Marchosias- My Lifes Story
Story by R. M. Winter
GySgt. USMC (Ret)
1st memory
Memory is a funny thing really, you can go your whole life believing a lie if you remember it to be true.
My first memory goes back to when I was only a few weeks old. It is rather strange not that I can remember an event from so young, however what makes this memory odd is not the events of the memory but my feelings during them. You see very shortly after I was born My Grandfather Died, he was a fairly well known Actor of his day but he had retired to Florida when he died an early death. My father had to go to the funeral, and he took me along with him. To do this we took a Jetliner from Los Angeles to Tampa. My memory starts after my father had taken his seat and I was sitting in his Arms. the first thing that I realized in this memory was that the colors where blurry and sort of monochrome, I have since learned from study that young human eyes have to develop considerably and that babies can barely see and the colors are not yet fully seen. However, I knew I was on and Aircraft and all I could think was Wow they really did it they found the power of flight, that and the strange looking woman keeps making strange sounds.
I look back on this and have found out that the memory is true, even the part with the flight attendant.
7 days of creation.
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
We have all heard the stories, and they are not as far from the truth than science is willing to believe. In the beginning the creator did Make all matter and mass and shortly later the creator made Light however the text doesnt inform the readers that after light Came the Heavenly host. Nor does it say that Light was the master of the entire Host, and that Light was the First Angel. It also tends to shy away from the purpose of the Hosts of Angels, our Job was to Serve the creator, and protect the creation.
I was born in the first year of the Seventies, in a Small town outside of Las Vegas, Mother was a Jewish Born Dancer From Russia, and my father was a military man who was born and raised to serve our country, they met in Spain where My mother Defected from the soviet union to be with my father.
This caused my father some troubles but since my mother was very much anti-communist the Higher Brass forgave my father, but he never made general because of it.
To this day my father has never let me live this down and he raised me not only to be a soldier but a God Fearing American as well.
Light 1st of heaven
Who is Light Many these days call this Angel my many names and many fear the powers associated with Light. Many think Light was a he, but Angels have no reproductive Gender and well the truth is Light has many masculine traits but, light is very much a female, and this is why she is so dangerous.
I know what you are saying to your selves Wait what about the nephilim? Angels had their way with humans, the children were called nephilim, and this was true.
However, Angels have no Gender they can create the ability to have human form for short periods. Nevertheless, I am getting ahead of myself in this story.
What I knew as a child
For the first ten years of my life, my father was usually away fighting one war after another, and these wars always had something secrete about them, I know that he was in south East Asia, Africa, Latin America and even Europe. At times, I wonder what he was doing but I learned early in life the concept of need to know.
My mother taught me her faith but always with an eye towards what my father felt since he was a roman catholic. I was taught that God was all of humanities father and that all he ever wanted was to love us, and I knew this to be true.
When my father was home for the short periods between Battles and other heroics that I feel he was up to, he would teach me how to use various martial weapons, and fighting techniques, I started with bamboo staffs and worked my way up to swords and firearms.
Mans creation and the Creators Promise
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And when this was done the creator of the Mutli-verse looked upon the heavenly host and Said, Behold, my children for one day they will be the masters of all of my creation and they will sit next to me in my Kingdom
As a child I knew I was a boy and I knew what a human was, however I was never fully comfortable with this. I knew something was different, and not just because of my parents. I was a little too strong and I was rather better with certain subjects than my fellow students and sometimes even my teachers. The primary subjects of note in which I excelled where history, and science. I would have been called a nerd, but most of the bullies and some of my teachers where terrified of my temper and me.
Fall of Light
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! How art thou cast down to the ground that didst cast lots over the nations! And thou saidst in thy heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, Above the stars of God, Will I exalt my throne; And I will sit upon the mount of meeting, In the uttermost parts of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.' Yet thou shalt be brought down to the nether-world, to the uttermost parts of the pit."
What actually happened was Light she didnt like the Idea of being considered lower than Man. It got to her and tore her loving soul to shreds. Therefore, she made a plan that almost worked.
When I turned ten years old my father decided that I should have some idea how the world actually worked, so he packed up the family and we traveled. So, for the next five years I was raised from one military base after another, Italy, England, Venezuela, Martinique, Barbados, Egypt, and South Africa.
It was a rather fun time of my life learning about different peoples and their languages. However, in the end, we moved back to America, where I entered High School and life became boring and normal. it was at this time my dad retired and we never spoke of his military life again, he got a job teaching and that was it, we were normal folks living in the South West.
