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Limits on old gold character storage - can't make new char?

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited August 2012 in PC & Technical Issues
I logged in the first time for f2p today, I use to be a subscriber. I have 7 old characters, I wasn't really planning to use any right now as I didn't want to wreck any of them with the archetypes. I wanted to make new ones, I can't for the life of me find a new character button though, is there some kind of hard limit on how many old gold characters they'll store? I thought I read there wasn't a limitation on this but it looks like there is...?

On the left I see the honeycomb of characters, my gold original 7 in an array, then there's the shadowy silver bordered button under them and it says "2" on it. I can't click this button. I also see, Play, Logout, delete, rename, convert, options, TOS, Website, and credits. But there doesn't appear to be a way to make a new char at the moment from my point of view. Anyone able to enlighten me to what's going on here? Thanks
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Same problem. Had 5 old gold characters, but can't find a button to make a new silver char. So I converted an old level 1 to silver and I end up in new Millenium City.....wasn't I supposed to be in "Crisis in MC"?

    So I thought I'd create a new silver one and I probably needed to make room for one. So I deleted a char and still can't find a way to make a new character. Am I missing something here? I see a big silver character icon with a 2 in it, but it's not selectable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I'm glad I'm not the only one but it doesn't solve the problem for either of us I hope we can get some insight into this soon. I thought they weren't holding our number of gold characters against us, especially since we've paid them for subscriptions in the past.

    I thought maybe I had too many, since 7 was near the original game's cap, but if it's doing it on 5 that's not a good thing either.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Silver accounts only have 2 characters slots initially. You see your old ones because they are saved in case you want to resubscribe to gold. You can delete all but 1 to be able to make a new character, or purchase additional character slots via the store, or make a new account.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    That sucks, I honestly hope this isn't correct. Cryptic's made it sound like they'd keep our gold ones until we were ready to resubscribe. If I really have to delete all the of my work from so long ago or pay a ton of money to buy more character slots just to not be able to play my old gold chars till I resub anyhow I don't think I'll even bother. If there are any other possible answers out there I'd love to hear it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Artair wrote:
    That sucks, I honestly hope this isn't correct. Cryptic's made it sound like they'd keep our gold ones until we were ready to resubscribe. If I really have to delete all the of my work from so long ago or pay a ton of money to buy more character slots just to not be able to play my old gold chars till I resub anyhow I don't think I'll even bother. If there are any other possible answers out there I'd love to hear it.
    You don't have to delete your work, you can convert any two of your characters into archtypes so they are playable. You can purchase more slots for the rest and convert them also if you want to play them without resubscribing as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah that's the problem, I for one had no plans to convert anyone, I just wanted new people. I figure, I'll lose at least 1, sometimes 2 or 3, costumes on each one, their nicer travel powers, my free form I'll never be able to return to, as well as lose some costume pieces that are no longer free. The way I see it it's better to restart and leave the gold ones for resubbing later ya know? I guess they haven't left that as an option, I don't want to pretty much throw away all that work after playing as long as I had, the names are irrelevant and destroying a character just to keep their level sucks, I kinda feel they're screwing anyone that played before in this transition if this is the way it has to be. :\
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Artair wrote:
    Yeah that's the problem, I for one had no plans to convert anyone, I just wanted new people. I figure, I'll lose at least 1, sometimes 2 or 3, costumes on each one, their nicer travel powers, my free form I'll never be able to return to, as well as lose some costume pieces that are no longer free. The way I see it it's better to restart and leave the gold ones for resubbing later ya know? I guess they haven't left that as an option, I don't want to pretty much throw away all that work after playing as long as I had, the names are irrelevant and destroying a character just to keep their level sucks, I kinda feel they're screwing anyone that played before in this transition if this is the way it has to be. :\
    You can always make a new account if you want to make new characters and not delete those.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I thought about that, thanks for bringing it up, I dunno though I really don't like that solution, besides having to use another handle in game, I'd lose my veteran rewards, and when I resubbed I'd have to pick an account plus vet rewards would be being built on two, what a mess.

