After last night's patch, newly crafted items have slightly lower stats than the exact same item crafted yesterday. Items which had already been crafted are unchanged. What's going on?
Items being crafted with custom enhancements dropped in defense values and stat alottment totals value. IE, craft a lvl 38 rare quality secondary with custom enhancement, choose a two stat one, and pre patch it would have come out 5.1 defense values, and 10/10 for those two stats, it now comes out 4.9 defense values, and 9/9 for two stats.
Items being crafted with custom enhancements dropped in defense values and stat alottment totals value. IE, craft a lvl 38 rare quality secondary with custom enhancement, choose a two stat one, and pre patch it would have come out 5.1 defense values, and 10/10 for those two stats, it now comes out 4.9 defense values, and 9/9 for two stats.
Also, for single stat secondaries on a lvl 38 item, it went from +17 to +16.
what stats changed? I've not changed any of the itempowers so it isn't on the what gets made side of things.
the max certain stats added to a crafted item is lower than before, for example before last patch i crafted a full set of rec/end gear to use when i hit 38. one of the items prepatch at rare state had 17end, post patch it was 16 at rare state. but that was just to create the same item after the patch, the items i made postpatch were uneffected and ungimped (please dont go and gimp them tho). this was for mysticism btw.
the max certain stats added to a crafted item is lower than before, for example before last patch i crafted a full set of rec/end gear to use when i hit 38. one of the items prepatch at rare state had 17end, post patch it was 16 at rare state. but that was just to create the same item after the patch, the items i made postpatch were uneffected and ungimped (please dont go and gimp them tho). this was for mysticism btw.
Really? I had the opposite experience. The items I had on(Science; Exposure) from prepatch stayed at 17, but the items I made post patch were 16.
Others I talked to had the same issue. Stuff made before patch was the same, post patch changed. They might have been running science as well, not sure.
what stats changed? I've not changed any of the itempowers so it isn't on the what gets made side of things.
I'm Arms, Ordinance. I've been crafting secondary items (usually alternate between the secondary offense and secondary defense item since they are both skill 380 items and are functionally the same item in terms of component cost and breakdown return.
I craft the plated 380 skill items at rare setting. I break those down immediately afterwords because they have a 4/5 breakdown rating. I don't often get great insights, but that is my goal in doing this, since my skill is already maxed out at 400. I'm just trying to get enough great insights to purchase the rest of my ordinance blueprints.
So yeah, to answer your question, It's any of my secondary 380 skill items, which I always click "plated", and they used to come out 20 physical, 10 energy (or somesuch). Now they come out 20 physical and 9.8 energy. And I haven't changed a thing on my character. In fact, I noticed almost immediately because I was crafting right before the server went down for that patch, and I logged on almost immediately after the servers came back up and began crafting immediately, and that's when I saw the stat change of the items.
The secondary enhancement scaling seems to have changed also. I'm at 260 arms and the lowest quality of one stat = +7, cranking that up to purple = +8? Defense goes up by .5 so that seems to scale decently, but one point to stat for crazy resource cost is not how it used to work. Also dual stats +4 +4 get no increase to stats, only defense.
I'd have to check my main for the 350+ mysticism stuff though, I'll do that tonight.
I'd like to add that at this point, mission rewards are better than crafted gear, with a few exceptions for primary slot gear, if you have the right enhancements.
It's definitely the same in science -- Prepatch I could double-stat a rare level 380 item and get a single stat to +70 on an item. Postpatch if I double-stat a rare level 380 item it only gets +67.
It's definitely the same in science -- Prepatch I could double-stat a rare level 380 item and get a single stat to +70 on an item. Postpatch if I double-stat a rare level 380 item it only gets +67.
It's definitely the same in science -- Prepatch I could double-stat a rare level 380 item and get a single stat to +70 on an item. Postpatch if I double-stat a rare level 380 item it only gets +67.
