Hi there! Been spending oodles of time poking through everyones great art and stories here.. I thought I would show a few of mine, too, if anyone is interested.
Just a few quick character paintings so far - but there are so many interesting looking hero characters wandering around I'm sure I won't be wanting for inspiration much
An awkward painting of my own character, looking slightly less grumpy than usual. Slightly.
A strange/stately/interesting alien duder I saw named Roruta* a few weeks back. We chatted a while and I took a few surrepticious screenshots. I thought I'd do a quick thingy of his character since he looked really neat. Hopefully he'll like it.
*Name corrected. I can never remember names. :P
There are a few more that I've been dumping off like hazardous waste over at
http://championsonlineroleplayers.com/vb_threads/281882 if anyone is really curious. Thanks for looking!
Keep at it. Dont be afraid to use reference to establish form, and lighting.
I primarily use 'Paint Tool Sai' for the lovely colour blending.