ok i decided to have a go at a comic. It's fibre-tip pen & pencil - no tech at all apart from the upload so it looks... primitive

. First time i've attempted a sequential story & you can probably see my style changes, i wasn't really happy 'til i reached page 10 but cba redoing 1-9 without pay lol.
i've done a script but wondered how other people would interpret it - i think the old marvel method was to have a thin outline story then for the illustrator to draw the piece then usually stan would add the words after it had been drawn.
anybody interested in adding some words? keep it gentle & clean pls
i'll post the full version if/when i get time to piece it together










My interpretation is that sunglasses-man is some sort of superpowered hitman, who arrives in Millenium City, meets his contact in a local cafe, and is hired to take out the wacky robot guy. He's obviously got quite a laid-back and irreverant personality, and has fun goofing around and flirting with the contact lady. At a guess from the last page, he's agreeing to take the job.
But there's a lot of specifics that I can't really glean from what you've provided. Obviously the characters' names. What are the sunglasses-guy's powers? Is he teleporting into the city? Time-travelling? Dimension-jumping? Being pulled into existence by a small child wishing real real hard? Where does he fall on the hero/villain sliding scale (I'd guess he's a nemesis as the robot guy appears to be your avatar and thus a hero)? What's the motivation behind all this? Who's the robot and why does the lady want him dead? Or DOES she even want him dead? Perhaps the guy's a stripper and she's just hiring him to cheer a lonely robot up.
Who's the scruffy-looking guy with the cigarette and what's his deal? He doesn't appear in the cafe establishing frame but suddenly he's there talking with sunglasses-man and contact-woman.
And so on and further. Unless of course you don't mind me coming up with my own interpretation, characters and so forth and completely derailing your concept. Happy to do it. Just give the word and this will turn into a sordid tale of lapdancing for robots.
the scruffy chap in the cafe is maybe askin if they're ready to order - he brings the drinks in #7?