Odd that no-one created one before now; it's not like creating a channel is at all difficult. Should there be a sticky thread for this?
Probably. I thought it was weird that the only way I could tell the channel existed was to correctly type in the name, and see the Join option available. Is there no list of existing channels to browse?
Since there isn't a current CO PvP channel that I can find, I added one. It's coPvP, and a public channel.
No pvp channels??
Well... those were popular once. In fact that's all that ever popped up on my chat screen outside of MC lol.
Haven't logged on in a few weeks, maybe these are gone now?
Haven't logged on in a few weeks, maybe these are gone now?
They could still exist, but given that I spent some time trying to find out of there was a PvP channel and got nothing, I'm going to say they are not particularly active if they exist...
I bet you will see some action after Vibora Bay goes live. A lot of us will bring multiple toons to try out the new content.
I'm lvl'ing a toon for that right now. He's from the same planet as Ari but a different build. Question, do any of you pvp'ers also RP? Or are you all just pvp? Not knocking at all...just asking.
I'm lvl'ing a toon for that right now. He's from the same planet as Ari but a different build. Question, do any of you pvp'ers also RP? Or are you all just pvp? Not knocking at all...just asking.
I see little to no RP in PvP. Many games, PUG teammates won't even say anything to each other.
Oh i didn't mean in the pvp match. That's understandable. I meant do you RP with your pvp toons outside of the arena. Or are they just log on and pvp, and switch to a different toon for RP.
Oddly enough I have RPed with my toon Page a few times but honestly all I care about is the PvP. Page is a trailer trash super hero with a chip on her shoulder so it's actually not that hard to RP :P Maybe we can coordiante some que pops in different tiers via a chat channel. See you @$$ hats there!
Oddly enough I have RPed with my toon Page a few times but honestly all I care about is the PvP. Page is a trailer trash super hero with a chip on her shoulder so it's actually not that hard to RP :P Maybe we can coordiante some que pops in different tiers via a chat channel. See you @$$ hats there!
Hey you! Heroes of Mass person! Get Rashara, Magma, and Intravaneous to come back to CO. T4 needs more good players like them. Had some amazing battles against those guys.
Hey you! Heroes of Mass person! Get Rashara, Magma, and Intravaneous to come back to CO. T4 needs more good players like them. Had some amazing battles against those guys.
I do miss Magma and Intravenous, but Rashara was WTK lol.
I do miss Magma and Intravenous, but Rashara was WTK lol.
True, but I liked Rashara cuz she was truly willing to listen to what other players had to say so she could help improve Heroes of Mass. Even willing to change her build for the betterment of their team. She didn't sit around and QQ if her teams lost. Need more players like that IMO.
True, but I liked Rashara cuz she was truly willing to listen to what other players had to say so she could help improve Heroes of Mass. Even willing to change her build for the betterment of their team. She didn't sit around and QQ if her teams lost. Need more players like that IMO.
This is soo crazy how come no one has made a pvp channal? And the game has been out so long wow what was everyone on not thinking something so simple? Myself i never thought of it only thing i said was we got no arena channal like in COH but never thought to make it.
Im joining this ASAP-Haze out
Check out my threads there always something random.
Okay, short story long, I don't get how a fella is supposed to go about joining chat channels ?!?
I tend to talk very little in-game (for the most part, dependent on influences ), no matter what the game, so I'm a little lost on this one... couldn't seem to search for any channels the other night... just view existing, default stuff...
tonight "coPvP" is there for selection... oddly enough, it's the only one there (and, seriously, it wasn't there the other night; I was totally sober and everything lol). so, I'm assuming that I must have prompted it by entering that for a search the other night. so if you don't know the name of the channel you're searching for, it won't show up in a search, and I just didn't wait long enough for it to return the other night? or can you not do a general search for available channels.
thnx for the reply, and such, too. looking back on it, I have no idea what happened to my caps on that one
Sure the new proud bunch didn't hesitate to mess things up even more. You can still get advice from most of people hanging around there, it's just.. that the platform also serves another, well known, purpose.
Nice addition, thanks
Probably. I thought it was weird that the only way I could tell the channel existed was to correctly type in the name, and see the Join option available. Is there no list of existing channels to browse?
Easy access to good pvp advice = a good thing
No pvp channels??
Well... those were popular once. In fact that's all that ever popped up on my chat screen outside of MC lol.
Haven't logged on in a few weeks, maybe these are gone now?
No one talks in there! I just tell jokes and troll it up. What else is there to do? It's not like queues pop.
I bet you will see some action after Vibora Bay goes live. A lot of us will bring multiple toons to try out the new content.
I'll start experimenting with builds that I can run from you with...
Build by championBuilder 0.4.1
Download this Build here.
: Level 40 Champion
Level 1: Strafe -- Aversion
Level 1: Evasive Maneuvers -- Sleight Of Mind
Level 5: Taser Arrow
Level 5: Teleport
Level 8: Venomous Breath -- Infectious Bile
Level 11: Force Eruption -- Gravitational Polarity
Level 14: Force Shield -- Force Sheath
Level 17: Defiance -- Rank 2, Rank 3
Level 20: Frag Grenade
Level 23: Aspect Of The Celestial -- Rank 2, Rank 3
Level 26: Resurgence -- Evanescent Emergence
Level 29: Mindful Reinforcement -- Revitalizing Boost
Level 32: Psionic Healing
Level 35: Ego Hold -- Mass Effect
Level 35: Acrobatics -- Versatility
Level 38: Thunderbolt Lunge -- Essence Assault
Level 1: Sureshot
I'm lvl'ing a toon for that right now. He's from the same planet as Ari but a different build. Question, do any of you pvp'ers also RP? Or are you all just pvp? Not knocking at all...just asking.
I see little to no RP in PvP. Many games, PUG teammates won't even say anything to each other.
I will use it to see who is playing what when I get on.
I hate not knowing which PvP game actually has ques going.
Hey you! Heroes of Mass person! Get Rashara, Magma, and Intravaneous to come back to CO. T4 needs more good players like them. Had some amazing battles against those guys.
I do miss Magma and Intravenous, but Rashara was WTK lol.
True, but I liked Rashara cuz she was truly willing to listen to what other players had to say so she could help improve Heroes of Mass. Even willing to change her build for the betterment of their team. She didn't sit around and QQ if her teams lost. Need more players like that IMO.
CPJ!!! Where be yousa?!!
Im joining this ASAP-Haze out
Check out my threads there always something random.
The second rule of coPvP is you DO NOT TALK ABOUT coPvP.
can we still talk about mudkipz?
i'll be joining the channel today
Okay, short story long, I don't get how a fella is supposed to go about joining chat channels ?!?
I tend to talk very little in-game (for the most part, dependent on influences
tonight "coPvP" is there for selection... oddly enough, it's the only one there (and, seriously, it wasn't there the other night; I was totally sober and everything lol). so, I'm assuming that I must have prompted it by entering that for a search the other night. so if you don't know the name of the channel you're searching for, it won't show up in a search, and I just didn't wait long enough for it to return the other night? or can you not do a general search for available channels.
thnx for the reply, and such, too. looking back on it, I have no idea what happened to my caps on that one
Theres a certain bug for people who try to join manually.
Type /channel_join copvp
hope that helps.
I was using the CoPvP channel for this but .. no. That channel is a hotbed of "no"
So I did.
Let the trash talking resume