Hi, complete n00b to Champions (though I did play COH til level 27 or so).
I have a level 12 Darkness character (craft: mysticism). I've created a few useless (seemingly) items and have a full inventory of stuff I have no idea how to use/what to do with.
a. how do I know what stuff to slot? they all seem like the have the same point system of defense, str. etc.
b. what can I dump? Being a darkness character who chose mysticism, how to decide this?
c. why is there no guide to help with this stuff? I've read the crafting stuff over and over and still can't
understand (in english) what is what.
I'm sure I'm not enjoying the game to it's fullest and it's a "mash '2' button to zap bad guys and repeat mashing the '1' button to rebuild energy. I know I do suck, but keep getting killed after getting mob'd by 3 or 4 baddies that are the same level if not one or two levels below mine. It would *really* help if I knew what stuff to dump and what stuff would be the best to slot to use.
Also, I noticed after rolling over the items it gives 2 different descriptions which I finally figured out that 1 is what it does for mysticism folks and the other what it does for science, or arms etc... some of the descriptions are so vague, I'm trying to figure out if they're good or not.
Again, apologies, MMO slight n00b, but I did understand COH's system a lot easier than this one.. though I really want to continue my subscription and get into the deeper mechanics of Champions...
Hey there Sanchez, I am also a Champions n00b that is also a veteran of CoH and WoW but am rather lost with Champions I just bought the European retail release on day 1 so have not had it very long... all the same I got further in those other games by this stage...
I know from the NPCs and forum chat that some items are consumable (like inspirations I guess) to give a short boost while some are equipable. However, I have no idea for time being how to distinguish between one kind or the other, how to use a consumable or "equip" the others. Both the CoH and WoW systems made more sense to me but I'm hopeful that in time this will too!
It seems that one can also make bags to expand the inventory space but I am not sure if there is/will be a vault/bank system to keep extra things.
My approach so far has been "click at various buttons until it does something" lol but I would welcome any positive input.
Hey there Sanchez, I am also a Champions n00b that is also a veteran of CoH and WoW but am rather lost with Champions I just bought the European retail release on day 1 so have not had it very long... all the same I got further in those other games by this stage...
I know from the NPCs and forum chat that some items are consumable (like inspirations I guess) to give a short boost while some are equipable. However, I have no idea for time being how to distinguish between one kind or the other, how to use a consumable or "equip" the others. Both the CoH and WoW systems made more sense to me but I'm hopeful that in time this will too!
It seems that one can also make bags to expand the inventory space but I am not sure if there is/will be a vault/bank system to keep extra things.
My approach so far has been "click at various buttons until it does something" lol but I would welcome any positive input.
There is in fact a bank system. Look in Ren Center in one of the buildings, it is a bank, just walk up to one of the Tellers and VIOLA! Vault room! =D
I've got a 16 Darkness character with a few Supernatural skills thrown in. Since my suggested stats were CON / END I chose Arms so I could make both. I think there are a couple of skills that scale with those stats. At 187 I really haven't used anything crafted except healing consumables. The bank is SW of the powerhouse in MC and when you are crafting, it will pull items from both your inventory and the bank which is nice.
The button mashing can be mitigated somewhat with your options choices. The bottom option controlls how your power build-up works. I set it to toggle-always on (or maintain, whatever) and turn on target your current attacker.
I use the tab key to target and my power builder will automatically start firing if I'm in range. If not, I'll use a long range attack and then the cone attack to finish them off as they run toward me. I'll throw in a life-drain as needed.
Also, as stated elsewhere, if I don't really like any of the quest rewards, I pick the one that matches my crafting skill and use it for parts and skill-up.
Thanks all.. whew, for a second, I thought I was the only one! I'm sooo hoping to figure out these things soon. So, just so I understand..
1. there's a 'bank' in which you can store your inventory of items
2. stuff to craft (and this must be because I suck right now so I haven't crafted anything good), most are
things you can use in battle like life/health regeneration; buff etc?
Is there a way to tell which ones are worth keeping and not worth keeping? Also, is the bank/ren center is in MCity?
I'm currently in the radiated desert level getting my a$$ handed to me by ghost cowboy things
I will answer what I can- I'm not a huge expert myself, yet.
On the multiple-baddie stomp: It is sort-of working as intended. I think. You're supposed to be, with lots of blocking and pulling and hit and run and a good set of powers and whatever else, able to take 4 henchmen, or 1 master villain, of about your level. At one point they were talking about "swarming" code where the more people were on one side, the better they all worked (so 20 heros swarming Grond, or 20 villains swarming a hero.) I don't know if it is in there or not, but it FEELS like it works that way.
On "seeing two sets of items"- when you hover over something, you get to see the item itself, and next to it you get to see what you currently have in the slot it would take. I think that's what you are seeing.
You can slot anything (arms/science/mysticism) but you can only build/destroy your own type of thing.
