After today's patch the UI controls seem even mushier than usual. Block isn't activating consistently, my maintain powers are only tapping off unless I mash the button 2-3 times to start the bar and my click powers just don't go off half the time. It was bad before but this is getting a little extreme. Its even effecting my mobility during combat and getting me killed. I get better control response if I use a 360 controller but I much the keyboard since I am left handed.
Is the UI lag related to the of controller code? I know the game was originally slated for PC and Xbox and I am really starting to wonder if the original UI was never optimized for the Keyboard. I remember during Alpha and early beta is was almost impossible to play without the controller because the Keyboard functions were so far behind the controller development.
Any kind of acknowledgment of the issue would be nice and to know whats causing it and that a fix is incoming would be even better.
i'm noticing the same thing, and those in my guild that have made the switch to an xbox 360 controller say all lag went away while im not getting blocks when i should and my initial damage power (slot 2) goes off on its own (its two gun mojo which needs to be held to be maintained, only the ui from time to time will maintain it on its own without me even initializing it)
I was getting a bit of that last night using the 360 controller.
There were a few times where I had to activate block twice to get it to register, and a few times my Machine Gun and Assault Rifle just did the tap version despite me holding down the buttons for the extended version of those powers.
It's not just the controller pad, UI responsiveness is lagging all around. This really bites aith a 5+ second charge up power since sometimes it will start, then end, then you have to try and hope it works the next time, never mind consumables not being used in time, etc.
There were a few times where I had to activate block twice to get it to register, and a few times my Machine Gun and Assault Rifle just did the tap version despite me holding down the buttons for the extended version of those powers.
So annoying.
I'm hoping this makes it on the dev to-do list very soon.