One of the biggest things that keeps drawing me back to Champions is the costume creator. The grind for some of the unlockables is a slight drawback but on the whole - it's pretty awesome.
I go through my phases. Sometimes nothing comes to mind, while other times there's inspiration everywhere to create new characters. I keep saving them but never get around to actually using them due to limited character slots (and time!)
Here are a few others I thought I'd share as I had fun making them.
If you see something you like, let me know and I'll happily upload the costume file for you to work with.
Gronda: Gronda doesn't remember that she volunteered for medical experiments to give her super powers and an opportunity to help people. Between the chemicals, radiation and other tests she lost her mind and now she only wants to bust things up!
Golem: One of the only intact relics from a long forgotten race, this combination of magic and mechanics protects the inhabitants of Milennium City but its true purpose is a mystery.
Amaya: An ordinary woman who became the vessel of life for a long dead sorceress. While the locket she wears imbues her with great power, it also forces her to adopt the sorceress' personality and memories.
Lucinda Leveau: Descendant of Marie Leveau, a voodoo priestess of great power. Lucinda is gifted with amazing, mental powers which enable her to see into the future. Unfortunately, her unreliable gift has slightly unhinged her mind and left her with a tenuous grip on reality.
Cynisca: A mysteriously temporally displaced Spartan warrior who clings to the culture she was raised with while also trying to integrate into modern society.
Thanks very much mate, appreciate the compliment.
That sounds interesting. If you have a screenie I wouldn't mind seeing how you went about it.
To use this, perform the following:
2) Right click the file below, and choose to save
3) Save it in the following location: "C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios\Champions Online\Live\screenshots"
5) In the costume creator for a female, choose "Load" and select the costume file.
You're welcome to use as is or tweak to your tastes. Enjoy!
Sure! I'll post it up when I get a moment