Ok, well I am not sure about anyone else, but personally I have found it difficult to get a handle on the supergroups in this game. Due to fact that like 95% of the content can be soloed I suppose people don't try as hard to band together as they do in other games.
Sadly, this causes issues such as missing out on those chance meetings that introduce you to cool people that just so happen to be in the type of SG you've been looking for.
I have been playing online games for a very long time and I don't know how many times this has happened to me, however, as many times as this has happened, an equal number of times I have gone to the main forums for a particular game and found a great guild as well.
So what I am going to try to do with this thread is to catalog all the
active guilds in the game currently!
How you ask? ... Well I am glad you did
I am going to ask you to fill out a little application, which will be at the bottom of this post. I will take that application and sort it into one of three categories, which will be:
Hardcore > These guys grind hard, level fast and crush all content first. They min/max, concept build, bug hunt, find flaws and really just live and breathe the game on a daily basis.
Casual /
*RP Lite > these guys are laid back, maybe they log in for an hour or two in the evening after work, maybe they are only on during the weekends.
RP Heavy > Everything in the game is secondary to these people. They are all about social interaction. The game is simply a means to that end.
* I included RP lite in the Casual section, simply because 99% of all casual guilds usually state that they are RP lite (ie: RP if you want to, because we really don't care one way or the other
** Addendum #1: These are just loose guidelines written by me, If you feel your SG is "hardcore" but your not on every day, by all means say your hardcore and not casual please
Don't let me dictate what your labeled as (chuckle). These are only used for organizational purposes mainly.
However, Those are the three main categories I find that
most SGs fit into, so this will be our criteria. Now then, once the application is posted, I will check it, if there is no issues I will add it to the appropriate section and that is that
Why go through the hassle you ask? I am glad you did!
Having a directory like this (and honestly I am amazed there isn't one stickied already) helps new, current and returning players easily find a SG that fits their play style. Think of it as the yellow pages for SGs - allowing players to look you up without you needing to advertise constantly
So, I think I have rambled on long enough now. Here we go with the application:
Champions Online Supergroup Application:Name: Name of your Supergroup
Website: Address of your website / forums
Category: ie: Hardcore, Casual, RP heavy
Age Req: ie: 16+, 18+, etc
Vent / Teamspeak: Do you own a personal Vent / TS server?
Special Reqs: ie: must be a robot ninja vegetarian, etc
Do you PvP? Self explanatory
Do you run 5mans / etc? Self explanatory
Personal Taboos: Zero tolerance for foul language, etc
Contact Info & Primary Timezone @name only please. & 3 Letter Timezone Code (ie: PST/EST/GMT/etc)
Just copy and paste the above / fill it out and I will add it.
I think that should cover it really.
I truly hope that everyone takes advantage of this thread and posts their guild info so this community can come together and enjoy the game.
P.s. if this kicks off - I would really love to have a mod sticky this so it doesn't need to be cluttered with bumps. I'd also like to ask that no one reply to this thread unless they are adding their own SGs info please.
Edit / May21/2010: Thanks to all the people thus far that have submitted applications!
We even got a staff member posting letting us know of SG goodies on the way, huzzah
As you can see the page is updated below with the info, if anyone has any suggestions on formatting or anything else to make it as easy as possible to read / find info let me know, I will see what I can do.
**Edit / May 22 / 2010 - phew, I think I am definitely going to need more room!. I didn't think there was only a 12k character limit per thread, I would have reserved the entire first page of threads
If it keeps up at this pace, might need some GM assistance to make some room later on!
Still, only means things are going well and the list is coming together nicely! thank-you all for helping make that a reality and I hope you all get loads of members because of it
**Edit / May24 / 2010: Going to have to ask for an admin to either to start to make room for me to expand, or for people to keep the "additional info" part of their posts BRIEF. I am super limited character wise per post (12,000 characters) which sounds like alot but it really isn't =( esp. when people write a small novel lol.
**Edit #2 May24 / 2010 Sometime soon after Serpent Lantern goes live, there will be an update. That update will make this thread sorta obsolete. Read this:
Some of the features include ways to search for SG's by various tags (Casual, Hard Core, RP, etc) as well as by name, or timezone, and a few other things as well. And the listing will show the SG website and description as well
So, I suppose I should be happy that these features are going into the game, and I won't need to use the forums to maintain this list for years on end
In the meantime I will continue to make sure the list is as accurate as possible every day until the features are patched in (provided I have room
**Edit July 10/2010 Hello everyone - I am having some difficulties finding room in the lists. I may have to take out the "additional sg info" section altogether sadly. If I wasn't so restricted with the character count per post or had I the foresight about the character count I would have reserved more space, sadly that was not the case
In any case - the core application should remain fairly intact - just thought I would give you a heads up so I don't get 50 Pm's going "WTF did you do to my post!" lol
**Edit July 15/2010 Well, one week till my birthday and in celebration of that - the thread has finally gotten a sticky! Huzzah!
However...I have decided to remove the "additional info" category from the application, I Simply don't have the room for it. My applogies. However, I will change it to "Contact Info", where you can leave a
@name. Since, some people simply didn't add any contact info. There are a majority of people without this section in their post. If you would like to have it added - please drop me a message with your section, name, and info and I will get it added ASAP. Cheers.
