The issues I have with the current pet control system:
A) While on "Assist" mode, pets only attack when the owner attacks, and do not react to the owner being attacked. The owner being attacked should cause threat for the pet(s) on assist mode. Not just when the owner attacks. If you're really married to the idea of "Assist" meaning what it currently does, then give pets another mode called "Defend", which will cause them to react if the owner attacks or is attacked.

When I tell my pets to Attack a target, they (usually) attack it until it dies, then they stop, even if they (and me) are getting attacked by other enemies. Again, if the pets are attacked, they should gain threat for whatever attacked them unless they are in passive mode.
C) Sometimes, after finishing a fight when they were told to attack, pets will automatically charge the next thing I tab-target (or sometimes my auto target). I'm sometimes afraid to look around after a fight is over without clicking the "Passive" button first. This is not desirable, as I like to tab around and look at enemies before I decide to start another fight.
What I'd like to see is the way CoV did it for Masterminds:
Two rows of commands [for each pet individually, and groupings to control multiple pets of same type or all pets at once]
- First row has three options, which are like "states". Only one of these is "on" at a time: Passive; Defensive; or Aggressive
- Second row has four buttons, which are instant commands: Attack, Stay, Follow, Goto (location)
You can use any combination of options from these two rows. You can tell the pets to be Aggressive, AND to Stay (Guard this doorway!), or to be Defensive and Follow (attack anyone that attacks me or that I attack). Etc.
Most importantly: if you give them the "Attack" command, they should attack the current target immediately, but NOT change their state to Aggressive if it wasn't already so. If they are set to Passive, and given the "Attack" command, they should just attack that target and not respond to additional threat triggers. If they are set to Defensive they should also attack anything else that joins in the fight (attacks them or their owner or other pets/allies of the owner).
This seems like a very simple, common-sense pet control scheme, and is basically what is used by every MMO I can ever remember having had pet(s) in, except CO. I honestly can't figure out why we currently have these "all-or-nothing" (and sometimes seemingly random) Aggressive-Passive junk controls.
The real issue I would like to see fixed is the keymapping for the pet controls. I tried to remap the attack function away from the F-keys...(which doesn't work to begin with) onto one of my mouse buttons and nothin. I'm still stuck hovering the cursor in that area of the screen while playing my Summoner so I can spam the attack button as I tab cycle thru the enemies. It's very aggrivating in larger fights but for now it's better than nothing i suppose.
And as for your CoX Mastermind comments.....Totally!!!!
At first the system was a lil' akward to use but by the late teens, early 20's my toon could navigate a mission like a pro using the thug pets I chose. That and the bind macro setup system was very good in making a lot of custom binds that allowd me to create pull binds for single pets to preferm and so on. Unfortunatley some of that system could be proprietary and if thats the case I wouldn't expect it to show up over here v.v'