I love seeing threads about the collected character library of other players, and I'm probably not alone, so I figured I'd start one myself.
You can find my actual mains (the
bolded entries below) on
my PRIMUS page. The rest of these are concepts or one-off characters or simply exercises in costumes. I haven't taken enough screenshots of their various costumes, but I'll add as I go.
Actual Characters:
- Zulu Three Delta (Might/Electricity) is one of a handful of mothballed android prototypes from the post-WW2 Cold War era, rediscovered and activated during the Qularr invasion. This character follows me from game to game (sometimes a robot, sometimes a troll, always a brawler) and is close as it gets to being my personal avatar. (Older versions: Mega Man, Mutants and Masterminds.)
- Doktor von Achtung*** (Telepathy) is the brain of an early 20th century neuroscientist and parapsychologist, implanted in a bipedal exoskeleton. Killed by Nazis, preserved and enslaved by Nazis, escaped in a vaguely amusing parody of the Tony Stark experience. Perhaps a bit mad. FOR SCIENCE!
- Mr. Tartarus*** (Supernatural) is a demon, doing time on Earth for white-collar crime in the Netherworld. Jovial, carousing, and entrepreneurial. This was my first character in CO, and a complete parody of the Dark Evil Demon of Darkness character concept I figured I'd be tripping over here. Eventually, I couldn't resist the lore, so he has the side plot of collecting payments (of souls, naturally) from DEMON members for making underhanded deals with the Netherworld.
- URL="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j287/jonwkroeger/CO/Costumes/MrTBusiness.jpg"]Business[/URL I love this outfit, except that the pinstripes on the jacket are all zig-zaggy because of his proportions. I like the torn dragon wings while flying, but I hate them while standing around. I might use up a costume slot for the winged version and engineer a keybind that triggers it for flight or something. Originally he wore a white and baby blue suit but there wasn't enough visual contrast to be interesting.
- URL="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j287/jonwkroeger/CO/Costumes/MrTCasual.jpg"]Casual[/URL I figured he'd at least take his jacket off for a rumble on the West Side.
- Human Form: I made a human form (no pic), but I never use it because I didn't want him to be one of those monsters who just dons a human suit to go clubbing or whatever.
- Demon Form: I want to make him a more traditional demon form (possibly one that resembles the demons from DEMON), but I can never create something I like here. I might break down and pick up the Dark Fantasy Set (one of the few c-store items I don't own) for it.
- Dread*** (Darkness) is a zombie risen from the corpse of the Silver Age hero known as Dreadnought. Originally a traditional powerhouse hero, he was killed in the Battle of Detroit, resurrected by Takofanes during the Blood Moon, and released when the archlich was defeated. Go go Gadget Lore!
- Black Razor (Munitions) is some sort of robot who jumps around and shoots things. Despite building lots of robots, I always have a hard time building a story for them. Nothing real special here.
Non Characters:
All of my characters share a sort of
lampshade-hanging affectionate parody theme, and I didn't realize until listing them here how many are related to WW2. Weird.
Comments, critiques, suggestions, or angry tirades encouraged!
*** Note: These characters are looking for themed RP Super Group homes, so if you have any recommendations, feel free to speak up! Z3D is perfectly happy in the Silver Age Sentinels, but the other marked characters don't mesh with the theme.
2 things: Achtung and Tartarus' links both go to the same pics, rather than 2 different costumes for each. And crop your images in paint or something, you're in a widescreen resolution taking large pictures, so they get all smooshed on most peoples' monitors.
Re: cropping - will do! I could have photobucket do it, but I'll run the next update through a batch process.
Finally realization dawns on me... Firstly, no random player in the world is going to care how my costume correlates with my concept and backstory except my RP friends - if I want to run around as rock guy for a few hours, I should just do that. Secondly, this is a game about superhero comics! Literally anything can be explained away! And so, I finally used some of the costume pieces I've been dying to use (geo set, beast set, prison stock, etc).
SO! Major updates to the first post. Cropped pics, new costumes, better organization, and several queries for assistance. Input desired!