    This whole thing just seems really awful to me, I feel betrayed by Cryptic after buying this, and city of heroes, and city of villains, and in total subscribing to both for 4 years or more, plus beta testing coh, champs and STO ya know? Guess we'll see what happens, I'm really not enthused about the choices right now :\
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Just want to point out I did the support chat, Dys is indeed correct for sure I guess they don't want to play nice with their early adopters :\
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I had a bunch of slots I'd already bought before F2P, I still had two slots unused from back then that I was hoping I could use today, but apparently having 18 slots in use already made my two left overs disappear. I guess the empties were considered part of the 8 you get for being gold rather than ones I'd bought afterward. I could play something converted but I wanted to do all the new MC missions on a new character, with access to everything I've already paid for beyond what you get for subscribing. Nothing I can actually do will work quite right, guess I'll just continue not playing until I can afford to sub again.

    That's probably best anyway I guess since I can't do anything with my favorite sets as silver. No force, power armor,infernal super natural or telekinesis. Funny coincidence I guess, my favorites all require gold right now. =P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah my favorites all require gold too, which is another reason I refuse to convert my characters, none of them fit what the new stuff is period. I feel bad for you too though, you should consider asking support where your character slots went though if you paid for it taking it back ain't right.

    I really think Cryptic should have thought out the conversion process for this whole dealie a bit more. I think pretty much anyone but the lifetimers are getting screwed on this if they aren't a new player.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I might ask about it with the support people in a bit, but I don't expect them to be able to do anything. I know it's because I have what, six more characters than I technically should as silver even with my extra slots bought? I suppose I could delete some things but that goes against the entire point of my having bought 12 more slots way back when.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I was a subscriber as well and returning upon hearing that the game is going f2p. Haven't managed to log into the server yet as it just went down.

    Anyway, I thought players who have the retail is getting a free one month gold access?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wow...thats....amazingly bad design. Not only have you inconvenienced and possibly offended your past subscribers but you've managed to guarantee database bloat from people making free accounts instead of using ones already in the system..... I might be back, might not.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Artair wrote:
    Just want to point out I did the support chat, Dys is indeed correct for sure I guess they don't want to play nice with their early adopters :\

    That being the case then I will just not bother to play at all...free or otherwise. Thanks for nothing Cryptic. I knew you would find a was to screw yourselves.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Koross wrote:
    I was a subscriber as well and returning upon hearing that the game is going f2p. Haven't managed to log into the server yet as it just went down.

    Anyway, I thought players who have the retail is getting a free one month gold access?
    Players who purchase the retail copy of the game get their first month free. I would assume you used it up before you became a subscriber.
    The-Fur wrote:
    That being the case then I will just not bother to play at all...free or otherwise. Thanks for nothing Cryptic. I knew you would find a was to screw yourselves.
    I'm unsure how they are screwing themselves, or their former subscribers. They have kept all your characters the whole time you were gone, and are letting you convert those characters to silver account archtypes so you can play them for free under this new service if you want to.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dysmetria wrote:
    Players who purchase the retail copy of the game get their first month free. I would assume you used it up before you became a subscriber.

    I'm unsure how they are screwing themselves, or their former subscribers. They have kept all your characters the whole time you were gone, and are letting you convert those characters to silver account archtypes so you can play them for free under this new service if you want to.

    quite simple, brown nose. If I start playing and decide to go gold that character can't be turned back. So why would I bother to waste my time. And that is what a lot of people coming back will think....and won't...screwing themselves. We are "former" for a reason, and most will remain that way since the only way to see if the game has improved enough to come back and won't screw up our existing character or delete them to find out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dysmetria wrote:
    Players who purchase the retail copy of the game get their first month free. I would assume you used it up before you became a subscriber.

    Sorry what I meant was that I thought that they were giving a free month gold access to everyone who bought the retail pack since the retail pack cost money. Apparently, it was only to people who bought the retail pack and subscribed into the f2p period. Kinda disappointing but I can see why from a marketing point of view.

