Just got the game today because I just found out it was not going to be released for the 360 oh well, im new to this I got it because it reminded me alot of Phantasy Star Online which is a game I used to love for the Dreamcast anyways in game name is KingRyu if ya want to add me and help me out figuring things out.
There are so many lairs and layers here of things to do..
I hope you find the niche you like the most and just have you some good olde fashioned fun.
TPAM is great for advice and kind manners in doing so. Even if you don't join a Super Group [SG]
There are many nice members of them that help people enjoy ..
The PUGS are always available somewhere and you can sidekick to bring your levels up to see some amazing things.
I hope you find the niche you like the most and just have you some good olde fashioned fun.
TPAM is great for advice and kind manners in doing so. Even if you don't join a Super Group [SG]
There are many nice members of them that help people enjoy ..
The PUGS are always available somewhere and you can sidekick to bring your levels up to see some amazing things.