There's nothing to miss, specializations are merely a cosmetic change to the items you create, this info is in the game when you pick your specialization.. The school you choose is the determining factor in stats of the items you create.
Is that also the same for the specialization trainer specific gear (skill 300-400) i.e. not the stuff from the generalized trainers, but the spec ones that are around MC somewhere.
I don't see what youa re trying to prove as this was well known AND documented. The different schools are for providing flavor to players. If you are making a martial artist, getting upgrades for guns and body armor doesn't seem very fitting.
Yep, it's all aesthetics and preference. My character does Science, but making inventions wouldn't work very well - she's no egghead. She received her powers by being struck by lightning while fighting zombies with a metal rod covered in weird magical zombie goop; "Exposures" fits that perfectly.
Good times.