I'm Science/Invention and I'm glad I found this thread because I too was wondering what had happened! I made a Rare Alien PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner before the patch and it gave me this:
+6 Endurance
+40 Ego
+13 Physical Defense
+13 Energy Defense
I went to make another one just today at a crafting table (same item -- a Rare Alien PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner) and it was offering this:
+6 Endurance
+38 Ego
+12 Physical Defense
+12 Energy Defense
Somewhere I lost four stat points. If I remove the minor enhancement from my item (so now I'd just be making a PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner) the ONLY difference between Uncommon and Pure quality is a +1 bump to Ego. To wit:
Uncommon PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner:
+31 Ego
+12 Physical Defense
+12 Energy Defense
Rare PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner:
+32 Ego
+12 Physical Defense
+12 Energy Defense
Now maybe you might say that's by design, but I think a measly one point boost in exchange for a 50% increase in component cost (including four rare Rabahandar Particles) is not quite fair. On the lower end of things, if I remove the major enhancement from the same item (so now I'm just working with an Alien Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner), there is literally no difference in stats between the Low and Common quality, despite a whopping 1200% spike in component cost. At least with the items that only accept minor enhancements (secondary Def/Off/Utils), the difference between Low and Common quality is a modest but appreciable defense stat gain.
I'm new to crafting but I'd love to hear some feedback about what changes were made and why
Confirmed, this appears to be affecting more than just crafted items at this point. Nemesis items on the vendor do not appear to be scaling properly based on generated stats.
Both of these items listed below are built at rare quality
Guard of the Golden Avenger (Lvl 40, purple, BEFORE buying) - 17 con, 2 end, 4 ego, 6.5 defs
Guard of the Golden Avenger (Lvl 40, purple, Item actually acquired) - 14 con, 2 end, 4 ego, 5.4 defs (Verified stat gains) Gives same +Def rating as a lvl 40 blue.
Confirmed, this appears to be affecting more than just crafted items at this point. Nemesis items on the vendor do not appear to be scaling properly based on generated stats.
That's a confirmed vendor bug that affects the display of all endgame items you can purchase. It's been that way ever since they added the UNITY and Nemesis stores.
That's a confirmed vendor bug that affects the display of all endgame items you can purchase. It's been that way ever since they added the UNITY and Nemesis stores.
I'd have to say that there's something else going on, +def scales with item quality... a lvl 40 purple should have more +def then a lvl 40 blue that does not specialize in giving a defensive bonus (Reinforced is simply +Con)
Closely related, although I can't prove this with the items I have on hand, but maybe somebody here can... I could have sworn that moving the rarity slider up in the crafting window used to actually do something useful. Now it seems to have little real impact on the stats, at least for many combinations of item (they go up by less than ten points at the top end of tier 4 on primaries; I'm sure it was more a few days ago).
The rarity slider has always have very little effect on most things, beyond causing component use to skyrocket.
Way too little in fact, with many items only scaling the defense, and having no actual effect on the stats, or only raising the statistics by 1 point.
You could get a raise of a couple stat points on high level items with a key focus on only one stat, or one stat, and then an item that has that stat again and a secondary stat. But again, the actual point increase is no where near the ingredient cost increase.
Ah, yes, figured it out, Upgrades programmer #3 fixed a table lookup error with algos, that would cause the change you see. Basically algos were looking up their effective level one entry off from where they should have been, that fix is finally getting to you guys.
Hmm, that seems more like the store bug fix is still not live, can you tell me the Upgrade so I can check it out?
I think all the store blueprints are bugged, the pattern i purchased for a 61 con item at the crafting trainer only appears as 59 con if i look at it in my recipes. Also, UNITY and nemesis items are typed as sci/arms/myst but can't be deconstructed.
Ah, yes, figured it out, Upgrades programmer #3 fixed a table lookup error with algos, that would cause the change you see. Basically algos were looking up their effective level one entry off from where they should have been, that fix is finally getting to you guys.