As far as "which ones are worth keeping"- you should be able to get around +12 or +14 in your primary slot, in ITS primary stat (so offense, the bottom slot should hold things that give for instance +12 Str, +3 Presence or whatever) and secondaries give, I dunno, +3 or +4 total around that level?
Higher level things definitely give higher Defense, and usually give better stats.
WHICH stats you want is something I'm still not solid on. A lot depends on your defensive passive (you have 2 rows of powers, and one little tab sticking up where your "passive" power goes. Something like Invulnerability or Regeneration. These are always on, and different powers strengthen different passives. There are also offensive passives which go in the same slot, but I haven't played with them at all.)
thanks!!! that does help.. will go through my items/reslot.. I noticed during that damn ghost town stage, I'm getting worked by same level goons 3 or 4, and I should be able to defeat them.
I will answer what I can- I'm not a huge expert myself, yet.
On the multiple-baddie stomp: It is sort-of working as intended. I think. You're supposed to be, with lots of blocking and pulling and hit and run and a good set of powers and whatever else, able to take 4 henchmen, or 1 master villain, of about your level. At one point they were talking about "swarming" code where the more people were on one side, the better they all worked (so 20 heros swarming Grond, or 20 villains swarming a hero.) I don't know if it is in there or not, but it FEELS like it works that way.
On "seeing two sets of items"- when you hover over something, you get to see the item itself, and next to it you get to see what you currently have in the slot it would take. I think that's what you are seeing.
You can slot anything (arms/science/mysticism) but you can only build/destroy your own type of thing.
As far as "which ones are worth keeping"- you should be able to get around +12 or +14 in your primary slot, in ITS primary stat (so offense, the bottom slot should hold things that give for instance +12 Str, +3 Presence or whatever) and secondaries give, I dunno, +3 or +4 total around that level?
Higher level things definitely give higher Defense, and usually give better stats.
WHICH stats you want is something I'm still not solid on. A lot depends on your defensive passive (you have 2 rows of powers, and one little tab sticking up where your "passive" power goes. Something like Invulnerability or Regeneration. These are always on, and different powers strengthen different passives. There are also offensive passives which go in the same slot, but I haven't played with them at all.)
Fulmens? Aren't you on City of Heroes board? I just bought the game yesterday. lol
I know from the NPCs and forum chat that some items are consumable (like inspirations I guess) to give a short boost while some are equipable. However, I have no idea for time being how to distinguish between one kind or the other, how to use a consumable or "equip" the others. Both the CoH and WoW systems made more sense to me but I'm hopeful that in time this will too!
It seems that one can also make bags to expand the inventory space but I am not sure if there is/will be a vault/bank system to keep extra things.
My approach so far has been "click at various buttons until it does something" lol but I would welcome any positive input.
There is in fact a bank system.
The button mashing can be mitigated somewhat with your options choices. The bottom option controlls how your power build-up works. I set it to toggle-always on (or maintain, whatever) and turn on target your current attacker.
I use the tab key to target and my power builder will automatically start firing if I'm in range. If not, I'll use a long range attack and then the cone attack to finish them off as they run toward me. I'll throw in a life-drain as needed.
Also, as stated elsewhere, if I don't really like any of the quest rewards, I pick the one that matches my crafting skill and use it for parts and skill-up.
1. there's a 'bank' in which you can store your inventory of items
2. stuff to craft (and this must be because I suck right now so I haven't crafted anything good), most are
things you can use in battle like life/health regeneration; buff etc?
Is there a way to tell which ones are worth keeping and not worth keeping? Also, is the bank/ren center is in MCity?
I'm currently in the radiated desert level getting my a$$ handed to me by ghost cowboy things
thanks all, appreciate the assistance.
On the multiple-baddie stomp: It is sort-of working as intended. I think. You're supposed to be, with lots of blocking and pulling and hit and run and a good set of powers and whatever else, able to take 4 henchmen, or 1 master villain, of about your level. At one point they were talking about "swarming" code where the more people were on one side, the better they all worked (so 20 heros swarming Grond, or 20 villains swarming a hero.) I don't know if it is in there or not, but it FEELS like it works that way.
On "seeing two sets of items"- when you hover over something, you get to see the item itself, and next to it you get to see what you currently have in the slot it would take. I think that's what you are seeing.
You can slot anything (arms/science/mysticism) but you can only build/destroy your own type of thing.
As far as "which ones are worth keeping"- you should be able to get around +12 or +14 in your primary slot, in ITS primary stat (so offense, the bottom slot should hold things that give for instance +12 Str, +3 Presence or whatever) and secondaries give, I dunno, +3 or +4 total around that level?
Higher level things definitely give higher Defense, and usually give better stats.
WHICH stats you want is something I'm still not solid on. A lot depends on your defensive passive (you have 2 rows of powers, and one little tab sticking up where your "passive" power goes. Something like Invulnerability or Regeneration. These are always on, and different powers strengthen different passives. There are also offensive passives which go in the same slot, but I haven't played with them at all.)
thanks again!
Fulmens? Aren't you on City of Heroes board? I just bought the game yesterday. lol