on.
Its a bit like when the hulk films came out and there were moans about him being to big, or being able to jump to far ext. Because the comentors based there intel on the TV show.
By that token why do we have to include Wolverine in everything? He wasn't an original X-man (Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast and Jean Grey).
Someone said it best earlier; there is just too much Wolverine. I used to be a huge fan, collected all his books, wore my underwear outside my pants and stuck sticks in-between my fingers, now every time I hear his name I vomit all over those same beloved comics of my wasted youth.
They are milking that character for every penny they can and the fanboys are ruining that which they love without even realizing it.
Well were getting "The Wolverine" at some point which covers his time in japan.
Amen to that.
I have no problems them doing there own thing and I actually prefer it, Its something that's working pretty dam well for the numerous animated shows but this inability to follow there own continuity really blows. Also the lets get cameos into the films mentality that the X films has is a real pain in the **** I understand the want to cater to all the fans but really I think they would prefer to see there favourite hero fully realised and not some 2 seconds cameo that completely brakes there current 616 continuity but dose rock all to hint at there in film continuity.
Colossus is awesome (just figured i would throw that out there)
Curious to see how they portray Havok in x-men first class.
Wolverine is extremely overated...I dont even know why they are doing origin movies about him when they pretty much made all the x-men films about him.
Wolverines son Daken is BA
more random thoughts to come...
I could see the X-force thing happening simply because it would involve more wolverine and even better a female wolverine (X-23) double the wolverine in a single movie add in a pinch of warewolfs (wolfsbane) and you have a winner.
Yes he is though I cant help but feel they should have left him dead his sacrafice dosn't quite mean the same now that he's back
Yes could be intresting though its to much to hope for somthing like the war of kings version of him i suppose.
Well lets face it looking at the actual X-men line up in the films its a pretty sorry bunch though I can't help but feel they could have done somthing intresting with storm.
Meh so far he seems like wolverine with fewer morals I wish they had let punisher kill him and be done with it (though the pheromone power is a nice addition)
They may be terrible actors but you gotta admit the dude they got to play Aquaman is hot.
Maybe there's more to acting than being really really ridiculously good looking?
(Just don't tell the CW)
jean is cool to i guess ^^