I've been finding all the crafted munitions weapon replacers pretty lackluster. I've noticed that:
1. The stat distributions don't play to munitions DEX/EGO suggested stats
2. Damage appears to generally be worse
3. Weapon replacers don't get the advantages for the powers they were replacing. IE, the advantage for assault rifle which removes the cooldown doesn't remove the cooldown of weapon replacer assault rifles.
4. The weapon replacer damage does not appear to scale
Some dropped replacers appear to have decent special properties, but they appear to be pretty rare. Are there any replacers actually worth getting?
With my second munitions character who uses the Assault Rifle and Gattling Gun primarily the power replacers generally aren't worth it. Like you pointed out, you end up with a cooldown even when you have the 'Mow em Down' advantage for your assault rifle. They don't appear to override ranks though, but I'd need to test more to confirm that. Anyway, the problem when they only affect one power rather than all of your powers is that you really notice the reduced stat bonuses compared to other equipment.
They do scale though. The Gunslinger's Legacy (not a power replacer) does more damage as you level up and the proc effect for added damage on power replacers increases as well, at least it does on the ones I have been using. The stat bonus and any off/def rating does not scale though, so you will need to keep them updated.
Edit: I should also add that I use them in conjuntion with builds. So I will have the power replacer equipped in my Avenger build but not in my Protector build.