Before ripping my head off here I have read AND tried the "x360 emulator" and other methods found in the Tech support page (they didnt work, hence me posting) however I cant post there so I thought to try here. This is aimed more for the dev team, tech support, ect who have to do with the game, however if anyone else knows how to get this controller to work for Champions Online I'm all ears.
Is this controller compatiable, if so how can I get it to be usable? Meaning is there a trick I am missing or did I just blow 20 bucks for a non compatiable gamepad.
Second, is there a "official list" to which gamepad(s) work for this game?
Thanks for any feedback
For the question about what game pads are offically supported by this game, the answer is none. Xbox360 pads do work because this game was being developed for both pc and 360 release. As for how to get that pad to work for the game i would suggest trying the sticky at the top of the page for suggestions on how to make it work.
I would recommend looking into either xpadder or Pinnacle Profiler. I personally use xpadder as it was only $10 and I found it more user-friendly. Either one will allow you to emulate xinput with any directinput controllers(all PC gamepads/joysticks, except x360 and x360 clone pads).
Currently, the game does not officially support any gamepad that I know of, but there is rudimentary support for xinput in place. I'm sure in time they will expand this to directinput controllers as well, but for now you either need an x360 or similar clone *or* you need to force your directinput controller to emulate xinput.
Another tip I can give are that you'll also need to rearrange the buttons to match xinput's layout, as it is different than directinput. i.e button 1 on the logitech with be button 3(x) on a 360.
Using the default XBOX360 buttons, here are the equivilents on the Rumblepad 2:
A = Button 2
B = Button 3
X = Button 1
Y = Button 4
Left Shoulder = Button 5
Right Shoulder = Button 6
Left Trigger = Button 7
Right Trigger = Button 8
Back = Button 9
Start = Button 10
Left Stick Press = Button 11
Right Stick Press = Button 12
DPAD is normal, although must be switched to xinput mode to function as well.
Using those settings in your profile, you should be able to correctly emulate xinput in most games, save the ones that use the analog triggers (which can only be emulated in binary mode). Tested with xpadder v5.3 and a Logitech Rumblepad 2 Wired.