This is why we can't have nice things I hope you no that, because your error's always lookup their effective level DOWN, never up. Why do we never have issues were our crafted items accidentally add 255 to a stat instead of loosing a few points.
Your crafting players would be happier so much happier if things went the other way. And I bet we would all be like, hey Antiproton we found this bug, but if you don't want to fix it right now that's cool, you been working so hard lately why don't you take a week off or something instead of being all upset. Of course the downside is management might be on you a little bit harder than normal to fix those kinda issues faster than the ones now.
I can see it now
(Que Flashback cut) Afternoon Team Meeting
Boss Guy:And that brings us around to Antiproton, so how are things in crafting right now?
Antiproton:Well Boss Guy Sir it seems some of our crafting tree's are off so player made items are costing twice as many resources than they should.
Boss Guy:Well that's fine, we can roll that fix out next week if your not to busy, heck we can shuffle that off to the next big content patch for the middle of next month for something like that. Anything else?
Antiproton:Well there is a tiny matter of crafting items giving bonuses one level higher than they should so-
(Interrupting)Boss Guy:My god man! How long as this been going on?
Antiproton:I don't know just a day or so after yesterday patc-.
(Interrupting)Boss Guy:A DAY?! Server Team! Get down there now and kill the servers, take them down all down! Go go go!
Antiproton:But Boss Guy Sir is this really affecting gameplay that mu-
(Interrupting)Boss Guy:No! Save your words, get back to your desk now, all of you scramble! No one goes home until this issue is corrected! Don't waste time on words people! Go! I want this coded and on the server five minutes ago!
(End Flashback cut)
And that's exactly what happened during the patch two Thursday's ago.
Ah, yes, figured it out, Upgrades programmer #3 fixed a table lookup error with algos, that would cause the change you see. Basically algos were looking up their effective level one entry off from where they should have been, that fix is finally getting to you guys.
Tsk Tsk. If this had been in the patch notes you wouldn't have had to waste your time finding out what happened
Confirmed also, primary items lost 1 def and +2 to main stat when rare quality. Secondary lost +1 and maybe .1-.2 def unsure exactly for secondary. This is with items I made a few days ago, vs items I made today.
So, I read your post AP, glad to see you figured out why this happened. My question is, is this a bug or a fix? Not a huge change I suppose, but overall that's about a 3.6-4.2 def and 12 to main stats loss assuming you're wearing a full set of crafted items. Could be the difference between a now useless stat because of the stat ratios needed to get the same effect from gear.
Actually this does kind of explain a few things. Like why the level 38 custom items were so ungodly powerful.
The level 38 crafted gear was routinely trouncing level 40 items. This brings things down a little more reasonable so that there's actually a point to endgame content.
The level 38 crafted gear was routinely trouncing level 40 items.
That has all to do with the level 40 stuff granting stats all over the place instead of being focused and very little to do with getting +67 vs +70 on a single stat level 38 Blue primary.
The level 40 Purple crafted primaries will give maybe 65 total to something you can actually benefit from. it's more likely to be less than 60 total. If they had a 2 stat focus with either a third minor stat or a special ability, they'd be worthwhile. As they are now, they're worthless for the majority of builds, especially when looking at the cost.
You not only have to worry about the items that cost the revelations you get when researching costing a ridiculous amount in materials, but the auction house won't work so the chances of finding the right materials without going and farming the items in the field are becoming slim. So now worthless is becoming overpriced worthless.
This is why we can't have nice things I hope you no that, because your error's always lookup their effective level DOWN, never up. Why do we never have issues were our crafted items accidentally add 255 to a stat instead of loosing a few points.
Heh, you weren't around when we added the Mission rewards in Closed Beta. Anywhere the decimal place got left off a stat Magnitude, the Upgrade would end up granting things on the order of 90,000 to the stat...
Heh, you weren't around when we added the Mission rewards in Closed Beta. Anywhere the decimal place got left off a stat Magnitude, the Upgrade would end up granting things on the order of 90,000 to the stat...
