I currently have the controls set to Shooter mode, FPS keys, have the targeting set to 'Nearest to Centre' and 'Near to Far', as well as having bound left click to select next target. This works very well with my Munitions character - I pretty much left click to pick the right target.
My only issue is that I can't really target non-mob object that well - it requires me to either target over the object to attack (I like setting the recticle and leaving it as a target) or to right click, manually select the target, the right click again to go into mouselook mode.
Does anyone have a way that makes selecting objects to target easier under the Shooter set-up?
There's an option on how the auto-target works in regards to objects. That may (in part) solve some of the issue. I'd have to play around myself some more to really figure out something ideal.