I just completed the "Pages From a Dark Text" mission, and the reward is a REQ17 Single-Sword primary offense item called "Matchstick". I was pretty excited when I got it, considering it adds +7 Dexterity and +7 recovery, +15 physical and +15 energy defense. Yet to my dismay, upon trying to equip it, it says "NOT A HIGH ENOUGH LEVEL"
wtf? Im level 27 it has a 17 requirement. What gives??
It's somewhere 29-31. I wasn't able to use matchstick when I got it at 28 and was able to use it (just before selling it as I'd already found something better) at 31, so somewhere in the middle. I think 30 because the +damage is identical to similar lv30 power replacers I had.
did that.
Now does anyone know what the typical requirement is for +7 dex/+7rec and +15 phys/en defense is? Just so I know what level to try and equip it again.
Same problem. I bugged it in-game. Just turned 30 and can now equip it.