I've heard you get these through drops or something. This true?
Like I'm arms, and was looking forward to a better heal patch... only the highest the trainer gives is 280 skill or something. Is there a better version, and if so, how does one acquire new recipes other than from trainers?
For the Tier 4 Offense, Defense and Utility upgrades you go to your specialist trainer.
For all others you go to a generalist. The only issue is that the Tier 4 Healing Patch is missing from the game.
While there are some dropped stuff, it's mostly faction based devices such as summonable Destroid Gun Drones or Lemurian Golems. None of the essential stuff is drop based.
For all others you go to a generalist. The only issue is that the Tier 4 Healing Patch is missing from the game.
While there are some dropped stuff, it's mostly faction based devices such as summonable Destroid Gun Drones or Lemurian Golems. None of the essential stuff is drop based.
Thanks for the info