War in Heaven
When Lights soul turned dark, she set in motion her plan, it took some time for her to gather her followers, most of which came from the leadership of the Host, but she knew he had one failing that she had to overcome. Her weakness was simple she had no military and the Arm of the host which was created to actually protect creation and serve the Creator was unshaken, and fully committed to their duties. In order to gain the power Light had to find a way to gain at least a third of this power.
The Military Arm of the Host was broken in to three parts Uriel who is better known as Raphael, Sariel who is now called Michael, and one other who is no longer listed as a member of the Archangels.
It was this Other Who is now known as Marchosias that was tricked by light.
When I was very young I didnt like being called by my first name, I know this is an odd thing but I didnt feel it was my name. However, my middle name, which was my moms Maiden name Marcavitch, could be shortened to Marc, so this became my name.
When I graduated High School, I ended up doing what my Father Wanted instead of going to University I enlisted in the Marines. I did well and found myself assigned to Marine Corps version of Special Operations. it seems my father was in the same unit when he was in, and quickly I learned that it was the combination of my natural talents, my intelligence, and the favors that the brass owed my dad that got me assigned to this unit. However I did well on my own and I was good at my job.
The fall of Marchosias
Marchosias was fiercely loyal to the Creator, but he had one weakness he was not creative, and he was a rigid follower of duty, honor, and orders. Light made use of this and issued orders to Marchosias that informed him that Angels were About to revolt against heaven and to protect Light, and make sure nothing could enter the Seat of Heaven once Light had control, and if anyone disobeyed Lights orders they must be traitors. At first it worked smoothly, Light seized absolute control of heaven and started to do the banishment when the real battle started, Marchosias was able to hold ground and could have won the war, if not for the Valor of Uriel. Uriel was able to get in to the Seat and to call for the creator before Light could finish. In addition, Marchosias was unable to stop Uriel because Uriel was the one Angel that Marchosias trusted and loved.
I did many operations that are considered Classified. But my last missions which is vital to my life and my story happened in Haiti we were assigned to work for the DEA and our mission was to infiltrate a Viper Military compound which was developing a new super soldier drug by using black magic combined with cocaine. The product was designed to amplify a persons soul and make them temporarily invincible, in truth most of the test subjects would be unstoppable for only ten or twenty seconds and then they would pass out and a few would die. We were successful in stopping them, however we failed to capture the person who designed the drug, and I was exposed to it.
It is said that God is wrathful and angry, as someone who has seen anger and wrath I am sure that God the Creator of the Universe has nothing but love, and sorrow.
When the creator came into the Seat of Heaven and looked over the battle between the Host, The creator cried with the pain of a parent who has lost a child. He looked out and asked why are you fighting who has caused you to make War. Uriel spoke up and said, Light was trying to take your power and seize your throne. To which Light in shame and guilt replied I was afraid for you, Mankind will surely destroy all of creation, so I did what was right to save the universe
To which the creator Banished Light and her followers, But when he got to Marchosias he said this You shall be banished as well, even thou you are not at fault for your betrayal. Part of your banishment is this, from now until the end of time as long as you are Immortal you shall never see Heaven again. But one day you shall return and be counted as one of my special children. With this said Marchosias was sent to Hades with the rest of the fallen Angels who are now known as demons.
For a drug that was only meant to work for a short time, it became my curse and my punishment that will be with me for the rest of my life. During the raid the person who we were after fired a tranquilizer dart filled with the drug at me, and I fell unconscious for the next year. After the raid I was taken by helicopter to the nearest U.S. Military hospital, which is in Cuba, I was there until I regained consciousness. However, while I was out I had dreams; Dreams of my past life.
When I regained consciousness, my body had changed, my skin was smooth and shiny the hairs on some parts of my head had solidified in to horns. Also on my back, I grew wings. I understood what had happened the drug had released a portion of my soul which was not human in origin and caused me to remember my past life, and my body changed to fit who I was.
I was medically retired from the Marines with twenty years service, but Uncle Sam was not done with me. They did their best to understand what had happened but in the end, they gave up trying to reproduce what had happened when they fully understood that my soul wasnt human and now my body no longer looks human.
I still honor the military and I will always do my best for America but now I do that which I am best at; making war against evil. I have my release papers and I am a registered hero. And I have sworn to up hold truth, honor, and justice.
Hero Costume
RP/in his Retired Marine Dress Blue Summer "D" uniform
and when he looses control his true demon shape
And for a comparison with some classic golden Age Heroes. which would be good for anyone to see.
and of course the Rate My Hero Page