This is Barrage, my force toon. I have three open slots ATM and have run out of ideas. I know I want to do something retro, maybe golden ageish. So I'm throwing it up for anybody who has any ideas.
He mainly uses his right armed power gauntlet to fire blasts of energy. Belt mounted force field projectors and a jet pack (we really need a jet PACK travel power). The rest of his suit is made from a flexible material using nanobots that will take damage and regenerate itself.
Default - his normal hero outfit
Action Shot
Street ClothesScuba GearStealth SuitWinter SuitHeavy ArmorRetroPart Time Job - Just a part time gig to pay the bills while on vacation in New York
I got inspired by all the old action figure lines (especially Batman) where it was just tons of recolors with a few minor detail changes to the original outfit of the character. So Barrage sticks to his main costume concept, and adapts each one for specific jobs.
I like seeing tights-wearing characters; yours is pretty cool.
You can always do what I do with some of my characters - make a kid version. Doesn't really fit into any character concepts (for Offender, his nemesis did it... of course), but it's fun.
To be perfectly honest, I had seen Offender in your sig and really dug the color scheme so I decided to try it out. I have a tendency to always go for the dark reds on black or white on black so it was something really different for me.
Oh cool, glad I could be of inspiration!
For suggestions:
Heavy armor version (for when you have to break out the big guns).
Retro version
When I ran out of ideas on one toon, I made her a "hostile environment" suit. Maybe your space suit costume covers that though.
And here is what I came up with for a retro version.
Most of my 15 characters have 10-20 costume slots free. Wanna fill 'em for me?
Anyway, my standard compliment of costumes that I try to get made on all my 40s:
Defensive/offensive/support (for any role that character uses)
A formal tuxedo of some sort
No pants (sometimes you just gotta fly free, y'know?)
Silly hat
Then for all of the characters whose costumes I designed way back in beta, I've started doing updated versions of all of the above. And yet... I still can't fill out my slots.