I miss the +10000% Equilibrium and +10000% Recovery Items. Those were good times.
That has all to do with the level 40 stuff granting stats all over the place instead of being focused and very little to do with getting +67 vs +70 on a single stat level 38 Blue primary.
The level 40 Purple crafted primaries will give maybe 65 total to something you can actually benefit from. it's more likely to be less than 60 total. If they had a 2 stat focus with either a third minor stat or a special ability, they'd be worthwhile. As they are now, they're worthless for the majority of builds, especially when looking at the cost.
Indeed. The custom stat items are across the board more useful. Spreading the stat points around, despite there being more raw stat points in aggregate, is not what I'm looking for.
Arms ordnance crafting is still completely broken with more then 50% of items lacking the correct stats and effects.
Also, i have yet to see a single insight after multiple 5/5 experiments.
Please fix.
I'm capped out on Arms crafting, and 4/5s and 5/5 are dropping Great Insights regularly for me. Perhaps it is simply back luck in the percents for you.
So basically this is what i gather. Items aren't retroactively changed? Existing items keep their original stats? Those who weren't lucky enough to get their 38 blues crafted early enough are left out? Are we expected to pay an inflated price for items crafted pre-patch if someone didn't bind it and wants to sell? This just doesn't seem that cool to me.
Heh, you weren't around when we added the Mission rewards in Closed Beta. Anywhere the decimal place got left off a stat Magnitude, the Upgrade would end up granting things on the order of 90,000 to the stat...
There you guys go, forgetting decimals. Always messing up some mundane detail.
Posting as another 400/400 Arms crafter that has always done 5/5s and has never seen a Great Insight. Matter of fact, I haven't seen an insight at all since the low 200's (and always 5/5). But yes, I'm sure it's just "bad luck" and not a programming mistake / crafting table bug. That's much more likely given the amazing lack of attention to detail displayed so far.
PS And seconded on the fixing Arms crafting. About 1/3 of the enhancements have an incorrect or missing description in the store and a good number of them do _nothing_ when added to an item. This, of course, adds further weight to the "bad luck" theory (not in any way the DURR SPREADSHEETS AM HARD one).
The jig is up!
Also, for single stat secondaries on a lvl 38 item, it went from +17 to +16.
I believe primaries went from +52 to +49?
There was definitely a change.
the max certain stats added to a crafted item is lower than before, for example before last patch i crafted a full set of rec/end gear to use when i hit 38. one of the items prepatch at rare state had 17end, post patch it was 16 at rare state. but that was just to create the same item after the patch, the items i made postpatch were uneffected and ungimped (please dont go and gimp them tho). this was for mysticism btw.
Really? I had the opposite experience. The items I had on(Science; Exposure) from prepatch stayed at 17, but the items I made post patch were 16.
Others I talked to had the same issue. Stuff made before patch was the same, post patch changed. They might have been running science as well, not sure.
I'm Arms, Ordinance. I've been crafting secondary items (usually alternate between the secondary offense and secondary defense item since they are both skill 380 items and are functionally the same item in terms of component cost and breakdown return.
I craft the plated 380 skill items at rare setting. I break those down immediately afterwords because they have a 4/5 breakdown rating. I don't often get great insights, but that is my goal in doing this, since my skill is already maxed out at 400. I'm just trying to get enough great insights to purchase the rest of my ordinance blueprints.
So yeah, to answer your question, It's any of my secondary 380 skill items, which I always click "plated", and they used to come out 20 physical, 10 energy (or somesuch). Now they come out 20 physical and 9.8 energy. And I haven't changed a thing on my character. In fact, I noticed almost immediately because I was crafting right before the server went down for that patch, and I logged on almost immediately after the servers came back up and began crafting immediately, and that's when I saw the stat change of the items.
I'd have to check my main for the 350+ mysticism stuff though, I'll do that tonight.
