Becky's Super-Journal
Finally finished my sweet new super costume! (My mom helped, but only because I told her it was for Halloween.)
So everybody's talking about how the moon is all red now and stuff. The guy on TV said that it's because of atmospheric dust from the eruption on Monster Island, but Dr. Silverback told me it's like evil magic from some guy named Takofanes who is raising up zombies and stuff. I told him that I could totally punch him out (the Taco guy, not DS LOL) because I was really good at zombie punching from up in Canada. He said be careful cause some of the dead Battle of Detroit heroes were probably zombies now and tough. I said okay.
So last night me and Bargle (the big fish guy -- don't call him Fish Breath, cause he doesn't like it) were running around on the West Side and saw this like weird teeth thing coming out of the street and then BOOM out comes this huge mess of zombies and they totally started nomming on everybody!
We started punching and whatnot. Bargle's breath is so bad he can even make zombies puke, which is pretty gnarly. Plus it burns them to bits.
Anyway, this one main zombie totally looked like a hero and I realized that it was Eclipse, but all dead and gross! And she said something about Takofanes stealing her soul or something. But she was pretty hostile so we had to punch her out too.
After we punched her out, this weird portal opened and we went in. We saw Eclipse's ghost in there and she was like, "free me from Takofanes!" and we fought tons of zombies and stuff and finally got to this big demon zombie in like a church or something and punched him out and it was pretty cool. It was sad, though cause even though we saved her, she stayed dead.
Then we heard from some other guy that there were these gates popping up all over town and we had to save all thirteen of the heroes from the Battle of Detroit or they'd be slaves to Takofanes and keep making more zombies, so we went and helped Flechette II, too.
Only for Flechette, we kinda just ran through the place, not really even fighting the zombies cause we wanted to hurry to help him and they didn't seem like that big a deal.
Then we did Goblin, and Johnny Hercules, and then I'm like, "Okay, we get it. Takofanes has your soul. We're on it." And then Nimbus and Shadowboxer and ... jeez, I never realized how many heroes died in the Battle of Detroit, but it's a lot.
So after like ten of these guys it was pretty much like school. Easy and boring. Only Vanguard and Tiger were even kinda tough and we didn't really have much problem with them either.
Eventually, we got them all done and they said all we had to do now was to face Takofanes himself, only he never showed up and it was getting really late so I told Bargle I had to go home.
I hope that when Takofanes shows up I don't have to run through the same exact tomb again before I can punch him out.