    Anyway, was kinda bummed that I had to convert my old characters to silver if I wanted to play even though I had some empty slots out of the default 8. Since I haven't played this game for some time I wanted to make a new character to go through the "new" content. I guess I gotta resub or make a new account.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The-Fur wrote:
    quite simple, brown nose. If I start playing and decide to go gold that character can't be turned back. So why would I bother to waste my time. And that is what a lot of people coming back will think....and won't...screwing themselves. We are "former" for a reason, and most will remain that way since the only way to see if the game has improved enough to come back and won't screw up our existing character or delete them to find out.
    I am unsure what your brown nose reference is referring to, but you can always make a new account if you want to see if the game "improved enough" yet don't want to convert your characters or resubscribe.
    Koross wrote:
    Sorry what I meant was that I thought that they were giving a free month gold access to everyone who bought the retail pack since the retail pack cost money. Apparently, it was only to people who bought the retail pack and subscribed into the f2p period. Kinda disappointing but I can see why from a marketing point of view.

    Anyway, was kinda bummed that I had to convert my old characters to silver if I wanted to play even though I had some empty slots out of the default 8. Since I haven't played this game for some time I wanted to make a new character to go through the "new" content. I guess I gotta resub or make a new account.
    I don't think people who were subscribed when f2p hit this morning got an extra free month of gold. As for your empty slots, silver accounts have 2 character slots by default, not 8.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dysmetria wrote:
    As for your empty slots, silver accounts have 2 character slots by default, not 8.

    That's kind of the point some of us were getting at. Since I used to be a subscriber I can't even just delete one character to free up a slot, as I have six more characters than I'm "supposed" to now.

    Original 8 slots + 12 I paid for - 6 = 14 slots being used by the 18 characters I had. I'd have to delete at least 5 characters to be able to bring a level one through the new low level stuff while being able to access all the other content I've paid for on this account. Yes, I could just play on a second account but I'm going to wait until we see if at least one of the four power sets I mentioned above gets used by an archetype that hasn't been implemented yet.

    Though whether or not I'll want to play then will also depend on whether or not any of those four get made into an archetype for silver rather than put under special with bestial and the dual pistol/sword one. If not even one of them makes it to being silver, I'm just going to try to occupy myself with other things like the books I haven't finished reading until money isn't so tight here and I can actually sub again. That's actually a reason I don't want to convert anything either, if you can only convert to archetype and back to free form once for free I don't want to get stuck on anything just yet since I might re-subscribe later on anyway.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Here is what I got from Tech Support today:eek::

    Cameron: F2P: I see my previous Gold characters, but cannot find how to create a silver character. It will not let me click on the 2 section for silver...

    From the FAQ:
    Can you have both Gold and Silver characters on the same account?
    Yes. Gold Characters can only be accessed while the account is in Gold Status. Meaning, you'll have to be subscribed to access your Gold characters. If the subscription lapses, you'll only have access to your Silver characters. While your account is in Gold status you may access both your Silver and Gold characters.

    How do I create a silver character on the same account as my Golds?

    You are now speaking with Luis G. of Account and Billing.

    Cameron: Hi Luis

    Luis G.: Thank you for contacting Cryptic Account and Billing Support. One moment please while I review your request.

    Cameron: Are you there, Luis?

    Luis G.: Yes one minute please.

    Cameron: okay

    Cameron: thanks

    Luis G.: In this case the only way you are able to make a silver character is when your account is in silver status.

    Cameron: er... my account says that it IS in silver status...

    Cameron: which is why I cannot access my Gold characters...

    Cameron: Yet, I should be able to create a Silver character, since I have none, and I am granted silver slots to do so...

    Cameron: I just don't know how to do that, which is why I am asking...

    Luis G.: I am sorry ion this case you will need to check the official website in order to see how.
    Cameron: I already looked and couldn't find an answer... I found message board questions with people having the same problem, but I have not seen a solution, nor is it in the FAQ which is why I am asking...

    Cameron: how do I create a silver character on an account that was previously Gold?

    Cameron: Hello?

    Cameron: 30 minutes here total time, simple question... what's the problem?

    Luis G.: I just received the post you placed we are having some delay in chat today.

    Cameron: okay, just letting you know that it's been 36 minutes since asking the question. Not sure how much delay you are getting, but it shows that I should have 2 silver slots for character creation. However, I can find no way to create a new character (either silver or gold). If I try to log in as one of my gold characters it says that I cannot because my account is silver. I'm fine with that. How do I create a silver character. I don't see the option after logging into my account.

