After having tired of ignoring the mass spamming of citizen missions, I decided to change my tone a little bit.
I decided to create a character that was to solely focus on citizen missions and citizen missions alone.
With that in mind, I wanted to create a "hero of the people". My own Punisher or Batman, if you will.
What I came up with was Icon.
With Icon, I wanted to have a hero that was just an everyday man. No superpowers, no frills. Just a man on a mission.
BUILD: He is a Munitions/Martial Arts focused build
Bullet Ballet
Thundering Kicks
Energy Shield (Laser Knight)
Will give primary when I get home tonight
Super Strength
Super Dexterity
Physical Conditioning
Martial Training
Swinging is his travel power.
What surprised me about this build was that melee isn't really as bad as people make it out to be. As you can see, I am focusing on pistol abilities and melee only.
Defiance coupled with Energy Shield/Laser Knight is working extremely well at keeping the damage down. Laser Knight activates the energy shield every time I use a melee attack, so other than when I use my energy builder I have a constant defense activated. Two actually, in Defiance and Laser Knight. I have been able to take on mobs of 6-9 and only lose about half my health during the fight. I mitigate this by taking the Science school and getting the free regeneration offered by opening material crates.
Now, this toon is only Lv 13 right now, but so far he has been working extremely well.
I will update this thread at every level and keep everybody abreast of his progress.
His name is "Pay Back" I tried to go with a name nobody else used and looked at a lot of variants on the whole vengeance theme but looks like everyone owns a thesaurus. I tried going with Latin versions of some of the words but none of them felt right. So I came back to my first name Pay Back and it turns out there is only one other Pay Back in the game and that account is not active so it fits my criteria...mostly.
As far as his outfit goes I wanted to give him weapons and equipment that some ordinary Joe could get a hold of with a few grand in a limited time because A) someone wanted him dead, or
I'll work on his Bio this afternoon.
Well for some reason the Bio won't update so here it is. It's the same old story from many an 80's action movie but it's still a good one.
" Joseph Bastion was an ordinary Man, a hard worker, loving husband and Father, One day it all went wrong. His 12 year old daughter witnessed a drug lord executing a councilman. His family was put into protective custody...It didn't matter. One the cops assigned to their protection was dirty and led the drug lords men to them. Bastion's family was slaughtered along with the cops, Joe was left for dead. With his family massacred, and not knowing who he can trust, all he has left is PAY BACK."
Now I just need to finish the tutorial and crisis zones and he'll be ready for some "Pay Back" on the scum that took everything from him.