During closed and open beta my main was an old PnP toon called Hornet. Basically he is an ex-UNTIL scientist who designed tech for UNTIL. During a raid by VIPER, he put on his latest creation and successfully fought them off. Realising how he enjoyed field work more than back room work, he quit and using his knowledge enhanced the power suit and entered the superhero field as Hornet. Basically he is a normal in a light-weight combat suit which has wings and fires electrical blasts from his stings. He can also inject venom with the same wrist stingers, actually an electrical charge that disrupts the nervous system and can paralyse enemies. His defence is the enhanced agility the suit gives him. He is DEX/END superstated.
As I said in beta he was Hornet, his original PnP name from 25 years ago. I had to call him Horrnet now as I can't use a single R since beta finished
This is bugging me, so I want a new name with a Wasp motif, but can't think of anything that I really like. Any suggestions would be welcome, ideally a gritty feel and not a cutesy one.
Attached is his old look, haven't saved his new costume, but its similar except for legs and wrists have the 2 pronged bracer now.
Maybe another possibility could be Stinger, based on his main weaponry?
Currently, I am leaning towards Vespiro or Vespiron, from Vespa the Hornet genus. Trouble is former is evening in Esperanto and the latter sounds like the drake from WoW
Just a thought......
Amber Fly
Fly Hornet
Sting Fly
Sting Insect
Bee Man
Grand Master Bee
Hmm, 2 issues, it sounds like a pasta dish and reminds me of cabron in Spanish which is an insult
Some good ones, but non leap out and bite me
Thanks both of you for your input. I am tending towards one of these:
Any preferences or thoughts?
A few more suggestions that might ignite the creative spark :
Black Wasp
Vemon Volt
Buzz Bee
I like Vespion better, thanks Also you inspired Cyber Wasp
I like this, but I think it would be a great name for his Nemesis.
aka Human Operated Ranged Noxious Electro Tech
or Human Operated Remote Nano Electrical Tank
it did come from U.N.T.I.L. after all.
I did a similar idea with N.E.M.E.S.I.S. a power armour hero in PnP from 20 years ago, but in CO it wouldn't allow it in beta, but does in live. It stood for Nuclear Electro-Magnetic Energy Source Infantry Suit.
However, if a word is banned, even using full stops or it being part of another word is blocked.
OK, nearly made my choice, please comment of which of these three you prefer:
1. Vespion
2. Cyber Wasp
3. Electrojacket
How about Buzzbomb?
The sub-order of insects that includes hornets that brings an apocalypse to mind.
Trouble is, he has no explosive type powers, otherwise that could work.
I did consider that but went with Vespa as more people know that term from the Italian Moped manufacturer.
That or Vespion
are my favourites, but so far the poll is one each ;p
The generator recognises the series of letters wherever they appear in a sentence.
You said he was a scientist that helped invent the suit but he likes field work more so which would he name it is the approach I would take.
Excellent points. The problem is I am not 100% sold on either, but I guess he would have called it Vespion because of his scientific background. Cyber anything is a bit cheesey.
-Lapsene (latvian for wasp)
-Vosa (Slavik for wasp)
-Tabuhan (indonesian for hornet)
idk if that helps
Have you considered a prefix or sufix or adding a color?
All of these got past the name filter:
1 Hornet
Hornet 1
Black Hornet
Hank Hornet
Hornet Man
It appears as long as there is one other character that isn't just punctuation Hornet can be used.
Cyber Wasp does sound a bit Silver Age. I did consider using Avispa, Spanish for wasp, but I wanted to have something that most people would recognise or see a connection. I do like the sound of Vosa in particular.
Interesting, when i created him at the pre-launch I couldn't use any combination of Hornet. I even tried Balck Hornet. Guess they relaxed the restrictions. I have even had restricted words picked up when part of another word. This seems the best option, so now i can give it some serious thought.