    Your party has left this session.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I wonder if I delete all my characters to 1 (originally I had 6 characters to 8 maximum slot), will I have 1 free slot to make a silver character.

    In short, I delete 5 of my 6 characters, leaving only 1 gold status character. Will I be able to make a new silver character since, in theory, I have 2 slots for silver status with 1 of those slots already filled by my gold status character. Sounds confusing, I know but I'm wondering has anyone tried this yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah, that's the same issue I just described in detail (you might have been typing up your post at the same time as me). The button that looks like two character slots wont let you do anything because you have more slots filled than you're supposed to, due to dropping from the basic 8 free slots to 2. If you'd bought any extra slots like me, some of them are being used by things that used to be covered by your old basic 8.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Koross wrote:
    I wonder if I delete all my characters to 1 (originally I had 6 characters to 8 maximum slot), will I have 1 free slot to make a silver character.

    In short, I delete 5 of my 6 characters, leaving only 1 gold status character. Will I be able to make a new silver character since, in theory, I have 2 slots for silver status with 1 of those slots already filled by my gold status character. Sounds confusing, I know but I'm wondering has anyone tried this yet.

    That should work if you're willing to delete them, yes. If for whatever reason it still doesn't let you, you can probably get the support guys to restore the deleted characters so they'll be there if you ever decide to re-sub or purchase more slots from the c-store.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    wow qemuel, that would **** me off!!! i know this is a long read but i promise its worth it...

    heres the problem with our modern era of pricing, MMOs, DLC etc... ITS ALL FRAKKED!!!

    i bought a game that was on a shelf at best buy for 50$!!!! it was called champions online.
    i bought another game called dragon age origins, it was 50$...

    now the money i spent on champions is a waste, but with dragon age i get support from the developer and publisher, i still have a (HUGE) game i can play when i want and patches that come out once in a while that fixes the game, and sometimes i can purchase extra content.

    MMO devs want us to purchase a box for an MMO and on the box it says "first month free". no, its not, i just bought a box for 50$. but if they ever decide to make it F2P then my "investment" has become a failure.
    i could have just waited, paid nothing and got the box for free.

    there should only be 2 ways to pay for MMOs.

    1- you buy a box, and everything that is ON the got damn disk belongs to you PERIOD.
    down the line, if say cryptic wants to sell us more content then i have the option to buy as DLC or expansions.
    2- the game is launched as a FREE download and right from the start theres a sub price tag of say 10-15$ a month, period. maybe you get a "free" month with some of the games. then in that case the use of the word "FREE" is applicable.

    why would i want to use the account i bought and subbed every once in a while to play this new business model? its a mess.

    IMO, cryptic should have payed more attention to Turbine in this event. Turbine had the best format and execution i could have ever imagined. its this-

    for turbine there are 3 models-
    Free player, Premium and VIP
    1 free player- you have never played, you just DL'ed the game, and made an account. you have limited bag space and character slots etc...
    2 Premium (my path)- you bought the game previously but haven't been playing lately. you actually are rewarded by having purchased the boxed game or the DL'ed version. and instead of 2 character slots, and limited bag space i got 4 character slots and more content within the game. any characters i had previously were completely UNTOUCHED!!!! now i had to decide which were considered "active" of the 5 or 6 i used to play, and i can delete whoever or only keep 2 active and make 2 new ones. its the perfect path for a game that had a physical launch.
    3 VIP- you are currently paying for the game and get it all. PLUS you get a set amount of points PER MONTH in which you can buy content that stays with you when your time runs out and you go back to premium. so basically when u buy a month, you can unlock extra character slots/bag space/adventure packs etc, that stay with your account when you drop back to premium.

    oh and another thing, once you pay ANYTHING towards lotro, you NEVER drop below premium. Turbine really takes care of their customers.

    heres the page- http://www.lotro.com/betasignup/vipchart.html

    as of right now, i'm not to happy with cryptics approach and i feel a little alienated like im sure some of you do. cryptic has such a small window to get this shizz right before they actually start losing customers by going F2P, now that would be tragic...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I still do not see the problem. If you are subscribed, ( or gold,) you have 8 character slots, plus any extra you purchased. If you are not subscribed, (or silver,) you have two character slots plus any extra you have purchased.

