On the 27th, before Blood Moon hit, there was a get-together for giant folk. This was a
huge success, there was a pretty
sizeable turn-out, and we had a
massively positive response from the heroic residents of Millennium City! It was a sight to see, with so many
largely varied and humongous heroes hanging about.
...okay, I'll behave now.
The point of this thread is to document the event, as screenshots were taken, many and plenty! Why, we even had a conga-line going at one point thanks to
@Komah, such fun was had by all involved!
@VagrantWolf's Album - 90 per cent of these shots are from the party, but there are a few assorted giant people/me shots there that happened before and after. There are also a few there which were taken by
@Akiada's Album - These are shots taken from a lower perspective, since Aki wasn't large, and that made for some unique pictures!
If anyone has an album with pictures of the party (or any of our earlier parties) then post them here and I'll include them in this post!
A guy actually made a Godzilla at the Halloween Party with Foxbat. Looked great. Here is the Youtube vid:
1:45 in the vid.