**Edit August 9/10 By request I have added a Primary Timezone section to the application. Feel free to add this to your posts. As usual, with any changes I make, if there is something you need altered on your post, just let me know and I'll get it fixed up in a jiff.
**Edit August 15/20 Sadly, I wll no longer be able to maintain this as I once did in the past. It is still an excellent refrence for anyone looking for a SG though, and as I previously stated, the terrific staff at cryptic will be providing all the services I offered here, in game for you all to enjoy in an upcoming patch
Enjoy and be well.
Name: Aggression
Website: No
SG Category: Hardcore
Minimum Age Req: You just need to be mature.
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Yes
Special Reqs: You MUST be an active PvPer.
Do you PvP? We are an all PvP supergroup.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: You just need to be respectful to other members and especially to leaders.
Contact info @Ravenshadow13, @Sallamander, Violation@Omni17
Name: Combat Engineers
Website: www.combatengineers.net
SG Category: Casual to Hardcore
Minimum Age Requirement: 18+
Ventrilo: Yes
Special Requirements: We play to have fun.
Do you PvP?: Yes
Do you run 5-mans and/or Nem Con?: Yes
Personal Taboos: Drama
Name: Fourth Wall
Websites: No
SG Category:Hardcore/Casual/No Rp
Minimum Age Requirement: No
Vent / Teamspeak Available? Yes
Special Requirements for joining: Invite Only
Do you PvP? We're a PVP-focused SG, in all tiers.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: We have none.
Name Legion of Valor
Website http://lofv.guildlaunch.com
SG Category Hardcore / Light RP
Minimum Age Requirement Old enough to not be a dork
Vent / Teamspeak Available Yes
Special Requirements for joining Must like having fun I suppose.
Do you PvP? Yes.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos Don't be a jerk to SG members
Name: Sleeping Forest
Website: sleeping-forest@gamerdna.com
SG Category: Hardcore/Rp Heavy
Minimum Age Req: 18+ or at least adequatly mature.
Vent/Teamspeak No
Special Reqs: Academy setting.
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos Must be open minded and accepting of people with alternative lifestyles
Name: The Crimson Knights
Website: None
Category: Hardcore, Casual / Light RP (Mostly)
Age Req: None
Vent / Teamspeak: No
Special Reqs: None
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: Respect everyone In Game (SG or Not)
Contact Info: @reo184
Casual / *RP Lite
Name B.U.G.G.A.H
Website http://spear.freeforums.org/index.php (S.P.E.A.R alliance forums, front page link )
SG Category Casual (PvP)
Minimum Age Requirement 8 Months
Vent / Teamspeak Available Yes
Special Requirements for joining Must PvP/want to PvP or be Aussie
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos High ranking players can kick you so don't get on anyone's bad side (Kicked players won't be invited back)
Contact info: Jeshu@crazyguy
Name: Coldbloods
Website: http://coldbloods-co.forumotion.net/
SG Category: Casual, RP friendly
Minimum Age Req: 17+
Vent / Teamspeak Available: No
Special Reqs: Reptillian/Amphibian/Scaly theme is a must
Do you PvP? No
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: Be cool, Be friendly, Enjoy occasional randomness. No eating citizens (even if they do look yummy).
Name: Extant Force
Website http://www.extantforce.com/
SG Category Casual
Minimum Age Requirement 16+ but younger applications will be dealt with on a case-to-case basis
Vent / Teamspeak Available Yes
Special Requirements for joining Must fill out an application on our website. This can be found by clicking the "Apply Today" button above the History link. Must have a team uniform.
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos Please keep foul language to a minimum.
Contact info@Roxstar, @Skyborne, or @MysticSpy
Name: Dauntless Reverie
Website: http://dauntless.hexcore.org
SG Category: Casual-RP
Minimum Age Req: 18+, although we will consider younger players under special cases
Vent / Teamspeak Available Yes
Special Reqs: It would help if your character is magical, or influenced by magic. Robots and super scientists would probably feel out of place
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos ie: We're pretty relaxed, so just the usual get along with everyone
Name: Freedom Brigade: Eternal
Website: No
SG Category: Casual (RP Friendly)
Minimum Age Requirement: 18+ (Prefer Mature Players)
Vent / Teamspeak?: No
Special Requirements : Be friendly, helpful, active (a must) with toon that is invited to the SG.... Only going for a specific look for the SG, so please, if you are all over the place with your toon with no real solid concept, we will not accept. See our forum page for more details.
Do you PvP?: Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: Yes
Personal Taboos: No activity within the group will eventually result in being kicked.
Name: Legends and Myths
Website: legendsandmyths.guildlaunch.com
SG Category: Casual
Minimum Age Req: 20+
Vent / Teamspeak?: Yes
Special Reqs: none
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: Just no rude or inconsiderate people.
Website: http://forevermen.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=343444&TabID=2875191
Category: Casual, Social
Age Req: None
Vent / Teamspeak: Blabbleon
Special Reqs: None
Do you PvP? Yes - Light
Do you run 5mans / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: foul language, emos recieved with grudging acceptance, respect
Contact Info @ungratefulninja
Name: NERF
Website: http://nerf.guildportal.com/
SG Category: Casual, Forum
Minimum Age Req: None, though our chat is unrestricted in quality and content
Vent / Teamspeak: There is a teamspeak, but very few use it.
