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Current Cryptic Bind File

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Controls and Interface
What is the current bind commans that cryptic has put in place for the xbox 360 game pad. I am currently useing the following set for my healing toons and have noticed that I can no longer use the D-Up button on the controller to select one of multiple interaction points. For example, when by the airjet, I can't use the Dpad Up to move through the different zone options before hitting A to select the zone. Can someone knowledgeable with binds/macros look at my script below and suggest what I should modify?


AB +up
XB +PowerTrayExec 0
YB +PowerTrayExec 1
BB +PowerTrayExec 2
LTrigger+XB "+down1$$target_teammate 1$$+Powertrayexec 1"
LTrigger+YB "+down1$$target_teammate 2$$+Powertrayexec 1"
LTrigger+BB "+down1$$target_teammate 3$$+Powertrayexec 1"
LTrigger+AB "+down1$$target_teammate 4$$+Powertrayexec 1"
LB+XB +PowerTrayExec 7
LB+YB +PowerTrayExec 8
LB+BB +PowerTrayExec 9
LB+AB +PowerTrayExec 10
RTrigger+XB +PowerTrayExec 11
RTrigger+YB +PowerTrayExec 12
RTrigger+BB +PowerTrayExec 13
RTrigger+AB +down
LStick +PowerTrayExec 14
RTrigger+LStick +PowerTrayExec 15
LTrigger+RTrigger +PowerTrayExec 16
RStick camCycleDist
RB Target_enemy_next
LB "+down1$$target_self$$+Powertrayexec 1"
LB+RB +clientTarget_Next 1
LB+RStick_Down clientTarget_Manual 1 0 0
LB+RStick_Up clientTarget_Manual -1 0 0
LB+RStick_Left clientTarget_Manual 0 -1 0
LB+RStick_Right clientTarget_Manual 0 1 0
Joypad_Right+XB +InventoryExec Devices 0
Joypad_Right+YB +InventoryExec Devices 1
Joypad_Right+AB +InventoryExec Devices 2
Joypad_Right+BB +InventoryExec Devices 3
Joypad_Right+RB +InventoryExec Devices 4
Joypad_left+XB "+down1$$target_teammate 1$$+Powertrayexec 7"
Joypad_left+YB "+down1$$target_teammate 2$$+Powertrayexec 7"
Joypad_left+BB "+down1$$target_teammate 3$$+Powertrayexec 7"
Joypad_left+AB "+down1$$target_teammate 4$$+Powertrayexec 7"
Joypad_left+RB "+down1$$target_self$$+Powertrayexec 7"
Joypad_Up +Interact
Joypad_Down+XB "+down1$$target_teammate 1$$+Powertrayexec 1"
Joypad_Down+YB "+down1$$target_teammate 1$$+Powertrayexec 1"
Joypad_Down+BB "+down1$$target_teammate 1$$+Powertrayexec 1"
Joypad_Down+AB "+down1$$target_teammate 1$$+Powertrayexec 1"
Joypad_Down+RB "+down1$$target_teammate 1$$+Powertrayexec 1"
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