I am trying to do a simple local chat message that I can fire off from the pressing of a G key. I built the macro like I would for most games in the macro editor but when I press it in game I get random UI screens opening. The problem seems to occur when the macro fires the enter or / thats starts up the text cursor in the chat window. If I manually select the text box and use a straight text based macro it works fine. Any tips on getting this working?
I dont' think the g15 macro building program has been updated to work with Champions yet. Try forcing it to update and see if that helps. I've done some macro's but nothing with chat yet.
Not my issue, I can make it fire the macro but it simply doesn't work as expected. If I press eneter while playing and start typing it fills the chat prompt, a macro doing the same exact thing opens UI windows.
this is because it is sending the keystrokes too fast i bet.
record times as well and then shorten all the times down a lot until it is fast, but not breaking.
this is because it is sending the keystrokes too fast i bet.
record times as well and then shorten all the times down a lot until it is fast, but not breaking.
This. This is a pretty common problems for a lot of games, really.
I ran into similar issues when writing a simple /loc macro for one of my G15 keys. I've attached a pic that illustrates the /loc macro, using the G15 Macro Manager. It does the following:
Notice the extra delay after the first Enter keydown/keyup cycle - gives the UI time to enable the text box.
I also bet its the delays. I think default they are set to zero delay, just insert a .005 delay or something to that effect inbetween your commands. A good way to test it is use your G15 and use your notepad and see it if types all the commands. If it does not then its moving too fast. You can also use its own test utility and I have found it to test pretty good. Also adding a small delay will not hurt you even when activating powers. Your brain to hand reaction is still slower then a modest delay you put into the macros.
/local TEXT
Which works if I do it by hand in game, but not when the macro fires the same sequence of button presses.
record times as well and then shorten all the times down a lot until it is fast, but not breaking.
This. This is a pretty common problems for a lot of games, really.
Notice the extra delay after the first Enter keydown/keyup cycle - gives the UI time to enable the text box.