Special Reqs: Should be active on the forum
Do you PvP? Some do, nothing organized
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Most are willing to
Personal Taboos: you must be VERY resilient to insults and sarcasm as well as tolerant of pretty much anything
Name: Recios Inc.
Website: http://recios.foroes.net
SG Category: Casual, RP lite
Minimum Age Req: Not at all. Average age around 28+-
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Yes
Special Reqs: Main language is spanish.
Do you PvP: Aye, but not a priority just something each one chooses
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: Sure!!
Personal Taboos: Respect is a must. Minimun writing skill. No stupid character names.
Name: S.I.C.K.L.E.
Website: None
SG Category: Minor RP, Casual
Minimum Age Req: 16+
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Not currently, have a temporary one
Special Reqs: Soviet Themed
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: Capitalists
Name Silver Age Sentinels
Website [url]HTTP://SilverAge.GuildPortal.com[/url]
SG Category : Casual/RP light-Medium
Minimum Age Requirement Prefer mature, laid back players.
Vent / Teamspeak Available No.
Special Requirements for joining : Classic heroes. [But we have alt groups for other themes]
Do you PvP? Some of our members are big PVP fans, most don't.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos : Drama, especially OOC/RL drama. We all play to have fun.
Name: Sovereign
Website: http://sovereign.mmopost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=351558&TabID=2943791
SG Category: Casual
Minimum Age Requirement: 18+
Vent/Teamspeak: Not at current
Do you PvP: Casual
Do you Run 5mans/Nemcons etc.: Yes
Name: The Avant Guard
Address of your website / forums: N/A
SG Category: Casual
Minimum Age Req.: No
Vent / Teamspeak: None
Special Reqs: Must be friendly
Do you PvP? Not usually
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: No Rudeness
Name: The Condemned
Website: www.condemned.abyssportal.com
SG Category: ie: Casual/RP Light
Minimum Age Req: Over 18 is preferable, but not required.
Vent / Teamspeak: Coming Soon!
Special Reqs: Anti-Heroic Themed
Do you PvP?: Casually
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: Yes
Personal Taboos: Zero tolerance for bigotry.
Name: The Chosen Few
Website: http://www.nomoreangels.co.uk/classified
SG Category: Casual / RP Lite
Minimum Age Req.: 18+
Vent / Teamspeak Available: No
Special Reqs Euro / GMT zone
Do you PvP?: Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: Yes
Personal Taboos Respect, No Idiots
Name The League of Fantastic Gentlepersons
Website: http://gentlepersons.proboards.com/
Recruitment Thread: http://forums.champions-online.com/s...ad.php?t=85671
SG Category None
Minimum Age Req.: Over 9000
Vent / Teamspeak: Na
Special Reqs: Able to recite pi to > 10 decimal places
PvP: I do. You'd have to ask them other guys if they PvP
5 man Grouping: That's the purpose of a supergroup, isn't it?
Personal Taboos: Can't believe in Astrology
Name: The Lost Numbers
Website: None
SG Category: Casual (VERY Casual)
Minimum Age Requirement: None
Vent / Teamspeak Available: None as of yet.
Special Requirements: First 22 Applicants must be designed/named after the Tarot Major Arcana
Do you PvP: Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc: Yes
Personal Taboos: Keep it Casual
Name: The Saikashuu
Website: http://www.saikashuu.webs.com
SG Category: Casualcore! (Daily players, multiple-hour sessions, but waaaay chill about it)
Minimum Age Req: Old enough to not be a dork, young enough to not be crusty
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Teamspeak.
Special Reqs: No
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: Don't make us look bad. Know how to win and lose with grace and dignity.
Name: Star Destroyer
Website: http://s8.invisionfree.com/Star_Destroyer
Recruitment: http://forums.champions-online.com/s...d.php?t=107255
SG Category: Casual
Minimum Age Requirement : 16+
Vent / Teamspeak Available: We use GSC
Special Requirements for joining: Must be cool, squares need not apply.
Do you PvP?: Occasionally
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: Yes
Personal Taboos : Overly sensitive or people with generally bad dispositions/attitudes.
Name: WildCards
Website: http://www.unrepentantgaming.org/
SG Category: Casually casual, but with style.
Minimum Age Req: 18+
Vent / Teamspeak Available We have our own Vent server.
Special Reqs: Come as you are, really.
Do you PvP? On occasion.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Regularly.
Personal Taboos Wearing pants.
Name: Barghest
Website: fourletterwords.guildportal.com
SG Category: Casual/RP heavy
Minimum Age Req: No
Vent / Teamspeak: No
Special Reqs: Modern, Iron age and Copper age character preferred.
Do you PvP?: No
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: Yes
Personal Taboos: Respect. No drama. Don't be too uptight. No chat speak would be preferred.
