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An idea to make slotted offensives worthwile

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Suggestions Box
As they are now they are pathetic compared to the slotted defensive, it is impossible to solo alot of missions unless you wanna die alot...My idea is to tone all slotted passives down abit and give us 2 slots.. make it a major and a minor slot. So all slotted passives have some major stats and minor stats.. And based on what role you are in change which slots you have...

Guardian: 1 Major balanced and 1 minor balanced, Both have medium scalings from stats.

Protector:1 Major defensive(high scaling) and 1 minor balanced(low scaling).

Avenger: 1 Major Offensive(high scaling) and 1 minor balanced(low scaling).

Sentinel: 1 Major Support(high scaling) and 1 minor balanced(low scaling).

In the end the 2 passives should be at same power level as the passives are now.. You are just able to mix them a little :)

F.x. You can run with a major Regeneration with a minor damage boost from Fire Form or you could slot Regenration in both giving the power the same quality as it is now.

Any feedback appreciated
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