How can I rotate the camera and have the a/d keys so they make my character turn instead of strafe at the same time?
So, to be clear, I'm using the mouse to look around in all directions while holding down the W button to make my character move forward, relative to the character and not the camera, and then hit a/d to make my character turn while continuing to run forward, but not the direction the camera is facing...
if I do this then when in camera rotate mode, left drag, the a/d keys rotate the camera even though they are bound to rotate my character. How do I make it so when I am left dragging I can make my character turn and not the camera. I can press w while left dragging which makes my character walk the direction he is facing, but a/d doesn't make him turn relative to the way he is facing... it makes the camera rotate.
I think the answer you're seeking was answered a couple of posts below yours.
/LockPlayerandCamera 1
It locks your POV relative to the player facing. Replace 1 with a 0 to turn it off. Now just remap a/d to turn and that should solve your problem.