Name: Beacon Academy
Website: http://thebeacon.freeforums.org/index.php
SG Category: RP medium
Minimum Age Req: 16+
Vent / Teamspeak Available: No
Special Reqs: Teen Characters
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: No
Name: Black Hand Consortium
Website: http://bhc.guildlaunch.com/
SG Category: RP Heavy
Minimum Age Req: No
Vent / Teamspeak Available: No
Special Reqs: Must be a supervillian
Do you PvP?: No, but no restriction on any member that wants to. May be occassional RP-PVP.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos : Rules on site
Name: Halcyon Academy
Website: Halcyon Academy Website
SG Category: RP Heavy
Minimum Age Req: None
Special Reqs: HA is a super-hero academy and characters must fit into that theme as either students or teachers/mentors.
Do you PvP? No
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons: Yes
Personal Taboos: PG-13 in SG chat and affiliated channels. Mild cursing fine, nothing too out there.
Name: Knight Stalkers
Website None, Coming Soon
SG Category RP/PVP/ Help support we just like to have fun
Min Age Req. No
Vent / Teamspeak No
Special Reqs Animal Themed
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos Not Trying
Name: Phoenix Investigations
Website: http://phoenixinvestigations.guildlaunch.com/
Category: RP heavy
Age Req: 13+
Vent / Teamspeak: No
Special Reqs: Serious Rp, No Robots, character must fit theme. Dark rp tones.
Do you PvP? No
Do you run 5mans / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: No drama, keep rp IC and no absue.
Contact Info: @gosai and @Gryphonz
Name: Nightshift
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=2817857
SG Category: RP heavy
Minimum Age Req: No
Vent / Teamspeak Available: No
Special Reqs: Heroes only, no current anti-hero killer types. All alts and themes welcome.
Do you PvP? No
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: Cheezy half baked characters, and really bad furry RP.
Contact info: Contact any of us
Website: SPICE
SG Category:RP heavy
Minimum Age Req: , 18+
Vent / Teamspeak Available? No
Special Reqs: Mature RP, have a character concept that includes at least some heroic RP
Do you PvP? Individual Choice
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Plan to if we have the manning
Personal Taboos: Being abusive
Contact info : In-Game mail Silken Seductress@TwistedThought
Name: The Apocrypha
Website: Apocrypha.Guildportal.com
SG Category: Heavy Role Play
Minimum Age Req: 18
Special Reqs: Names must match theme, no robots,no aliens,no Orks
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans Yes
Personal Taboos: God Mode RP, Angst, disruption of events,etc
Contact info Azreal@gridspider
Name The Paladins
Website http://thepaladins.mmoguildsites.com
SG Category RP Heavy
Minimum Age Requirement No
Vent / Teamspeak Available No
Special Requirements for joining Traditional costumed heroes; can't overlap with an existing member in concept.
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos No
Name:The Blue Box
Website: thebluebox.guildportal.com
SG Category: Casual/RP heavy
Minimum Age Requirement: 16+
Vent / Teamspeak Available No
Special Requirements for joining: Preferably time travelers
Do you PvP? No
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? no
Personal Taboos: Zero tolerance for foul language, vulgar RPing
Name: The Heroic League
Website: (In progress)
SG Category: RP centered and driven, but we do enjoy a good lair run.
Minimum Age Req: Be mature. The moment I see immaturity I will kick you with out question.
Vent / Teamspeak Available(In progress)
Special Reqs: Have an oldschool kind of costume (Spiderman, wolverine, batman, captain america, etc)
Do you PvP? No
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: foul language, rudeness and immaturity will have you kicked and not accepted back.
Name: The Silver Guard
Website: http://silverguard.guildlaunch.com
SG Category: RP heavy
Minimum Age Req: No, but be mature
Vent / Teamspeak Available: No
Special Reqs: The ability to uphold our core ideals of Respect, Protection, Truth and Unity. Overly "Dark" or "Villain" characters are not accepted.
Do you PvP? No.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes, Weekly Team Missions
Personal Taboos: We ask that our members maintain a PG-13 rating in public channels and forums.
Name: The Ultimate Guardians
Website: theguardians.mlgc.eu
SG Category: Medium-Heavy Roleplay.
Minimum Age Req: No age requirement, we just ask for maturity and a good attitude.
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Yes.
Special Reqs: We are a group of modern heroes living in a modern world that is not always black and white. However, we try to stay away from overtly violent or darker character concepts as The Guardians are always in the public eye and we do not want our heroes endorsing unlawful behavior with their justice.
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: Be respectful of all of your SG mates.
Contact info: @CommanderKazar
Name: The Lost Numbers
Website: None
SG Category: Casual (VERY Casual)
Minimum Age Requirement: None
Vent / Teamspeak Available: None as of yet.
Special Requirements: First 22 Applicants must be designed/named after the Tarot Major Arcana
Do you PvP: Up to the members.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc: Pretty sure we could.
Personal Taboos: Just want to keep it casual, friendly, and non-committal.
Additional SG Info: This SG is mostly just for fun. It's non-committal, and ideal for the altaholic. (Like me.) At present, we don't have any bigger plans than just to get members, level as we please, and PvP as we please. If you think making a Tarot Themed toon would be fun, then join. If you want an immersive "someone's always online" SG with a website, a forum, a vent, and a punch bowl, then this SG is not for you.