    It does not matter whether you bought the game or not, subscribed before or not, you have the same base character slots as everyone else, and no character slots are specifically reserved for silver characters or gold characters. I hope that clears up the confusion some people seem to be having.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Glomoro wrote:
    That should work if you're willing to delete them, yes. If for whatever reason it still doesn't let you, you can probably get the support guys to restore the deleted characters so they'll be there if you ever decide to re-sub or purchase more slots from the c-store.

    Yeah you got that right. If I am willing to do so ...

    @Dysmetria: I think everyone is not questioning how many slots per se but rather on the convenience. As an old subscriber, I have characters whom I have already invested in and therefore want to keep them that way (as in unique). At the same time, I still have empty slots (if I was a gold member). Why not that now I am a Silver member, can I use those empty slots to make a new character for my silver account. It is not as if I can use my gold characters anyway, right? Unless I convert them. Unfortunately I don't want to because I want them to not be an archetype. Or I might just want to make new characters to experience the "newness", as it were.

    So, I have 6 gold characters, which means I have 2 more slots (for gold). Why can't I use those 2 slots for my silver characters? In the end it is the same thing anyway, which will yield 6 gold and 2 silver characters. When I'm silver, I just play those silver characters and will not have access to the gold characters. Instead of me deleting 5 or all of my gold characters just to make way for a new silver character.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Koross wrote:
    Yeah you got that right. If I am willing to do so ...

    @Dysmetria: I think everyone is not questioning how many slots per se but rather on the convenience. As an old subscriber, I have characters whom I have already invested in and therefore want to keep them that way (as in unique). At the same time, I still have empty slots (if I was a gold member). Why not that now I am a Silver member, can I use those empty slots to make a new character for my silver account.
    Because as a silver member, you only get two slots. So you can either resubscribe now since you apparently intend to, (otherwise you wouldn't have any reason to keep those characters unique,) or you can wait till you want to resubscribe and make a new account with two open slots to play in the meantime. I fail to see how this is an inconvenience.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dysmetria wrote:
    Because as a silver member, you only get two slots. So you can either resubscribe now since you apparently intend to, (otherwise you wouldn't have any reason to keep those characters unique,) or you can wait till you want to resubscribe and make a new account with two open slots to play in the meantime. I fail to see how this is an inconvenience.

    LoL you know what, you are right. I'm gonna re-subscribe.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Really, the only thing annoying me about being silver right now, 'cause really I get why I can't do what I want right now but anyway... As recently as the 24th I could still post anywhere on the forums with this account. Now suddenly I'm restricted from doing so. I wasn't paying then either, and I certainly wasn't even playing at all then.

    I tried to answer questions someone asked earlier in another category when I noticed that, I'm not allowed to be helpful anymore for now I guess. =P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dysmetria wrote:
    Because as a silver member, you only get two slots. So you can either resubscribe now since you apparently intend to, (otherwise you wouldn't have any reason to keep those characters unique,) or you can wait till you want to resubscribe and make a new account with two open slots to play in the meantime. I fail to see how this is an inconvenience.

    It's an inconvenience because my account has my friends list on it. My new account wouldn't.

    I do not want to convert my gold characters, and I don't want to have to delete all my gold characters in order to create a silver one.

    Plus... creating multiple accounts on a F2P server stinks of an exploit. Basically it means I can have as many character slots as I want, I just have to create a new account for every two characters I want to create. If that's true, what's the point of having limited character slots in the first place?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wodahs wrote:
    It's an inconvenience because my account has my friends list on it. My new account wouldn't.

    I do not want to convert my gold characters, and I don't want to have to delete all my gold characters in order to create a silver one.

    Plus... creating multiple accounts on a F2P server stinks of an exploit. Basically it means I can have as many character slots as I want, I just have to create a new account for every two characters I want to create. If that's true, what's the point of having limited character slots in the first place?

    Yea, reminds me when Magic The Gathering was trying an online card game with "virtual" packs. You got XX packs free a day and all my friends created like 50 extra yahoo/gmail/msn accounts to get more cards. I wasn't going to point that out because it was just stupid that Cryptic didn't see that coming.

