When someone sends you an invite to a team, it does not tell you their
@handle. As such it is impossible to report someone spamming you with team invites unless they're right there in front of you.
There needs to be an ignore button on the requester.
Yes, I'm aware that one can simply turn off team invites. That's beside the point, some people may not know how to do that. I personally haven't been griefed, but I did just get a pair of team invites in a row and noticed the loophole.
Dear Players,
I am not Kreskin.
-Crosschan :cool:
Amen to this. I got one yesterday while I was in the tailor, and no idea who the person was, why they picked me, or who they were.
Side note...Kreskin? That shows some age. I like it!
But yeah, random team invites get old fast, especially when someone in Westside sends you one and you're in, say, Lemuria.
When someone calls out "LF3M for ______", I can click on that persons name and TRY to auto join the team. But, ONLY if I'm in the same zone/instance. It should allow for more flexibilty since The Desert, Canada, and MC have more than one instance running. The others will get more once the newer people start to populate those areas.
(LF#M = Looking for # more)
Atm, try this: After declining the invite, "manually" send that character a TELL and include the @ symbol after. It will pattern match and find the @HANDLE for you. Then use that to send a report?
If it's something I said in Zone to make someone mad, then they don't need to invite me to a party to chew me out - this isn't Intervention. Also, I was most likely joking, as I am about... probably 72% of the time when I'm not helping people on Zone chat.