Website http://spear.freeforums.org/index.php (S.P.E.A.R alliance forums, can't remember the front page link )
SG Category Casual (PvP)
Minimum Age Requirement 8 Months
Vent / Teamspeak Available Yerp
Special Requirements for joining Must PvP/want to PvP or be Aussie
Do you PvP? Yerp
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yerp
Personal Taboos High ranking players can kick you so don't get on anyone's bad side (Kicked players will not be invited back in)
Additional SG info Green/Gold SG colours for uniform (Optional)
Also we do some PvE, where else would we get gear to PvP with!
Website http://lofv.guildlaunch.com
SG Category hrmm.. tough call here... Hardcore Casual / Light RP Hybrid
Minimum Age Requirement Old enough to not be a dork
Vent / Teamspeak Available Ventrilo for the win!
Special Requirements for joining Must like having fun I suppose.
Do you PvP? Yes. but not required. Have private pvp events within the SG as well.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? All the time, Daily really.
Personal Taboos Don't be a jerk to SG members, we work together not against one another.
Additional SG info Purple Black and White are the SG uniform colors. The uniform is required at sg events only, wearing it is optional at any other time so you can keep wearing your pink bunny slippers and clown nose the rest of the time if that is your thing. Feel free to contact any of us in game for more info or to answer any questions that you may have!
The Chosen Few
Website: http://www.nomoreangels.co.uk/classified
SG Category ie: Casual / RP Lite
Minimum Age Requirement ie: Well Most of us are in our 20s and 30s
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Not as of yet but our in-game SG chat is pretty active tbh.
Special Requirements for joining ie: For Europeans and those living in and around the GMT Time Zone
Do you PvP?: Up to individual members
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: As Much As Possible
Personal Taboos ie: Usual stuff really respect your fellow many don't be an idio, don't feast on human flesh. That kinda thing.
Additional SG Info: Currently the idea is to create the biggest community of Europeans in the whole of CO. We are a friendly bunch and are always happy to help newcommers or the frequently confused (I know I am!) with a fairly active forum.
Website http://thepaladins.mmoguildsites.com
SG Category RP Heavy
Minimum Age Requirement Don't care
Vent / Teamspeak Available Nope
Special Requirements for joining Traditional costumed heroes; can't overlap with an existing member in concept.
Do you PvP? For fun if we feel like it, not devotedly
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? See previous
Personal Taboos No ERP
Additional SG info The Paladins are a roleplay group focused on every member having a unique role. To that end, we only recruit members who fill a niche we don't already have covered. Check out our available and filled roles if you're interested. We're a purposely small group with a member cap of 25 people--the goal being to remain close and tight knit, and make sure everyone has a role in the group that isn't overlapped ten times over.
Champions Online Supergroup Application:
Name Silver Age Sentinels
Website [url]HTTP://SilverAge.GuildPortal.com[/url]
SG Category : Casual/RP light-Medium
Minimum Age Requirement ie: No mimum, but prefer mature, laid back players.
Vent / Teamspeak Available No.
Special Requirements for joining : Classic heroes. [But we have alt groups for other themes]
Do you PvP? Some of our members are big PVP fans, most don't.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? On occasion
Personal Taboos : Drama, especially Out of character real life drama. We all play to have fun, everything else is secondary to this goal.
Additional SG info
Silver Age Sentinels focuses on what heroes do best -- being heroes.
The four-color pallet of a silver and bronze age comics role-play style isn't an excuse to ignore life's rainbow of greys; rather, it deliberately focuses on what makes folks better men and women without belittling the soul or trivializing the human spirit.
We focus on Silver and Bronze age style characters as our primary inspiration, as the dusk of the Silver age was when comics first began to grow up, but had not lost their strong moral convictions.
Learn more about us, at our website, or here at our official recruitment thread.
The League of Fantastic Gentlepersons
SG Category None
Minimum Age Requirement: Over 9000
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Na
Special Requirements for joining: Able to recite pi to > 10 decimal places
PvP: I do. You'd have to ask them other guys if they PvP
5 man Grouping: That's the purpose of a supergroup, isn't it?
Personal Taboos: Can't believe in Astrology
Additional SG info: We have no requirements, regulations, drama, or organization really. The anti-supergroup!
Only ten places? Come on, if you want quality heroes you need to know at least 50 or 60.
...like me.
That's actually one of my ways for determining tips when I eat out. Dollar per digit of pi.
Name: Cymerian Institute
Website: thebluebox.guildportal.com
SG Category: Casual/RP heavy
Minimum Age Requirement: 16+
Vent / Teamspeak Available Do you own your own personal Vent / TS server? No
Special Requirements for joining: MUST BE ACTIVE. (once a week)
Do you PvP?
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?
Personal Taboos: Perverts and strawberries stay away.
Additional SG info:
Trying to revive this RPSG. MUST be active and willing to contribute. Active status is considered playing at least once a week unless otherwise noted. Day and time doesn't matter. Looking for members, leaders, officers and anyone willing to pitch in. Also seeking alliances with other RPSGs.So if you are an overflowing SG that would like an extension SG, I'm willing to help out with that. ALL ideas are welcomed.
Website: http://youcongrey.abyssportal.com/ (Under work)
Recruitment Thread: http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=108091
SG Category: Hardcore/Casual (Non-RP)
Minimum Age Requirement: None, so long as you're mature.
