Hello all. I recently created a trading card for my hero based on the superhero trading cards of the mid to late 90's, and thought I would share in the hopes of that others would post something similar on this thread. I have seen a few other people on the forums make something similar, but I haven't seen them collected all in one place.
Here is my Champions Online card of Kallisto.
The card has his name (upper left corner), supergroup symbol (upper right corner), supergroup name and rank (below picture), and champion online stats (in text box).
Unfortunately, this happened at a time when people were dropping off the face of the Earth (errrr, end of the 30 days when people stopped playing) so there aren't currently that many. I even made a 1680x1050 background for them:
These are still WIP, as a perfectionist I never think things are finished.
My original idea was to get something like Tragic - The Saddening (sorry, Magic - The Gathering - I still have 3ed cards, I'm allowed!) or Pokemon or similar, but I haven't figured how to do that just yet - that means I haven't got stats into the cards just yet, but I'm working on it. Worst case scenario, if you want to use the template, you can probably add a stat line (or multiples) along the bottom below the text, and reduce the text.
Once I get home from work, I'll clean up the template and throw it up somewhere - I don't have all the "classes" put together yet, just the ones you see so far, but they're fairly simple to add to it. I cannot provide the fonts, but I can make suggestions for substitutions.
Because this uses the fonts I've bought, you'll see them in use, but if you change any of the text, you'll need to change the font. Obviously, if you want to add a "stats" section, you might want to reduce the size of the text.