so on my 29 toon, I was at 290 or so crafting. Today I log in, and it is at 100. I tried buy the rank up to 200 again, and it will not let me. My buddy had this happen around 150, and after days of no response to his bug, he selected a new crafting skill, and then switched back. He devoted a little time and he was 150 again. 290 is another number entirely.
I can submit a bug, but I imagine, much like him, I will never hear anything about it. Is this a known problem? Is there a fix?
I get DC'd every 3 hours at exactly the 3 hour mark. It is so annoying, and Qwet swears it isn't them. I am test to see what device it may be on my, if indeed it is on my end. Maybe all I needed was a reconnect.