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Yes
Special Requirements for joining: Openminded, Good attitude
Do you PvP?: Yes, Very rare and sporadic, many times just solo members
5 man Lairs/Quests/Etc.: Yes, very common
Personal Taboos: Whiny people, Annoying kids, Closeminded people
Additional SG info: Drama-free environment, i don't put up with it, We also allow mature language, so if you're liable to report someone for swearing, don't bother joining, lots of numbers and theorycraft on busy nights, no RP in SG, but members are free to do it on their own elsewhere. SG Colors are Black and white - SG Costumes are not required however.
Name: Sacred Vanguard
Website: None
SG Category: Casual
Minimum Age Requirement: None (Just don't act too childish)
Vent / Teamspeak: None
Special Requirements for joining: Angel/Divine themed. Other concepts are acceptable if their main goal is hunting demons and other creatures considered to be "evil incarnate"
Do you PvP?: We will if we have people interested in it.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? We can't right now due to limited size and levels within the SG
Personal Taboos: No ERP or fould language in the SG chat. Trying to keep all SG functions rated "Teen."
Additional SG info: Our SG is EXTREMELY small at the moment, but we would love to have people join up. While I will maintain the OOC control of the SG, I am looking for somebody who would like to RP the leadership of the SG and somebody who knows about websites and such to take care of that for us. We want everyone in the SG to feel unique and have something to contribute. See you in the game!
Website: http://s8.invisionfree.com/Star_Destroyer
Recruitment: http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=107255
SG Category ie: Casual
Minimum Age Requirement ie: 16+ (Though maturity is a higher factor than physical age)
Vent / Teamspeak Available: We use GSC, dudes should try it out sometime.
Special Requirements for joining ie: Must be cool, squares need not apply.
Do you PvP?: Occasionally, we're willing but iffy with the system as it is now.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: They run for us, or they get curb stomped!
Personal Taboos ie: Overly sensitive or people with generally bad dispositions/attitudes.
Additional SG info: Well we've been around since before open beta, planning out our big entry into Champions, makin' a name for ourselves. But ya know, plans didn't turn out so well, but we're still going strong at 7+ members! Star Destroyer all in all looks for just a good group of people willin' to hangout, wanting to do more than just Champions too. We keep contact outside of the game and we make buds, play other games, that sorta thing. We're formed of three divisions to keep things organized, and are aiming for a max of 30 members at the moment.
Don't be shy, come on and make a name, come on down and be a pal.
Website ExtantForce.com
SG Category Casual
Minimum Age Requirement 16+ but younger applications will be dealt with on a case-to-case basis
Vent / Teamspeak Available Yes
Special Requirements for joining Must fill out an application on our website. This can be found by clicking the "Apply Today" button above the History link. Must have a team uniform.
Do you PvP? Sometimes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? We run these almost daily.
Personal Taboos Please keep foul language to a minimum.
Additional SG info Extant Force has been here since beta and has been built from the ground up. We've chosen our colors, our costumes, and our own logo as a group. We tend to RP more in the realm of character creation and concepts but have several members who like to RP in game as well. Several of us are lifers and plan on being here 'til the servers shut down. We also have a chat channel for all members that way you can play on an alt and still talk with the rest of a group but ask that you still play on your SG chracter at least twice a week. You can message @Roxstar, @MysticSpy, or @Skyborne for more information.
Websites: We have none
SG Category: We don't really fit into any of these categories. We are a blatantly no RP SG, however. We're somewhere between Hardcore and Casual - when we play, we play seriously, but our login times can be infrequent to seriously frequent.
Minimum Age Requirement: We don't have an official age requirement, but our youngest member atm is, I think, 20? Younger members rarely pan out - if it is a younger member interested, they should have some serious maturity.
Vent / Teamspeak Available? We have one, we just don't bother using it often.
Special Requirements for joining: 4w is an invite-only SG. You must receive an invitation from a current member.
Do you PvP? We're a PVP-focused SG, in all tiers.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes, from time to time.
Personal Taboos: We have none.
Additional SG info: 4w has one rule. No douchebaggery. That's it. We're a seriously laid back SG, and sgkick players who exploit or are douchebags on first offense.
Thanks to everyone who has accepted the invite and submitted some SG info for the list
I hope to see the rest of you lot here eventually as well!
Website Address of your website / forums: N/A
SG Category: Casual
Minimum Age Requirement: All are welcome
Vent / Teamspeak Available: None
Special Requirements for joining: Must be friendly
Do you PvP? Not usually
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? If members want to
Personal Taboos ie: Emphasis on being friendly and helpful to other SG members
Additional SG info: Very laid back - A 'No obligations' SG
or maybe it is simply not sticky worthy in the devs eyes =(
Anywho - updated again with the newest info
Website: Sovereign.mmopost.com
SG Category: Casual
Minimum Age Requirement: None, although we are a mostly adult SG 18+
Vent/Teamspeak: Not at current
Do you PvP: Casual
Do you Run 5mans/Nemcons etc.: Yes
Sovereign is a large casual Super Group that was created to assist it's members in forming teams, answering questions regarding the game for newer players, and generally having a good time. We hold community oriented events often and love to run the 5-man instances and take down cosmics. Feel free to contact me for more info.