I'd like to add that at this point, mission rewards are better than crafted gear, with a few exceptions for primary slot gear, if you have the right enhancements.
Ditto on my Arms/Alien Metabolism crafter.
Seconding this for arms-ordanace.
+6 Endurance
+40 Ego
+13 Physical Defense
+13 Energy Defense
I went to make another one just today at a crafting table (same item -- a Rare Alien PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner) and it was offering this:
+6 Endurance
+38 Ego
+12 Physical Defense
+12 Energy Defense
Somewhere I lost four stat points. If I remove the minor enhancement from my item (so now I'd just be making a PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner) the ONLY difference between Uncommon and Pure quality is a +1 bump to Ego. To wit:
Uncommon PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner:
+31 Ego
+12 Physical Defense
+12 Energy Defense
Rare PSI Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner:
+32 Ego
+12 Physical Defense
+12 Energy Defense
Now maybe you might say that's by design, but I think a measly one point boost in exchange for a 50% increase in component cost (including four rare Rabahandar Particles) is not quite fair. On the lower end of things, if I remove the major enhancement from the same item (so now I'm just working with an Alien Murphy's Law Enforcement Scanner), there is literally no difference in stats between the Low and Common quality, despite a whopping 1200% spike in component cost. At least with the items that only accept minor enhancements (secondary Def/Off/Utils), the difference between Low and Common quality is a modest but appreciable defense stat gain.
I'm new to crafting but I'd love to hear some feedback about what changes were made and why
Both of these items listed below are built at rare quality
Fulminating Ultra-Light Weapon Chassis (Arms, 380)
Pre-patch 10 str/dex 5.1 defs - NOTE: Only gives +9 str/dex BUT does give the +5.1 def rating
Post-patch 9 str/dex 4.9 defs - Verified - Gives 4.9 def
This appears to be affecting Nemesis items also, compare the following...
Reinforced Tactic (Lvl 40, blue) - 14 con, 5.4 defs NOTE: Actually gives +15 con
Yamamoto's Way (Lvl 38, green) - 10 str/7 dex, 4.7 defs NOTE: Actually gives 11 str/8 dex, +def seems fine.
Nemesis Items:
Guard of the Golden Avenger (Lvl 40, purple, BEFORE buying) - 17 con, 2 end, 4 ego, 6.5 defs
Guard of the Golden Avenger (Lvl 40, purple, Item actually acquired) - 14 con, 2 end, 4 ego, 5.4 defs (Verified stat gains) Gives same +Def rating as a lvl 40 blue.
Reinforced Strengthened Encrypted Military Transponder Diagram (Arms, 380) Quality: Rare
Pre-patch +70 con, +20 defs. (VERIFIED)
Post-patch +67 con, +20 defs (Checked display only, do not have neccesary mats for this presently)
Colossal Strengthened Heavy Camo-shield Diagram (Arms, 380) Quality: Rare
Pre-patch +52 con, 17 str +20 defs (VERIFIED)
Post-patch +50 con, 16 str, +20 defs (Checked display only, do not have neccesary mats for this presently)
Reinforced Monstrous High CApacity Ammo Diagram (Arms, 380) Quality: Rare
Pre-patch +17 con, 52 str, +20 defs (Actually gives 53 str, 17 con)
Post-patch +16 con, 50 str, +20 defs (Checked display only, do not have neccesary mats for this presently)
I'd have to say that there's something else going on, +def scales with item quality... a lvl 40 purple should have more +def then a lvl 40 blue that does not specialize in giving a defensive bonus (Reinforced is simply +Con)
Way too little in fact, with many items only scaling the defense, and having no actual effect on the stats, or only raising the statistics by 1 point.
You could get a raise of a couple stat points on high level items with a key focus on only one stat, or one stat, and then an item that has that stat again and a secondary stat. But again, the actual point increase is no where near the ingredient cost increase.
