Can we get a toggle added to our options screen that reads:
[on][off] Automatically click "take all" when clicking on a resource node.
This bugs the living tar out of me, and I honestly don't know why as I'm generally a very patient person.
Having to
Just to grab a single resource from a resource node drives me bonkers.
Can we just assume for the most part that if we click on a resource node that... you know... we actually WANT what's in that node? I mean all of it if there happens to be more than one thing in there.
Same with the " ! " items. If I click on that, I want everything that's there, don't prompt me again to take some, or all. Unless I happen to be full, which is not a common occurrence.
Obviously there might be times when all these multi-level prompts might be needed, therefore I'm just asking for a QoL toggle added to our options menu for the rest of the time when they are not.
Damn straight. Yes I DO want to loot this thing I just interacted with and waited for. Now please. Also I do want to grab this quest item before my enemy gets out of the force bubble and smacks me once for my last 100 health. I'm not joking, I really would like to pick it up.
Damn straight. Yes I DO want to loot this thing I just interacted with and waited for. Now please. Also I do want to grab this quest item before my enemy gets out of the force bubble and smacks me once for my last 100 health. I'm not joking, I really would like to pick it up.