Hello everyone, especially old friends.
I've just resubscribed to the game after a short absence due at first to work and family issues taking a great deal of my time. I was hoping to resub this summer, but then I got hit by medical problems in the form of congestive heart failure which put me in hospital for a short stay. Thankfully, my condition's under control now and I'm looking forward to renewing old acquaintances and making new friends. I'm also a lifetime subscriber to STO and I just preordered the Distinguished Competition--yes, you can play more than one superhero MMO with a clear conscience and hopefully, I'll enjoy both.

Take care all and I'll see out there on the mean streets of Millennium City!
One other thing if I might--enjoy life. Treasure every moment of it because you never know how long you have.
Welcome to Millennium City !, looking forward to seeing you on-duty !.