Not sure about the female trainer, but alot of the parts the Male one has, aren't even available for the players.. the gloves are for female only.. and the integrated shoulders he wears isn't wearable along with a cape.. i'm so tired of seeing combinations for NPC's that we players can't have. =(
So yeah, it's possible that the chestwear isn't available for players.. i could be wrong though.
I also notice she has long hair with collars... something players can't have... unfair! :P But I will definitely /sign on this thread, we need those tailoring options. Tailoring options = happy players in a game like this.
Not only that, but the patterns used in her vest/leggings aren't available anywhere!
I was trying to replicate that costume to my Sorc but even replacing some pieces it doesn't get anywhere close it!
I noted that as pattern goes, there are always Arcane 1 and 2 but seems that NPCs have access to premium tailors.:mad:
Also noticing she has either Medium or Long Gloves with an Arcane pattern usually only available to Extra Long Gloves (unfair!) ... but in addition to that, she's using bracers with that as well... WTB NPC Tailor.
By the looks of it, her collar is also part of an Integrated Shoulders or Chest Wear option since parts of the collar reaches her chest. The pattern on her legs is called Arcane 3 and is available on some capes.
the chest is v-cut, only the white patern isn't possible.
sholderpads are the sleek ones, dunno about the collar tho.
the rest is quite easy to replicate, only the bracers are a problem.
so I take it its not one of the patterns from crafting the purple gear for myst?
So far all the pieces I've made that the avatar trainer gives you don't give the vest. Still trying a few more though it'll me awhile to get the mats....
May I ask where or how to get the Dragon coil bracers? I've seen them on the npcs and they look great but I am fairly new to the game. I have searched the wiki and tried googling it but have not found anything.
May I ask where or how to get the Dragon coil bracers? I've seen them on the npcs and they look great but I am fairly new to the game. I have searched the wiki and tried googling it but have not found anything.
Thanks for the help.
While it may eventually be available as part of a C-Store pack, it is available in game to the Mysticism crafting tree. It is an unlock from crafting (and equipping) their high end, Primary Offensive upgrade. Lohr has spent the last week or so beating up every crafting trainer to be found and getting them to spill the beans about their unlocks.
@Senuma - Good news and sad news . You are looking for the specialized blueprint from your Mysticism trainer (Arcana, Avatar, or Enchanted Gear specialty trainer). It requires a skill level of 400, the maximum and some hefty component requirements. Check out our spiffy new page on the wiki about it.
So yeah, it's possible that the chestwear isn't available for players.. i could be wrong though.
I was trying to replicate that costume to my Sorc but even replacing some pieces it doesn't get anywhere close it!
I noted that as pattern goes, there are always Arcane 1 and 2 but seems that NPCs have access to premium tailors.:mad:
Because then we'd be seeing "The Incredible *****-Man" or variations thereof all over the place.
By the looks of it, her collar is also part of an Integrated Shoulders or Chest Wear option since parts of the collar reaches her chest. The pattern on her legs is called Arcane 3 and is available on some capes.
Not every hero makes their own, Edna Mode has been known to make a costume or two...
I do wish we could make our own patterns though, or at least a logo creator function.
sholderpads are the sleek ones, dunno about the collar tho.
the rest is quite easy to replicate, only the bracers are a problem.
So far all the pieces I've made that the avatar trainer gives you don't give the vest. Still trying a few more though it'll me awhile to get the mats....
May I ask where or how to get the Dragon coil bracers? I've seen them on the npcs and they look great but I am fairly new to the game. I have searched the wiki and tried googling it but have not found anything.
Thanks for the help.
While it may eventually be available as part of a C-Store pack, it is available in game to the Mysticism crafting tree. It is an unlock from crafting (and equipping) their high end, Primary Offensive upgrade. Lohr has spent the last week or so beating up every crafting trainer to be found and getting them to spill the beans about their unlocks.
@Senuma - Good news and sad news