Name: Lilith Lancer
Gender: Female
Alignment: ???
Her powers are: Teleportation, Superhuman reflexes, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Regeneration, Skilled with a double-edged Axe named "Dabon", Nightvision.
Lilith's unique eyes are capable of seeing how corrupt a person is, visible by a dark aura. Through biting people she feeds off their corruption, leaving only the pure good left in their soul. Feeding off other's corruption boosts her powers, but it makes her more corrupt herself and makes her appearance more inhuman. Despite the cost she cotinues to drain peope's corruption because it helps people and gives her the strength she needs to defeat villains.
I don't really have much of a story for her yet, I'm working on one. I plan for her to be a Hero in the start of the story, she'll drain all of the main villain's corruption at one point, he/she (haven't decided gender) will become good, Lilith will turn evil, the story will twist with the now pure-hearted villain becoming the main character as he tries to hunt the evil Lilith in a fight for his redemption. Lilith as a Hero drains corruption for the purposes I already stated, Dark Lilith continues to do so in hopes of becoming completely evil and soul-less to rise to the higher "ascended" level of a Demon.
Here is some picks of the prototype Lilith I made on Champions Online...
A bit generic looking I know, but I did just come up with all of this within an hour.
Post it and I'll make any my suggestions.
+5 internetz if you can name that toon....
Where do I check for my tailer screenshot? Somewhere on this website right?
No on your computer. C Drive ....
C:\Program Files\Cryptic Studios\Champions Online\Live\screenshots
Have you saved a costume before? Also, I actually have 2 versions of the game on my computer since I bought a copy of the game through steam. Check this path as well:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\champions online\Champions Online\Live\screenshots
If not .... try going to the tailor and savign the costume. This screenshots folder is where you place saved costumes to load into your game as well (FYI)
Also, I created the second evil version of her for you to consider. This is the consumed too much corruption version.
Hope you like it!
I had jeans originally but I don't know what happened to them. I think they got messed up during the time she was going through conversion from a gunslinger to an Axe wielder.
I change it all later on, once I've had my nap that is.
That is a badass Cobra Commander!
He's referring to the example I attached earlier in the thread. And he guessed it correctly as well.
I haven't even played Borderlands. I know that one of the characters is named Lilith but I didn't know about the Lancer thing.
Lilith is my favourite girls name, I use it for every female character I create in a game. I first came across it from the TV Show Supernatural, where Lilith is the first Demon.
The Lancer thing came from nowhere. I was on the internet looking for common/uncommon Surnames beginning with "L". I didn't look long before the name Lancer just popped into my head. Maybe I remember the words from playing Gears of War way way back, the default Assault rifle with the Chainsaw underbarrel goes by that name. Who knows, but it definitely was nothing to do with Borderlands.
The annoying thing is though, The average Champions Online player has probably played a popular mainstream game like Borderlands. Now Lilith Lancer looks like a phony