    I was VERY disappointed with the whole delete/convert scenario I was presented with. I converted 1 character, played about 2-3 hours and uninstalled the game once again. I will be moving on from this train wreck. Nothing more to see here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wodahs wrote:
    It's an inconvenience because my account has my friends list on it. My new account wouldn't.

    I do not want to convert my gold characters, and I don't want to have to delete all my gold characters in order to create a silver one.

    Plus... creating multiple accounts on a F2P server stinks of an exploit. Basically it means I can have as many character slots as I want, I just have to create a new account for every two characters I want to create. If that's true, what's the point of having limited character slots in the first place?
    So why don't you just resubscribe? Obviously you intend to do so, or you would have no problem converting your characters. You could also just subscribe for a month to get your friend's list, then transfer it to a new account.

    It's not an exploit to use multiple accounts. They would not all benefit from costume unlocks or store unlocks, and If you choose to subscribe one only that one would be getting subscription and veteran benefits.

    I'm sorry if the system is inconvenient in that it won't let you "have your cake and eat it too," but this service was designed to draw in new players, not to allow current and former subscribers to play like they used to only without a subscription.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dysmetria wrote:
    So why don't you just resubscribe? Obviously you intend to do so, or you would have no problem converting your characters. You could also just subscribe for a month to get your friend's list, then transfer it to a new account.

    It's not an exploit to use multiple accounts. They would not all benefit from costume unlocks or store unlocks, and If you choose to subscribe one only that one would be getting subscription and veteran benefits.

    I'm sorry if the system is inconvenient in that it won't let you "have your cake and eat it too," but this service was designed to draw in new players, not to allow current and former subscribers to play like they used to only without a subscription.

    Yea they don't care about drawing back old players who have left and "might" subscribe back at some point. Just the new players they haven't screwed over yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The-Fur wrote:
    Yea they don't care about drawing back old players who have left and "might" subscribe back at some point. Just the new players they haven't screwed over yet.
    Obviously they care about drawing back old players that left. That is why they gave you the option to convert your characters to silver archtypes and play them for free.

    What they don't care to do is to let you play like you are subscribed without you resubscribing. It isn't screwing you over to do things this way, but it would be screwing over every existing subscriber to let you have it how you want it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah, I am not feeling the love for former players AT ALL on these forums. If you arn't paying, I feel like we are the red headed step-child here. I am NOT deleting ANY character. Clearly we have TWO slots PERIOD in silver. It is simply easier to make a new account for your two new silver characters. It sucks to have to start all over again, but I really don't want to "destroy" my old characters converting them to silver and then back again (if that is even possible). I am not digging this whole F2P model and hope it NEVER befalls STO. By being limited to where we castoffs, I mean Silvers can even post is a sign of the times here....

    Way to welcome us "old Vets" back Cryptic! I feel like a soldier from Veitnam coming home....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dysmetria wrote:
    Obviously they care about drawing back old players that left. That is why they gave you the option to convert your characters to silver archtypes and play them for free.

    What they don't care to do is to let you play like you are subscribed without you resubscribing. It isn't screwing you over to do things this way, but it would be screwing over every existing subscriber to let you have it how you want it.

    All we really want is to have the gold characters locked out, 2 slots for silvers and if you wish to convert a gold. It takes one of your slots. That way, if we get to playing and see that things had changed we could resub and start playing our old gold character again. No harm, no foul. Instead you want us to create new accounts or screw up our old character to see if we want to come back. Now I will NEVER resub (along with everyone other past sub you have alienated) and Cryptic will be a bad taste our mouths, never to see any of our money ever again....So get off your Cryptic talking points and put some big-boy pants on and realize you guys messed up...again!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The-Fur wrote:
    All we really want is to have the gold characters locked out, 2 slots for silvers and if you wish to convert a gold. It takes one of your slots. That way, if we get to playing and see that things had changed we could resub and start playing our old gold character again. No harm, no foul. Instead you want us to create new accounts or screw up our old character to see if we want to come back. Now I will NEVER resub (along with everyone other past sub you have alienated) and Cryptic will be a bad taste our mouths, never to see any of our money ever again....So get off your Cryptic talking points and put some big-boy pants on and realize you guys messed up...again!
    I think you have me confused with someone that works at Cryptic, instead of a total newb to their games that has been playing CO for all of three days. I've been bashing many of their decisions for this f2p service, but this particular aspect of it makes perfect sense.