Website: Not yet
SG Category: Mostly Casual (RP Friendly)
Minimum Age Requirement: 18+ (Prefer Mature Players)
Vent / Teamspeak Available Do you own your own personal Vent / TS server?: No
Special Requirements for joining: Be friendly, helpful, active (a must) with toon that is invited to the SG.... Only going for a specific look for the SG, so please, if you are all over the place with your toon with no real solid concept, we will not accept. See our forum page for more details.
Do you PvP?: Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc?: Most Definitely!
Personal Taboos: No activity within the group will eventually result in being kicked.
Additional SG info Your own personal message: We are focusing to keep a small, tight knit group of 20 members, so if you are not interested in a million-member SG (no offense to those) like myself, this is the right place to look. We are a fresh new group, very concept oriented. All our current members are very friendly and helpful, love to have fun! We are still taking applications for new recruits. At the moment we have a forum thread, and a chat channel, but we will be working on more features in the near future. Check out our forum thread for more info to join.
Website http://cii.guildlaunch.com
SG Category RP Heavy
Minimum Age Requirement None but players must demonstrate a level of maturity
Vent / Teamspeak Available Yes
Special Requirements for joining Must be willing to work as a law enforcement agent for UNTIL. This means no villains and no 'spastic' toons.
Do you PvP? For fun if we feel like it, not devotedly
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? All the time
Personal Taboos Nothing in particular
Additional SG info Please refer to our entry at http://www.primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Cross_Industries
Name: WildCards
Website: http://www.unrepentantgaming.org/
SG Category: Casually casual, but with style.
Minimum Age Req: 18+
Vent / Teamspeak Available We have our own Vent server.
Special Reqs: Come as you are, really.
Do you PvP? On occasion.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Regularly.
Personal Taboos Wearing pants.
Additional SG info Because your superheroing shouldn't be a second job, we're about as laid back as they come. Drop on by, and if you like what you see, put in an app.
Name: NERF
Website: http://nerf.guildportal.com/
SG Category: Casual, Forum
Minimum Age Req: None, though our chat is unrestricted in quality and content
Vent / Teamspeak: There is a teamspeak, but very few use it.
Special Reqs: Should be active on the forum
Do you PvP? Some do, nothing organized
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Most are willing to
Personal Taboos ie: you must be VERY resilient to insults and sarcasm as well as tolerant of pretty much anything
Additional SG info:
We're a mostly inactive guild of very few people, though we exist on STO and other games as well. Most of us don't have all our alts in the guild so we use the NERF chat channel to communicate.
Website: heroicleague.guildportal.com
SG Category: RP centered and driven, but we do enjoy a good lair run.
Minimum Age Req: Be mature...the moment I see immaturity I will kick you with out question.
Vent / Teamspeak Available Do you own your own personal Vent / TS server? No
Special Reqs: Have an oldschool kind of costume (Spiderman, wolverine, batman, captain america, etc)
Do you PvP? Not really
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes we do when we have enough people online at once then we'll usually run something together.
Personal Taboos ie: foul language to a minimum, rudeness and immaturity will have you kicked and not accepted back.
Additional SG info : Be respectful and we all have a good time.
Website: None
SG Category: Minor RP, Casual
Minimum Age Req: 16+ (However if we can't tell you're under 16, you're good)
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Not currently, have a temporary one
Special Reqs: Soviet Themed, we allow "comrades" for those wanting friends to play that aren't particularly Soviet themed
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Once we have a large enough group we'd like to, a couple of us definitely run in groups of 2-3 at most times.
Personal Taboos: Capitalists, you should all burn in hell, Soviet power reign supreme!
Additional SG info : Respect, Maturity, and take a joke, if you take insult to anything said on the internet, or have a problem with people roleplaying, we're not for you, we swear, we toss expletives at eachother, insults abound, and for the mostpart we hate furries (unless you're a bear, then you're good)
Website: http://bhc.guildlaunch.com/
SG Category: RP Heavy
Minimum Age Req: None, recruitment is "face to face" based on a per application basis, looking a number of factors including maturity.
Vent / Teamspeak Available: No.
Special Reqs: Must be a supervillian. Possible avenue's for other types of character, please discuss first.
Do you PvP? No, but no restriction on any member that wants to. May be occassional RP-PVP.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes, will likely increase frequency as numbers increase. Many of our instances are RP-oriented with a story behind them. Additionally, we run a number of RP events
Personal Taboos ie: Rules available at http://bhc.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4820177&gid=148603
Additional SG info: We are Euro based RP Supervillian group, for the more "refined" supervillian. We don't take supervillians that just go on "killing rampages" or would threaten the cover of the BHC. Full recruitment story and information available at http://bhc.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4820329&gid=148603
Website: http://saikashuu.shivtr.com/
SG Category: Casualcore! (Daily players, multiple-hour sessions, but waaaay chill about it)
Minimum Age Req: 18
Vent / Teamspeak Available: In-game voice only atm
Special Reqs: In-game interview required
Do you PvP? Yes
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Sure, when we're not doing other stuff.
