This is just the first five in my "Metal Zoo" series. So far we have a robotic rhino, turtle, ape, seagull, and bat! Without further hesitation I present my metal animals to the forum viewers.
First up to bat is the Iron Rhino.(my current main) The Rhino is easily aggravated and will charge when startled.
Next up is Mecha Snapper (my favorite costume in the series so far). Careful he bites.
No zoo could be complete without a primate! Have a look at the Alloy Ape.
Over by the bird cages we can spot the Silver Gull.
During the night time a metallic mammal soars the skies. Don't worry he won't drink your blood. It's the Cobalt Bat
Stay tuned for the next tour of "The Metal Zoo." Let me know if there are any animals you would like to see in the future exhibit. Be sure to stop by the gift store and drop some of your c-cash before leaving.
Lemme know what you think
. If you have a request for a metal animal post it here and I will do my best to fashion them up. Also keep a lookout for my nemesis pack I will be dropping. The pack will include the files needed to implement the villains.
Personally, I really think Cobalt Bat is the best since it is the most creative. I've see the other animals done before (but not as well). Haven't seen anyone make a Bat like that though. Nice work.
Please keep sharing!
May I request an Armadillo and Ox? How about a Platypus or a Skunk? I think those would be unique animals.
I'm really looking forward to using these as the Nemeses for my steampunk toon. Have you thought about making a leader for them? Something like a zookeeper (mad scientist)? I am currently working on an 18 member cast of villians which are all part of the Shaolin clan. The leader is a sorcer who is creating golems out of Jade, Silver, etc to fight my toon. I have plans for 17 toons like Jade Dragon and Silver Flame with the 18th toon being the final battle with the leader....
Again, great job.
Let me know when you make a shark or a bunny of some kind.
He's big, He's stubborn, He's Oxomatic
Life is a whole lot easier when you can't be hurt. Just ask Armordillo
The ox is still a WIP, he looks waaaay better in game. To answer your question about a leader Adogg, I never thought about it (An evil scientist zookeeper is an awesome idea ). Right now my main is 33 and Ive only done two nemesis missions, the first one and one after. My nemesis minions don't drop clues. I don't have any clues in my inventory or bank so I don't know what the problem is. I submitted a ticket a week ago and still haven't been contacted back..... Where you at Cryptic???
More to come soon.... Nod Ima get a bunny in here for you
- Go talk to Defender, the westside jail and the detective where you created the Nem.
- Go to the mission in Eastside MC where you have to protect a guy giving a speech. There are a ton of chairs which you can farm to get your Nems to appear. I usually start playing by doing this each night.
Great job on those two BTW!
Here's some others I could see in a zoo and in this game:
- Deer/Stag/Etc
- Panda
- Shark
- Parrot or Eagle
Classic ones that I doubt could be done ingame:
- Elephant
- Giraffe
How about an angry metal gorilla?
I get a lot of compliments on this guy, and i must say i'm pretty proud of him.
As well you should be. good looking simian you made there.
Cool I can't wait. In the meantime, here is my PA character I've been playing recently-
Battle Bunny
The Update Includes
This scaly trio will leave you shaking in your boots.
The Mechasaurs! (Plenty of cheesy names here )
One sharp horn is bad and three is worse! Look out for The Triscareatops
You hear that dreadful screech? That's the Terrordactyle lingering above our heads!
The alpha Mechasaur is close by. Be careful he can sense fear, it's The Tyrantasaurus Rex.
Now we're moving out of the past and into the world of creepy crawlers.
Hope you're not allergic to robot bug sting because The Heat-Seeking Hornet is red with rage!
Not all bugs are bad, peep this gentle giant. It's The Beetle Bot.
Hoping across the path we can spot a Robo Rabbit.
I know you've been wondering what that stench is. It's source is just around the corner. It's The Powered Pacaderm.
With this ladies and gentlemen, I close the zoos gate. All featured creatures will be updated to the first post. Look for a pack to download soon if youd like to battle any of the zoo's inhabitants. A featured tour will be in the works. I'll keep you posted.
Lemme know what you suckas think :P ! The bugs are my favorite new ones. The elephant was fun to make.
Welp, looks like we're doomed. Pack your bags, we're off to Mars.
Personally the hornet and beetle are my favorite out of this bunch. Those two and the rabbit were real fun. The elephant turned out better than I had expected, and the dinosaurs were more or less for concept... had to work with what I got.
Next round will be
1. Bird (parrot or owl most likely)
4,5, and 6 will be up to you guys. Ill check a few request and work from there..... Adogg Im still interested in doing that skunk.
The Beatle is very good. Hmmm .... How about these very zoo oreinted animals:
Lion, Tiger
Eagle, Hawk
Polar Bear
Sea Lion
Sorry if I said one you already did.
Great! I was worried we lost you there...