    They could have just not made things f2p, and also prevented former subscribers from posting in their forums. That is how many other subscription only MMOs do it. Then not only would you not be able to "see if things have changed" without paying to do so, you wouldn't have this forum to continue uselessly whining in. If anyone needs some "big-boy pants" here it is you.

    Instead they have given you plenty of options to play for free, either by converting your existing characters to one of the free archtypes, or by making a new account and starting new characters. I am sorry if you feel alienated by this system, but that is due to your own flawed sense of entitlement, not my or Cryptic's doing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dysmetria wrote:
    I think you have me confused with someone that works at Cryptic, instead of a total newb to their games that has been playing CO for all of three days. I've been bashing many of their decisions for this f2p service, but this particular aspect of it makes perfect sense.

    They could have just not made things f2p, and also prevented former subscribers from posting in their forums. That is how many other subscription only MMOs do it. Then not only would you not be able to "see if things have changed" without paying to do so, you wouldn't have this forum to continue uselessly whining in. If anyone needs some "big-boy pants" here it is you.

    Instead they have given you plenty of options to play for free, either by converting your existing characters to one of the free archtypes, or by making a new account and starting new characters. I am sorry if you feel alienated by this system, but that is due to your own flawed sense of entitlement, not my or Cryptic's doing.

    Your completely still missing the point of this thread and have been lmao. And I have yet to see another game where they cut off the f2p players from forums(they all give them their own section to post in unlike Cryptic which is just these 2 forums and no in-game question or new-player forums). And it's funny, your the only one in this thread that thinks our point of view is flawed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah, I am not feeling the love for former players AT ALL on these forums. If you arn't paying, I feel like we are the red headed step-child here. I am NOT deleting ANY character. Clearly we have TWO slots PERIOD in silver. It is simply easier to make a new account for your two new silver characters. It sucks to have to start all over again, but I really don't want to "destroy" my old characters converting them to silver and then back again (if that is even possible). I am not digging this whole F2P model and hope it NEVER befalls STO. By being limited to where we castoffs, I mean Silvers can even post is a sign of the times here....

    Way to welcome us "old Vets" back Cryptic! I feel like a soldier from Veitnam coming home....

    In the worst case you should only need to convert or delete one character. The way it is supposed to work is that the first 6 gold slots you have do not count against your two silver slots. If you have exactly 8 gold characters you'll have no open slots. If you have 7 gold characters, the first six don't count, so you have one open silver slot and one used slot that's being occupied by a gold character. There is a bug right now that will be fixed ASAP that's causing this calculation to not happen correctly, so it thinks you have 2 silver slots period, but this is not working as intended and will be fixed as soon as possible.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Lexeme wrote:
    In the worst case you should only need to convert or delete one character. The way it is supposed to work is that the first 6 gold slots you have do not count against your two silver slots. If you have exactly 8 gold characters you'll have no open slots. If you have 7 gold characters, the first six don't count, so you have one open silver slot and one used slot that's being occupied by a gold character. There is a bug right now that will be fixed ASAP that's causing this calculation to not happen correctly, so it thinks you have 2 silver slots period, but this is not working as intended and will be fixed as soon as possible.

    Oh wow, a dev reply nice. Good to hear these guys are not being outcasted and it's just a glitch :).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Way to welcome us "old Vets" back Cryptic! I feel like a soldier from Veitnam coming home....

    I find this fairly ignorant. Unless you were, in fact, a Vietnam Vet, I don't think you should compare their situation to someone returning to a video game. It's not only disrespectful to them, but totally negates anything you said.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    So if I have 10 gold characters, and had extra slots before, I should be able to click on the silver button that says 2 on it right? I'm supposed to be able to use those slots since by all indications the 2 means there are two slots to be used? Cause I did delete one of my chars, even though I was supposed to have had a free slot still anyhow.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Lexeme wrote:
    In the worst case you should only need to convert or delete one character. The way it is supposed to work is that the first 6 gold slots you have do not count against your two silver slots. If you have exactly 8 gold characters you'll have no open slots. If you have 7 gold characters, the first six don't count, so you have one open silver slot and one used slot that's being occupied by a gold character. There is a bug right now that will be fixed ASAP that's causing this calculation to not happen correctly, so it thinks you have 2 silver slots period, but this is not working as intended and will be fixed as soon as possible.

