There's a sewer map set that contains a multitude of trash bags in it. By AOEing the room(particularly the one at the very end) over and over again you can gain tons of items. While I realize with the whole retcon and economy adjustment you want to bring more resources into the player's hands, I can see the abuses in object-saturated maps. This could set a very high bar for item prices in the player economy and is certainly lucrative for RMT.
*whistles innocently* Don't know what you are talking about. *shoves my stash of precious precious loot under the rug* Nothing to see here people. Nothing at all.
Actually discovered it by chance while teaming with a friend. Was a rather... lucrative run.
Might have done it once or twice again... I mean it's not my fault people throw away their valuables now is it?
There's a sewer map set that contains a multitude of trash bags in it. By AOEing the room(particularly the one at the very end) over and over again you can gain tons of items. While I realize with the whole retcon and economy adjustment you want to bring more resources into the player's hands, I can see the abuses in object-saturated maps. This could set a very high bar for item prices in the player economy and is certainly lucrative for RMT.
I have bugged this a couple of times now, during the Open Beta and the Head Start. Basically any Help A Citizen mission that spawns on a sewer map has this occuring.
I have to admit that I have farmed those rooms myself for items to break down for crafting supplies and (since the trashbags re-spawn constantly) to work on my 'item destruction' perks. I don't think I've ever gotten anything except white items with no stats worth mentioning, but enough of those stacked up to research and you can eventually get a skill-up and 'inspiration'-type item.
On a related note, has anyone else noticed that when they enter some sewer maps, all the miscellaneous physics items are just hanging in the air?
Thats a relatively new bug I think. I don't remember that happening until about two weeks ago with the same patch that also broke the chat UI (tabs flickering, missing scrollbars, massive framerate loss with it open).
Don't know about you, but I've never gotten loot from attackable objects. Are these specific attackable objects?
When you are below a certain level the items are flagged as "Henchman" instead of "Object" so when you kill them they have a chance of dropping loot.
You can tell if you have a chance to get an item from an object or not by trying to target it. If you can get the object information to appear in your "Target" window and it lists it as a "Henchman" then you have a chance of it dropping an item. Note that when the object drops an item you do not get the ! symbol, you just get a message about the item and it goes straight to your inventory.
I saw this while I was farming my Collateral Damage perk. I got a few whites, then a purple :eek:. I think my eyebrows left my head for a moment there.
I was level 20ish at the time, the item didn't have stats I needed, and I figured the AH would never sell it (who would pay even vendor price for an ultra-rare item that'll last you 4 levels?) Thus it went the way of all thing a vendor.
When you are below a certain level the items are flagged as "Henchman" instead of "Object" so when you kill them they have a chance of dropping loot.
You can tell if you have a chance to get an item from an object or not by trying to target it. If you can get the object information to appear in your "Target" window and it lists it as a "Henchman" then you have a chance of it dropping an item. Note that when the object drops an item you do not get the ! symbol, you just get a message about the item and it goes straight to your inventory.
Oh so thats why.
So henchmen are like Pokemon right? First stage is trash and you need them to evolve to put up a fight?
Actually discovered it by chance while teaming with a friend. Was a rather... lucrative run.
Might have done it once or twice again... I mean it's not my fault people throw away their valuables now is it?
I have bugged this a couple of times now, during the Open Beta and the Head Start. Basically any Help A Citizen mission that spawns on a sewer map has this occuring.
I have to admit that I have farmed those rooms myself for items to break down for crafting supplies and (since the trashbags re-spawn constantly) to work on my 'item destruction' perks. I don't think I've ever gotten anything except white items with no stats worth mentioning, but enough of those stacked up to research and you can eventually get a skill-up and 'inspiration'-type item.
Thats a relatively new bug I think. I don't remember that happening until about two weeks ago with the same patch that also broke the chat UI (tabs flickering, missing scrollbars, massive framerate loss with it open).
Black bags on the ground filled with trash?
attackable items. Simple as that.
I even get loot from boxes, cars and whatnot. (aiming for that destroy items perk is fun)
When you are below a certain level the items are flagged as "Henchman" instead of "Object" so when you kill them they have a chance of dropping loot.
You can tell if you have a chance to get an item from an object or not by trying to target it. If you can get the object information to appear in your "Target" window and it lists it as a "Henchman" then you have a chance of it dropping an item. Note that when the object drops an item you do not get the ! symbol, you just get a message about the item and it goes straight to your inventory.
I was level 20ish at the time, the item didn't have stats I needed, and I figured the AH would never sell it (who would pay even vendor price for an ultra-rare item that'll last you 4 levels?) Thus it went the way of all thing a vendor.
So henchmen are like Pokemon right? First stage is trash and you need them to evolve to put up a fight?
Brilliant! (Well it was funny in my head)