Personal Taboos ie: Don't make us look bad. Know how to win and lose with grace and dignity, always play fair, and if you're gonna troll...at least be the classy, entertaining type.
Additional SG info: We are a pirmarily NA, assassin-themed SG. For more information on our lore, please visit our website.
Website: www.theguardians.guildportal.com
SG Category: Medium-Heavy Roleplay. We like to stay IC as much as possible, though there are no restrictions on OOC conversation as long as it is contained within parenthesis. (Like so)
Minimum Age Req: No age requirement, we just ask for maturity and a good attitude.
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Yes.
Special Reqs: We are a group of modern heroes living in a modern world that is not always black and white. However, we try to stay away from overtly violent or darker character concepts as The Guardians are always in the public eye and we do not want our heroes endorsing unlawful behavior with their justice.
Do you PvP? We have many people whom are dedicated to finding the best builds for the best performance in PvP. Ask for our PvP guys and you are sure to find someone.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes, and almost all of these are run IC unless otherwise stated.
Personal Taboos: We just ask to be respectful of all of your SG mates. IC, as stated before, no murderous rampages against criminals. Do this and any who join are sure to enjoy their time with us.
Additional SG info: We are simply a group dedicated to providing the best possible environment for any person to play out their heroic characters story. We are an extremely large group, so you are sure to find many friends with us. We are a simple group that likes to have fun. If interested, drop by the site, and put up an app for the character you would like to join us with in the General Applications section of our forums. If there are any more questions, I would be more than happy to either field them in person, or send an in game mail to @CommanderKazar.
Website: www.combatengineers.net
SG Category: Casual to Hardcore, some of our players are only online for a bit and others (myself included) are online a lot.
Minimum Age Requirement: 18+
Ventrilo: Yes
Special Requirements: No, just remember it's a game. We play to have fun.
Do you PvP?: A few of our members PvP often, however we're mainly PvE
Do you run 5-mans and/or Nem Con?: Yes, multiple times a day in some cases.
Personal Taboos: Drama... we play to have fun, not deal with drama
Additional SG info: Despite the name, we're not limited to just militaristic themes... and because repetition is the key to learning... We play to have fun
Just a heads up.
Website: We currently do not have a website.
SG Category: If anything, we are categorized under Hardcore.
Minimum Age Req: You just need to be mature.
Vent / Teamspeak Available: We do have a Ventrilo server available to our members.
Special Reqs: As said previously, you just need to be mature. You MUST be an active PvPer.
Do you PvP? We are an all PvP supergroup.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Sometimes we run some missions together, but we are mainly for PvP.
Personal Taboos: You just need to be respectful to other members and especially to leaders.
Additional SG info Your own personal message - Our supergroup colors are Red and Black with the Evil Panda for our symbol. Our leaders are Biosaw (@Ravenshadow13) and Praenuntius (@Sallamander). Our only officer is myself (Violation@Omni17). We hold PvP events a lot, and we are online most of the time.
Name: Beacon
Website: http://thebeacon.freeforums.org/index.php
SG Category: Casual - RP medium
Minimum Age Req: 16+ is fine
Vent / Teamspeak Available not currently
Special Reqs: Beacon Academy is for teen characters
Do you PvP? Our academy has a pvp club
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes, even the odd ones.
Personal Taboos ie: Keep things friendly.
Additional SG info Your own personal message: Looking for a close group of people who like to weave stories together.
Website: http://dauntless.hexcore.org
SG Category: Casual-RP
Minimum Age Req: 18+, although we will consider younger players under special cases
Vent / Teamspeak Available Do you own your own personal Vent / TS server? Yes
Special Reqs: It would help if your character is magical, or influenced by magic. Robots and super scientists would probably feel out of place
Do you PvP? Depends on the individual.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Again, depends on the individual, although we do like to do all the content in a game.
Personal Taboos ie: We're pretty relaxed, so just the usual get along with everyone
Additional SG info: The Dauntless Reverie is a haven for those touched by magic- A collection of individuals with no set agenda besides helping where needed.
Thanks for the bump while I was away.
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=336646&TabID=2817857
SG Category: RP heavy
Minimum Age Req: None, but maturity is required.
Vent / Teamspeak Available: No
Special Reqs: Heroes only, no current anti-hero killer types. All alts and themes welcome.
Do you PvP? Not as a SG focus.
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes, but second to RP.
Personal Taboos ie: Cheezy half baked characters, and really bad furry RP.
Additional SG info: We are late night players (11pm-5am server+-). We are looking for great ACTIVE players with great characters to interact with. Contact any of us for information.
((Note to Op, thanks for posting this!))
Website: http://coldbloods-co.forumotion.net/
SG Category: Casual, RP friendly
Minimum Age Req: 17+
Vent / Teamspeak Available: Not currently
Special Reqs: character must be of Reptillian stock. Terrestrial, Extraterrestrial, Draconic, Mythic, Robotic, Shapeshifter, or any other origin is cool, but a Reptillian/Amphibian/Scaly theme is a must. Turtles, frogs, newts, etc also welcome.
Do you PvP? Not as yet
Do you run 5mans / Nemcons / etc? Yes
Personal Taboos: Be cool, Be friendly, Enjoy occasional randomness. No eating citizens (even if they do look yummy).