    Thank-you, I suspected that something was amiss. I'll keep an eye open for the patch.
    Dysmetria wrote:
    So why don't you just resubscribe? Obviously you intend to do so, or you would have no problem converting your characters. You could also just subscribe for a month to get your friend's list, then transfer it to a new account.

    It's not an exploit to use multiple accounts. They would not all benefit from costume unlocks or store unlocks, and If you choose to subscribe one only that one would be getting subscription and veteran benefits.

    I'm sorry if the system is inconvenient in that it won't let you "have your cake and eat it too," but this service was designed to draw in new players, not to allow current and former subscribers to play like they used to only without a subscription.

    I would gladly subscribe, but it's not an option for me at the moment. Working around a game mechanic, (slots limitation) is generally considered an exploit. Don't know if Cryptic will consider it to be one and clamp down on it or not, but I have personal reasons for not being able to risk a TOS violation. Never asked for any cake, but might be willing to eat it if I got some. And, I don't feel inconvenienced.
    Aoi wrote:
    So if I have 10 gold characters, and had extra slots before, I should be able to click on the silver button that says 2 on it right? I'm supposed to be able to use those slots since by all indications the 2 means there are two slots to be used? Cause I did delete one of my chars, even though I was supposed to have had a free slot still anyhow.

    Bugged at the moment, watch for a patch.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    ok i deleted both my toons and still can't create a new one, i have both slots open and when i create go through whole process name and then hit create it says creation failed and logs me out returns me to login screen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    ok i deleted both my toons and still can't create a new one, i have both slots open and when i create go through whole process name and then hit create it says creation failed and logs me out returns me to login screen
    Are you trying to make a specialist or savage? Those are the two specialty purchasable archtypes, you have to buy them before you can make them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Backhand wrote:
    I find this fairly ignorant. Unless you were, in fact, a Vietnam Vet, I don't think you should compare their situation to someone returning to a video game. It's not only disrespectful to them, but totally negates anything you said.

    Wow, really? Yes I am desrepecting all my fellow brothers in arms. {rolls eyes} I am not even going to lower myself to explain this one.... (and I am in IRAQ right now thank you)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Lexeme wrote:
    In the worst case you should only need to convert or delete one character. The way it is supposed to work is that the first 6 gold slots you have do not count against your two silver slots. If you have exactly 8 gold characters you'll have no open slots. If you have 7 gold characters, the first six don't count, so you have one open silver slot and one used slot that's being occupied by a gold character. There is a bug right now that will be fixed ASAP that's causing this calculation to not happen correctly, so it thinks you have 2 silver slots period, but this is not working as intended and will be fixed as soon as possible.

    Ok thank you Lexeme for the response. At least we know there is a glitch. Now can you confirm, if we convert a Gold toon into a Silver, he can be "re-converted" back to Gold at a later date if we choose and all powers and gear will be intact?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Thanks, Lexeme. I was a confused returning player until I saw your post.

    I had 7 gold characters one of which was a silly and stupid level 2 character, who I didn't care to convert to silver as I'd rather just start fresh. So I deleted her as I figured that if I could convert one character to silver and play, I might as well delete one character and thereby free up space for a new silver. One-for-one right? Nope.

    Now I have 6 gold characters that I don't want to delete and that I don't want to convert, since they can't be converted back to gold at any future time.

    So basically I should have converted my lv2 instead of deleting her, but now I have no character left that I'm willing to delete.

    I hope this is a glitch and that I will be able to play this game soon. I was going to play silver in order to see if re-subscribing is something I want to do.

    Dysmetria, everything you've said in this thread is just based on a complete lack of empathy for other people. That is all.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Thanks for the reply Lex, I'm glad we aren't totally getting screwed here, kinda regretting converting one of my people now though.
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