Hmm, that seems more like the store bug fix is still not live, can you tell me the Upgrade so I can check it out?
I think all the store blueprints are bugged, the pattern i purchased for a 61 con item at the crafting trainer only appears as 59 con if i look at it in my recipes. Also, UNITY and nemesis items are typed as sci/arms/myst but can't be deconstructed.
Its all of them AP. They're all off by a bit.
This is why we can't have nice things I hope you no that, because your error's always lookup their effective level DOWN, never up. Why do we never have issues were our crafted items accidentally add 255 to a stat instead of loosing a few points.
Your crafting players would be happier so much happier if things went the other way. And I bet we would all be like, hey Antiproton we found this bug, but if you don't want to fix it right now that's cool, you been working so hard lately why don't you take a week off or something instead of being all upset. Of course the downside is management might be on you a little bit harder than normal to fix those kinda issues faster than the ones now.
I can see it now
(Que Flashback cut)
Afternoon Team Meeting
Boss Guy:And that brings us around to Antiproton, so how are things in crafting right now?
Antiproton:Well Boss Guy Sir it seems some of our crafting tree's are off so player made items are costing twice as many resources than they should.
Boss Guy:Well that's fine, we can roll that fix out next week if your not to busy, heck we can shuffle that off to the next big content patch for the middle of next month for something like that. Anything else?
Antiproton:Well there is a tiny matter of crafting items giving bonuses one level higher than they should so-
(Interrupting)Boss Guy:My god man! How long as this been going on?
Antiproton:I don't know just a day or so after yesterday patc-.
(Interrupting)Boss Guy:A DAY?! Server Team! Get down there now and kill the servers, take them down all down! Go go go!
Antiproton:But Boss Guy Sir is this really affecting gameplay that mu-
(Interrupting)Boss Guy:No! Save your words, get back to your desk now, all of you scramble! No one goes home until this issue is corrected! Don't waste time on words people! Go! I want this coded and on the server five minutes ago!
(End Flashback cut)
And that's exactly what happened during the patch two Thursday's ago.
Tsk Tsk. If this had been in the patch notes you wouldn't have had to waste your time finding out what happened
So, I read your post AP, glad to see you figured out why this happened. My question is, is this a bug or a fix? Not a huge change I suppose, but overall that's about a 3.6-4.2 def and 12 to main stats loss assuming you're wearing a full set of crafted items. Could be the difference between a now useless stat because of the stat ratios needed to get the same effect from gear.
The level 38 crafted gear was routinely trouncing level 40 items. This brings things down a little more reasonable so that there's actually a point to endgame content.
The level 40 Purple crafted primaries will give maybe 65 total to something you can actually benefit from. it's more likely to be less than 60 total. If they had a 2 stat focus with either a third minor stat or a special ability, they'd be worthwhile. As they are now, they're worthless for the majority of builds, especially when looking at the cost.
oh and check these out...
They are trying to control what we do
Heh, you weren't around when we added the Mission rewards in Closed Beta. Anywhere the decimal place got left off a stat Magnitude, the Upgrade would end up granting things on the order of 90,000 to the stat...
I miss the +10000% Equilibrium and +10000% Recovery Items. Those were good times.
Indeed. The custom stat items are across the board more useful. Spreading the stat points around, despite there being more raw stat points in aggregate, is not what I'm looking for.
Also, i have yet to see a single insight after multiple 5/5 experiments.
Please fix.
I'm capped out on Arms crafting, and 4/5s and 5/5 are dropping Great Insights regularly for me. Perhaps it is simply back luck in the percents for you.
There you guys go, forgetting decimals. Always messing up some mundane detail.
Wont really craft anything untill this is fixed.
PS And seconded on the fixing Arms crafting. About 1/3 of the enhancements have an incorrect or missing description in the store and a good number of them do _nothing_ when added to an item. This, of course, adds further weight to the "bad luck" theory (not in any way the DURR SPREADSHEETS AM HARD one).